As a Sym Specialist. her turrets should do no damage

Her turret damage is taking up too much of her power, here is my suggestion:

Reduce turret damage to 0.
Give Symmetra 6 turrets.
Since turrets no longer need to be balanced around damage, make them deploy in 0.1secs instead of 0.5secs. Increase their projectile speed.

This change makes her less oppressive for lower ranks, and makes her more powerful at higher ranks.

I would also like to add that Her turrets doing no damage makes sense lorewise. In her comic, Symmetra only kills if she has to, and her turrets were non-lethal in her comic.

Thoughts? I would love more traps to play with.


So they still slow I assume?

I’m down.


Yes. If she is still too weak, then get rid of that odd left click mechanic where she does less dps on a new target (gimmicky and dumb).


Lower the cooldown tho

6 turrets are still useless if I can only have all 6 after 60 seconds


Refreshing to see a Sym player admit her monstrous theoretical peak value is holding back her typical value from being viable.


That actually sounds really intriguing. I always thought the slowdown effect was where the real strength was anyways.


Yea the cooldown should be lowered a bit if this change goes through


As a console player with 30DPS turrets, at this point, why not. They’re not doing anything anyways.

Are you talking about the first tick doing minuscule damage? That was to fix an exploit where clicking primary gave her something dumb like 1000DPS on PTR.


I don’t know if this is necessarily the solution but I’ve always stated that hero’s with turrets are held back by their turrets, torb and sym.


Oh. I guess it would have to stay in then.

It would be nice to put the skill reward into the hero, instead of having to shave pieces off her due to the nature of the turret.

I’d personally say keep the turrets the same hp and CD with 3, and have just the slowing effect like you said.

While giving her kit a skill based ceiling.

I wouldn’t mind seeing her beam reworked to have a further reach on level 1, shorter level 2 and current range at level 3


Make her turrets do no damage, give her 6, a faster deployment speed, keep their slow, and make targets affected by them take significantly more damage from her beam after 1.5 seconds to allow her to play very defensively.


I dont mind your changes. We are on the same page. Sym needs to have her power moved around. I don’t really care how. Sym is being held back by her turrets.

The issue with arent her her turrets. Even now they are full of counterplay.

The issue is TP allowing sentrybombs to happen. In fact all Sym issues can be traced to team/construct TP being potentially broken at the loss of the rest of her kit.

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I wouldn’t mind seeing torb done in the same fashion.
Although I’ve always thought the purpose of torb turret should be anti flanker.
It’s a non stun counter to tracer, doom etc.
Less overall range but higher base HP is something that could be workable…throw your turret on your healer to give them a safety net that can’t be ignored, while it also doesn’t hit the skybox.
But I don’t know I’m no torb main so

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Yeah, here’s a clip from PTR when the exploit was tied to a macro (in case you’re curious).


Remove construct TP and the ability to perform sentrybombs and you get that sentries are a balanced ability with clear strengths and weaknesses, even with launchable deploy.

The argument that ‘‘sentries are holding back Sym!!!’’ is untrue at this point. They were nerfed massively with no compensation at all, all the while TP remained the same.

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Yes finally someone who agrees the turrets are holding her back!!! I wouldn’t mind if they were replaced entirely considering how lackluster they are.


They would need to fix the wonky interactions with slowdown and abilities. Abilities that give a speed boost, such as Rein’s charge or Doom’s punch, only have the extra speed reduced by a fixed value instead of reducing it by a percentage. Honestly, just fixing that would do wonders for her.

Didn’t they fix that months ago when they changed up beam weapons in general? It was why they had to nerf Zarya and Symm’s damage since they were more consistently dealing their max potential.


Be interesting to see how much more room for shifting power in her kit would become available. Very interesting idea. :slight_smile: