Asmongold has a point I think is relevant even to Overwatch

That’s why Angela, Sym, and Torb got Mercy-ed (shove the ultimate onto cool-down, and screw up the hero by doing so). The things that helped those heroes slow the pace of the game down (mass-rez, shield generator, and armor packs) were apparently not flashy enough for OWL, so they had to go.

And that was a big mistake. I look at football (American variety for anyone not from North America reading this). If the QBs are known for running plays, those 4 quarters take about 20 minutes real time to use up the 15 minutes game time. That whole game will be over in an hour and a half. If the QBs are passers, that game that started at 4 could be just about wrapping up around 7.

But the NFL doesn’t change the rules so that running QBs are the only way the game can be played. But the devs did that with this game for OWL. They got rid of hero abilities and ultimates that led to a slower more deliberate play-style in order to force a fast-pace onto the game to make it “exciting” for the viewers at home.

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Thank you!

And yes, thank you for the football analogy! I think that is a fantastic way of putting it that really highlights and puts Overwatch as an esport in comparison with Football as an established sport with a clearly significant viewership.

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Today in “Amazing ways to pick any sentence or argument and bring it back to Mercy”, the classic “This streamer said” and out of context manouvers to claim something that is not happening IS happening.

No seriously, its not the same case. Not at all.
Some people really need to move on and accept that screaming and spamming the forums is not going to make what they say actually true.

No, she is not in a bad spot and no, no one is being ignored.
Its a classic case of “if you say something, we dont like you. If you dont, its worse”.

Actually there is. Tracer, help me out here.

“The world could always use more heroes.”

Thanks, Lena, tell Emily I said “hi”.

Translation - give us 2 heroes. Mercy 1.0 before the rework but with a few tweaks (and listen to the feedback as to what those tweaks are, Jeffrey), and keep the thing we’ve got now.

Do the same with Sym and Torb while they’re at it. Boom! We’ll now have over 30 heroes and on the way to more.

This is conflating two separate issues.
A) The support changes which were extremely on point.
B) The fact that the Mercy rework was (and still is) not well received by the Mercy players.

I for example really liked the Lucio reworks. The smaller aura, the higher healing output in said aura, infinite wall riding, easier wall riding, etc. I stilldon’t like the fact that he is the only healer who can’t heal when hacked, but that is overall a minor issue. They even took into account the playbase discussions around the wall riding changes. I could list many things more, but Lucio dropped from being Mr S tier and is overall more enjoyable to play. Overall I feel Lucio’s changes over the years were a huge success.

I just can’t say the same things about other heroes. Mercy included.

Stop trying to make Mercy back into her OP state and 100% pick rate in OWL.

Healers are actually in a good spot now and its healthy for the game.

I do not appreciate having my desire of wanting Mercy to be in a good spot and fun me wanting her to be “OP” or a 100% pick rate in OWL.

In fact, statistics show that if anyone is at risk of being 100% pickrate right now, It’s Ana.


In terms of Mercy being OP, she is mathematically underperforming compared to other supports. Asking for a rework or revert or some sort of major change is fr from unfair.


All percentages is showing HOW MUCH THE HERO TO THE LEFT (row) DOES COMPARED TO MERCY. Areas that the opposing hero does MORE than Mercy will be marked by a (+) and areas the opposing hero does LESS than Mercy will be marked by a (-).



Moira ---------------(+) 1395%----(+) 1406%---------------(+) 1455%-------(+) 5.5%

Zenyatta -----------(+) 1027%----(+) 871%-----------------(+) 2108%-------(-) 53%

Bridgette^1 -------(+) 1072%----(+) 931%-----------------(+) 1379%-------(-) 45%

Lucio^2 -------------(+) 940%------(+) 949%-----------------(+) 1438%-------(-) 19%

Ana -----------------(+) 717%------(+) 608%-----------------(+) 954%---------(-) 16.5%

^1 [If you look into the Bridgette vs. Mercy analysis below, you actually can see mathematical backing for the concept that Bridgette contributes more to “team sustain” than Mercy through her armor generation and healing.]

^2 [Lucio may offer “only” 19% less healing than Mercy. But this isn’t taking into account his shield barrier in any capacity. I couldn’t find average damage shielded by Lucio so I left this out because I wanted to keep this as mathematically relevant as possible. I’m quite sure it’s non-trivial.]

Note: Table does NOT account for armor, shield, healing increase or other utility

I’ll cite my own thread where I did the math.

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Too bad that is all the devs do is listen, that is what made WoW so homogenized and boring, people complained about every class being OP and what not, same thing is happening in Overwatch…they listen TOO much and play the nerf/buff card so much your head spins.