As a support main I don't want 6v6


Not to mention damage based/aggressive playstyle support heroes were often the most played and meta heroes for the longest time.

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“Supports were healbots in 6v6! I don’t wanna go back to baby sitting the tanks all game!”

Zenyatta: am I a joke to you?

Plus, post-S9, with ana losing her 3 tap potential (which she had in OW1 and pre-S9 of OW2), kiriko losing her 2 tap potential (tbh I think that was busted), not to mention illari losing some fire power, support in general became less offensively effective in OW2 than they were in OW1.


Fortnite bro gettin shredded by Vets !

That’s also important. Sure, you pump out higher DPS numbers, but you’re less able to actually secure kills. I very rarely get solo kills as Ana now compared to before. It’s not even about aim, it’s about time. Think about how long a Mercy has to be in your LOS for you to hit 4 consecutive shots on her :smile: it’s an eternity in Overwatch terms.

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Oh no. Instead of holding 1 button the whole game to heal one tank, I will have to make choices? What the heck is that?


They’ll have (or should) as much health as they did in OW1, so overall the same healing required with 1 tank, just spread across 2.

the people playing the role that is busted in 5v5 like 5v5. Shocking


I miss the team coordination of 6v6. At this point, if I could just play it in the arcade once a season, I’d be happy.

Not going to lie, I do enjoy 5v5 a lot more once they buffed tank. Now that I have felt this power, I do not want to give it up. I am a corrupt politician of honor and justice.

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Healing botting is not a thing that decent players do. I only see heal botting in Plat and below.

Doomfist, junkerqueen, mauga, ram…hog…even orisa can be played like dps more than tanks.

In ow1 a tank was either a shield bot or a dive tank.
Only road was different.

Alternate solution, overtune tanks
You resolve the dps and support queue time

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I wouldn’t be too worried… The cost of implementing 6vs6 it’s probably as high as money they make selling skins.

They’ll probably run a few tests, say “ups, this format has many problems!” and forget it.

The moment the community shut up, they’ll continue with 5vs5.

The funny thing is, healbotting didn’t help you climb much at all in 6v6. Dealing damage and making your own plays did way more.

Yeah none of this helped either. When you already have more off tank mains than main tank mains to start with and then make main tanking frustrating while also encouraging DPS to play tank (Hog & Zarya mostly) then you just make everything worse.

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6v6 could also mean 1 Tank, 2 Supports and 3 DPS, and not just 2-2-2, so we have to see what will be or not :man_shrugging:

Why would you raise zens healing?

No, remove the restraints on discord then. His healing has never needed to change.

Idk whats the best way to enjoy the game. I do know 6v6 would instantly fix the tank issue however it would create old problems like double barriers and heal botting. All blizzard needs to do is heavily nerf barriers for 6v6, add more health packs and cover around the maps so healbotting is not the only way to play and create more heroes like zen and lucio where healing is more automatic while still being able to play the game.

Whether you agree with someone here or not you dont fn tell em to not share opinions in a space thats been created exactly for that :expressionless:

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If you’re complaining about supplying two tanks with heals. You were never a support to begin with.