At this point i’m begging for Sigma buffs

His matchup against Rein/Zarya is pathetic.
In no way should a TANK be that weak against other comps.
Tanks should be hard to move and hard to kill, it’s so sad that Sigma can’t even hold the space he claims when Rein and Zarya just deny his whole kit.


Both him and Orisa were butchered. I want to see Orisa being a bunker tank again, it was her identity. But the double shield problem exists still, and with echo coming sig Orisa will be worse.


i agree, having a tank be weak to beam characters without a way to get themselves out or defend themselves is just poor character design.
Everyone is worried about double shield and I get that, if it comes down to it, blizzard just needs to restrict each team to one shield tank, becuase they obviously have no idea how to balance them


Some of greyfalcons ideas were good

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i’ve seen those!! they are phenomenal!

Sigma needs his one-shot combo back. It took a lot of skill to land consistently. I know, CC sucks, but that’s part of what made Sigma so strong, a good one could get consistent picks. Now if someone gets hit by the combo, they just shake it off and give their healers ult charge.


he doesn’t need an enormous one, just a little bit of something to push him into relevance

his oneshot combo back would be nice, or some sort of buff to his barrier
i’d take even his base HP going up to make him less weak against Doom and beam heroes


not to mention if the person got an ounce of healing the one shot didn’t even work bc it did exactly 200 hp
idk WHY that nerfed at all


Same with orisa. The way blizzard has balanced both of them has been pathetic.



So far these two ideas seem to be best.

Either by buffing barriers, but nerfing Orisa/Sigma sustain at close range. Because melting 2 barriers at medium range isn’t gonna work.
✅ Buff Barriers, counter at close range

Or buff barriers, but put in a rule that changes gameplay balance midgame so Double Barrier isn’t a problem.
✅ BarrierTank variety would be good

They just need to revert some of the damage buffs on Sigma and Orisa and the fortify cooldown nerf on Orisa.

No one like shooting into shields all day so leave their shields right where they’re at. But the duo whether alone or together should be putting out enough damage that they discourage deathball comps from just straight running them over.

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both of them deserve better balancing.
i just played two games, one against orisa and Rein
the orisa game was fun bc we both were able to fight for space and try our best to push each other back
the second game Rein/Zarya rushed me with a lucio and i got rolled
perfect balancing :ok_hand:t2:

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My ideas.

  • Recall barrier set to .5 seconds

  • Enable kinetic grasp to be usuable after his ult is cast (or locked in)

  • Reduce the time the enemy team dangles in the air. So there’s less time you can get stunned and countered. *possibly removing his Sig9 potential

  • Enable gravitic flux to lock Lucio when he casts sound barrier.

  • Revert the accretion nerf.

  • Tweak the shield down to 800 but remove the cool down. Could adjust the width if need be.

  • Have him gain shields as he absorbs damage and not straight after.

  • Enable grasp to be cancellable with his primary fire.

Not advocating for all of these at once, but a few overlapping would be good.


this part has ALWAYS confused me…bc every OTHER ult, if lúcio isn’t on the ground, beat doesn’t go off…but in flux…he can beat the air???


Ikr, my guess is they didn’t feel there was enough counterplay. Even though Rally, Lamp and Transcendence does the job (heck even a simple bio nade) and it had a steep cost already built into it :man_shrugging:

How about all of the above?

  • Shield health pool increased from 100 to 150 (Total health of 450)
  • Experimental Barrier regeneration rate increased from 120 to 200 per second, barrier health increased from 900 to 1200, and redeployment cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds
  • Kinetic Grasp maximum shields increased from 400 to 450 (so he can still potentially double his health; just for consistency)
  • Press Shift again during Kinetic Grasp to end it immediately and gain all the shields you’ve gathered (just like they did for Reaper’s Wraith)
  • Accretion explosion damage increased from 40 to 60, bringing total damage up to 90

I’d give him all of this, but with one condition. Put in 1-3-2, and end double shield for good.

They neutered his lethality and bringing his skill shot combo back would really help him. Right now you can W into him for free without thinking. Either grasp needs to work on beams or it needs a shorter cooldown.


Blizzard have no sympathy for heroes that were meta. Sigma and Mercy are in the same position, and they’ve made no buff to Mercy in over a year.

Sigma will likely be in a terrible spot for a long time. It’s better to accept it now or you’ll just frustrate yourself.

Man I love Sigma, but I can’t play him for the life of me.

I try him out for 1 min and I get wrecked and I just go switch like the little b*tch I am

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They mainly need to fix the issue that he can simply get rushed and killed

He cant stand his ground at all, all the tanks can pretty much just push him

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