Attackers have 44% WR on Starwatch

Its a liability i get so much free ult of it is not even funny

To expect things to be at 50% whenever matchmaking is matchmaking and maps and gamemodes are asymmetrical is being rather hopeful

Been seeing a lot of attackers lose just for going to the wrong point. Especially if point D is the small room to the left instead of the big main room that it normally is on that map.


Win rate in events like this are always hard to really lock down. Itā€™s fairly short lived and poorly explained. Nothing in game tells you much about the gravity generators, turrets etc. The locations of the capture points are just odd.

But the biggest thing is the revive system. I canā€™t count the number of times I was on a team that didnā€™t seem to have any idea how to pick up an ally, or that you can respawn on your own if no ally is nearby.

Edit: basic point is itā€™s hard to talk about balance when the game mode is barely explained and most people have no idea how to play it.


I think the event is fine. While it is not the best, it is still enjoyable.

I like to play attack, and I donā€™t minding the lost, as long as my teammates know how to use cover and not feed.

So, ā€œgameplay sabotage.ā€ Cool, reported.


Dude attacking teams must be terrible then because Ive plaeyd so much of the mode and Attack almost always wins. The first 2 points are guaranteed captures and then you have forever to cap the last 2.

Like regardless of which side I play as the Attacking team almost always pulls out the win even if it takes the entire time bank

Iā€™m surprised itā€™s that low, as Iā€™ve seen attackers win almost every time. The times I saw attackers losing was when they were wasting all their time stagger reviving eachother instead of just respawning.

I wonder if there is a disparity in win-rates across skill levels, and if there is some crossover point where attackers start winning more than the defenders.

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This is exactly why the Watchers must win so we can seize victory out of pure spite!

The Banhammerā€¦ the strongest weapon at the Infiniteā€™s disposal.

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Its hilarious how they still have a higher winrate than whatever Lifeweaver is doing.


Sadly wont work spite cant fix dive tank with poke dps

Just looking at the teams, itā€™s pretty obvious which one has the higher chance of winning.


Ya you have hard meta vs what bronze think is a meta comp so make sense the devs think they would work well together

I am curious about a different statistic: how many players will still play this event after players completed their easy challenges?

If 44% will continue playing, then this is a highly successful and balanced PvP event.

I completed my challenges, I hated the balance of this event, and I am out - donā€™t want to see this event ever again. Itā€™s sad though, because I really loved the sci-fi theme of such event (the only thing I liked about it).

That 44% is Diamond and above guaranteed because Iā€™m Gold at most and there hasnā€™t been a single Watchers win since Iā€™ve played it. No talking mixed with bad dive comp and a stupid AI makes it near impossible to win as them.

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I think Watchers have won in every game I played. I wonder if its a skill thing where lower elo players are just incapable of destroying turrets/ pushing forward.

Its a new event and not everyone is playing it like a competitive game

The one game I played where the attackers won my team had a DC, and I played Brig instead of Mercy since sheā€™s my main but Mercy is by far the better choice. Brig canā€™t spare healing on turrets. This was my first game of the event.

I think it is def the bad ai and a team comp that doesnā€™t work. Ball/Winston with Lucio is a bad time. Lucio ends up getting swapped 100% of the time because Bap can keep up with healing and damage requirements. Lmao

Also, torb and Ashe are not good picks into turrets.

And none of them are good into a half decent bastion with a Mercy pocket and Sig wall.

How though? The team comp sucks and doesnā€™t enable each role at all.

Itā€™s not really the turrets most of the time. Itā€™s more likely the use of and/or Brig and not farming Doomfist.

The second and third point are extremely lopsided for one side as well. Also more people need to use the grav traps