As a Sym Specialist. her turrets should do no damage

Be interesting to see how much more room for shifting power in her kit would become available. Very interesting idea. :slight_smile:


Well, that’s a huge no from me, as even more CC like such balance changes would suggest is the absolute last thing Overwatch needs right now…

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Everything about symmetra is slow.

  • Slow TP :white_check_mark:
  • Slow turrets :white_check_mark:
  • Slow cooldowns :white_check_mark:
  • Slow movement :white_check_mark:
  • Slow gun :white_check_mark:

They need to fix that maybe reduce cooldowns and speed up TP setup. Increasing the orbs speed would make them less unreliable and help her in close range encounters.


Sym CC isn’t even that bad. you can still shoot. I would have to use 3 turrets to completely immobilize you, and you can always turn around and shoot at it.

Sym cc has counterplay. Something that makes her balanced.

Symmetra isnt even oppresive in the low ranks though

thats something thats assumed, but really shes still among the lowest played


I believe they fixed the tick rate from like 20 to 5(ish) in December 2018? And then a buff for accuracy in July.

I think they increased the window from 0.15s? So I believe the low first tick is still there, but it’s less likely to trigger in the middle of beaming someone down.

If someone else has more info, I’d love to know!

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This is very true. The myth that Sym is shiny Reaper in the sense that she is a low tier stapple… is just that, a myth. Low tier stapples have ALWAYS been her hardest counters. Even when she had lock-on she was a very punishing hero to misstep with.

Sym has always scaled very well with game skill and experienced decision making. She was (/is? debatable) one of the most complex heroes released.


tbh idc if they make her turret damage 1000 or 1

just give her 6 and all 1 shot

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Maybe this may work, maybe this may not work… Either way, I’m not fond of the idea and the concept itself personally… :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

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Then it is a good thing we have an experimental card to test these things. It might not work I can agree with that.

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If you want to remove completely the turret damage, you need to ramp up their utility. By a lot.

I would suggest giving wallhack vision of any target being hit by any turret, and/or locking down mobility skills (like graviton surge do currently) if target is being hit by 3+ turrets at the same time.


Locking moblity skills would be too powerful imo.

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Ever since they remove Defensive hero categories, the turrets should of been removed from the game.

I don’t like this change. it needs to be pushed further. Just remove her sentries, period. THis also limited her Support design when players requested for her to be reworked with healing in her kit.

Sym needs a full char rework. Not giving her a weaker version of zyra’s beam with half of her support kit – but in a worse state.

— overall, remove the sentries period. – replace it, actually put effort on a new creative design.

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It should have more damage. That or better utility and increase her weapon.

That or have them interact when she uses her weapon. Like shooting orbs when she shoots her orbs and maybe a piercing laser when she uses her Lazer.

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I think this would be a good step towards making Sym not be a trash character anymore.

Wallhack vision would be cool. Removing mobility is a no, I don’t know why people are so obsessed with removing mobility. Yes mobility is strong in this game but what’s even stronger is the playerbase’s dislike of CC. A slow is already enough, don’t make Sym became a worse Mei because all that will do is polarize people against her.


I like this suggestion. I’d also like a QOL buff so that teammates can see them through walls.


I’d rather Turrets be removed completely or:

  • turned into proximity mines that do immediate 30 damage and slow enemies for x seconds making aiming them at enemies worthwhile.
  • Make them more durable (50 or more HP), target all enemies in their range
  • Allow Symmetra the ability to Teleport to her Turrets to extend her mobility
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I’d rather they just remove them and give her a shield gen or old photon barrier. Maybe even a new ability or just buff other parts of her kit. But turrets are only viable probably below plat and they are only used by skill elitists to justify keeping her in f-tier.

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OP I love everything you just said.


A week ago you told Sym mains to stop moaning. Hungry hungry hypocrites, anyone?