Ashe hip fire is still op

or to destroy any tank with 250-300hp in your face. just think about it, you are better than cree close range against dive tanks(!).

20 - 40 damage
20 - 40 m falloff range
4 shots per second

if damage is ok, why she needs 20-40m falloff range?!?!

Oh trust me, i’ve experienced that many times.

Its only one part out of many perks she got, which makes her a broken hero as a hitscan. Need a few more nerfs till she is in a decent acceptable spot with a reasonable powerlevel. Currently even a smaller input of skill and knowledge rewards playing Ashe. Hit few shots inbetween and u cant do much wrong. Have a Mercy which pockets u? gg!

Na bro, I switched from ashe to mcree after the mcree buff for good reason. she deserves that higher damage she has to load her bullets one at a time. mcree can pump out so much more damage in the long run.

Who cares if she does more damage up close? Mcree has flashbang.

That’s a lie and we all know it. She does 45 damage per hit and the fall off drops fast for it. No ashe main will tell you to hip fire close range they will tell you to reposition using your coach gun or if you are really stuck use it. That’s because there is not value in using it over her scoped shots.
Plus add to it. McCree is ridiculous rn. He has a faster reload better health and stun and has fth which will do lore damage than dynamite close range if all shots land.
McCree rn is the king of dps.

also a wiki that doesnt call her the best, nor have a source for it, I can buy Mei being a great duelist in freeze range but not best

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Good she’s terribly designed