Ashe just got a cold hard nerf, and it's not in the patchnote

She was arguably already in the dumpster in pro, and she’s hanging on in high rank by a thread.

Pro’s in a locked meta, so if you’re not one of the chosen 6 you’re dumpster bait.

Ashe isn’t special there, unfortunately.


Ah, the ol’ “it was a bug” patch feature.

Remember when they did this with Hog by giving him falloff on his right click?

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Anyways, Ashe didn’t need to be worse. Even though I apparently don’t get to play DPS myself, I need them not to be useless when they’re on my team.

Or Moria shouldn’t heal thru shields?
Blizzard is clever. Callin’ it bug fixes, but it’s really changes. sneaky devils.


wait, we got a balance patch?

“nerf” it was a bug fix

Mercy 2.0 was out for almost a year when the bug fix to stop her from damage boosting hanzo was put in game. They have no shame about that


I swear that was a confirmed bug. One of the owtubers called it just that back when Moira was new.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that it getting patched when it did wasn’t calculated.

I hope they keep it this way.

It was ridiculous that she gains ult charge while Bob is out. Torbjorn should get the same treatment.

No ult charge while your ult is active.


Which is kinda sad, because Bob is one of her biggest selling points.
Other than for Bob and Dynamite, she’s a worse Widow :frowning:

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If it was a bug fix it should have been in the notes with the other ones. But what makes you think it was a bug in the first place, many heroes can get ult charge with their ult out. Torb, hammond, hanzo for example, are they all bugged, some for 3 years?

Ashe definitely deserved a nerf, due to the same reasons everyone else on the forums complain about nerfs for other heroes. One time she killed me. Definitely needs nerf.

An unwarranted nerf to a poorly performing hero? Not my game???

Dumb nerf, hope it was unintentional because they failed to mention it in the patch notes.

Bob already struggles to be an effective ultimate at higher ranks and Ashe already lacks any presence in OWL.

Same. I honestly leaned more towards her being slightly overtuned, and only undervalued because of Widow though. I thought this was the reason why.

arguable. she has huge flaws like her reload time, and huge strengths like how fast she builds ult. It can be perfectly necessary to nerf one aspect of her in order to bring another up later on.

but this, this is unforgivable. And certainly not the first time. Rein’s animation cancel’s come to mind.

That’s pretty much where I’m at. Not really overtuned as much as she is too forgiving. You can miss your shots and still be effective due to Bob and dynamite.

As long as Widow is the way that she is, she’s going to always overshadow Ashe.

Ashe isn’t performing well in OWL and at high ranks because Widow guarantees a kill for the same effort

Yeah there’s nothing to say it was intentional or not

So can Wrecking Ball and I think Hanzo.

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it wasnt, bob can contest and is pretty valuable if used correctly. It’s correct that they removed ult charge while ult is up.

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