Ashe was nerfed and it was undocumented, why?

Ashe can no longer gain ultimate charge while bob is in play.

some of you may think this change is marginal but its really not, why is an already under preforming hero getting nerfed?

  • Ashe is the least picked hero in the overwatch league and has a 1% pickrate in grandmaster

  • Bob is immobile and easy to shoot at, sleep, break LOS, if you die to bob its your fault

  • Torb can still gain ultimate charge while his lava is out, so why cant Ashe?

  • This is most likely not a bug because there was no reason for the devs to touch Ashe with this update

  • This change wasnt even put in the patch notes, Ashe received no changes according to the patch notes but shes nerfed, this is worse then “fixed a bug where reaper could teleport to unintended areas” like what does that even mean

Ashe should be able to charge bob while he is in play considering that she is performing very poorly, if she cant charge him while he is out he should charge faster or bob needs some kind of other buff

TL;DR: Ashe cant gain ult charge while bob is in play anymore and should be able too


I think they alredy state it is a bug.

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they did? i didnt see?

It’s a bug.

It was in other topic before.


I find it endlessly hilarious that they put so much effort into arguing why this nerf is unjustified just to find the response

“It’s a bug though”

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ashe is a terrible charhcterm she hrurts herseof with her one bombns.

how the hell did you get your name

through the power of stupidity and too much free time?

Inb4 it has been bugged this whole time and they just now fixed it.