Ashe hip fire is still op

just a reminder that a long range hero has more damage than mccree up close.


Ashe was designed to be a better MCREE… but then they buffed the hell out of mccree because Ashe was better than him… while nerfing Ashe… but Ashe still remained better than him, so they buffed him even more and nerfed her even more… and now we have this mess over here both of them fighting to see who is the best. And now both of them were nerfed. What a mess


That can apply to a ton of heroes, I.E. widow

Now another reminder that McCree has better crowd control than Mei who was supposed to be best 1v1 fighter / cc specialist

Mei has a cc on her primary, Cree has a cc every 10 seconds(albiet a better one.)

Mei might as well not be on the roster she is so bad rn.


She’s garbage but I’m just correcting what the person above me.

Who ever said she was supposed to be best at 1v1?

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I don’t mind her cc being weak (although she works twice as much for half the effort for this compared to mcree). It’s just that she never actually received compensation buffs to her damage to make up for it… and some changes to cryo which makes it less of a detriment to her team

Honestly they should have nerfed her hip fire instead of her one shot potential. Her hip fire makes her far to good at close range for a hero that is supposed to do well at long range.

The OW Wiki general strategy, not best but just “great who excels in 1v1s”. It describes best uses of every hero and is a reliable source of information. Currently mccree outclasses her in damage, cc, shield break, mobility which is super frustrating having 1 hero do someone’s else job much better. Just my opinion

So basically, this is exactly what the OW Lore describes.


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Why are you using the wiki as a source for gameplay?

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now that i think about it i probably should use hipfire more. i only use it on targets with low health to secure a kill or if i get knockedbacked to someone like doom. i think my problem with ashe is im always aim down sights looking for the headshot

Why not? It’s just the description which became inaccurate over the changes
Because in the past it was truly updated to the current gameplay


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Mei has to hold crossrafe on target ~ 2 sec to get someone frozen while its lowering her ammo , victim also can easialy avoid it with escape ability or using barrier

While McCree has instant AOE stun that can avoid barriers if it used with right angle , and he also has ability to quickly lower distance between him and target

Bruh idk, I’m just trying to say that mei and cree aren’t analogous to each other :skull:

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You writed it like McCree’s stun is trash compared to Mei, while it clearly isnt

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If you ever need to break a barrier, hip fire has higher dps than scoped.