As a support main I don't want 6v6

What’s your take on Tanks right now? Are they strong enough to be “less annoying” for tanks without being too oppressive for everyone else?

I feel like it’s easier to hit that mark in 5v5 with solo tanks being balanced individually compared to 6v6 where tanks have to be balanced entirely based on synergy (and then they’re awful outside of it, an issue 5v5 doesn’t have)

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Oh, no. I think they’re decently strong, but people are always going to be annoyed by tanks that can do their jobs. I should have mentioned before that I don’t even think its possible to get tanks to that perfect sweet spot with this community. You’ll always have people who unironically think “I’m the damage hero, so I should have killed that guy” and what not.

It is, but that’s because less moving parts should always be easier to handle. But that’s from a balance perspective. There’s also the players fun to factor in, and that’s when things get tricky. It could just be that players accept that tanks have to be raid bosses, and that’s the end of it.

If it sounds like I don’t really know what to do, its because I honestly don’t. You’ll never satisfy everyone, and so that’s why I think blizzard should focus on fulfilling their promises (make that PVE, you cowards!) and just get used to a loud portion of the community will just whine about it.

So would you say that in 5v5 we’re close to hitting the mark of “Tank feels good enough” and “everyone else isn’t miserable”? Or do you feel like we’re still lightyears away from that middle ground?

Because the key to everything, which I think most players lose the plot on, is making tanking better. That has always been the bottleneck. We can afford to buff the tank experience without worrying about DPS/Support players leaving the game en masse. We can’t afford to make the tank experience miserable or queue times go to the moon

I think people forget this. Even with mega Kaiju tanks like we have now, tank in 6v6 as a role was still stronger because of those synergies.

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It’s a big thing people fail to remember, you have tank mains raving on how they miss their tank duo or how they felt tank was better in 6v6 but overall it wasn’t that much better to play while being the strongest role in the game by far. I remember near the end of OW1’s lifespan main tank was sort of a job that people would begrudgingly fill and because of that you’d sometimes get tank duos such as or Hog/Ball.

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you: i dont want to babysit 2 tanks

me as a tank main: funny cause i have to babysit 2 supports all the time but i aint complaining…


I keep pointing this out to my 6v6 advocate tank friends but it falls on deaf ears. Most tank mains I know were off tank mains. It was by far the more popular of the sub roles. D.Va was and still is incredibly popular. And Rein has his fan club but it’s not as big. So we definitely ended up with those Hog/D.Va or even D.Va/Zarya comps that made no sense far too often. The comps people really really enjoyed with either Rein or Winston and D.Va or Zarya didn’t happen as often as anyone would have liked.


Priority passes shoving the tank role full of hogs and ball dps players while snipers were still peak is probably why it was so prevelent. That and 6 man cc making main tanks hate their lives unless they played orisa and went gold.

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Just imagine having 2 tanks to back each other up so they DON’T require us to hard pocket them constantly like we do now. I would rather have time to focus multiple jobs as a support than just have to hard focus on helping a singular tank win every single matchup.

What i can say is I hope I don’t have to rely on your supporting as a tank seeing as you seem to think helping team mates is a chore and something that is beneath you.

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You are kind of missing what really happens in a 6v6 situation. There is another damage dealer on the field. However, the defensive powers are not as equivalent to their damage prowess in necessarily all of the same ways. Not all tanks are equal to each other.

Blizzard released data in OW2 beta about tank dmg. The avg was around 6-10k with 8k dmg/10min being the base. With the damage they take all exceeding every tank >10k per 10min average. All the way up to 20k dmg on average. That’s not even including the damage they block.

Tanks are HUGE HUGE HUGE on the battlefield compared to smaller DPS/supports. They take nearly all the damage an entire character can output while dps/supports will evade most damage incoming.

Its not going to get better, it gets worse. The dev blog even stated as much if you don’t wanna believe me. They even said supports primarily heal focused and the entire reason for that is because tanks are so damn big they can’t evade damage.

If people thought a tank blew up in 5v5, they go nuclear in 6v6 with another damage dealer on the field.

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Most supports would probably disagree, statistically speaking. Because their hero feels worse to play now in 5v5.

Most supports: Mercy and ana mains

Now, whether ana and mercy feeling less impactful/fun to play in 5v5 compared to 6v6 is simply due to bad balancing and not a result of 5v5 is up for a debate. Kiriko main is probably on the rise though, and her popularity alone might steer the support’s format preference to 5v5 as well.

It depends upon the player. Newbie players will be more attracted to the support role for the lack of aim prowess and desire to focus on healing. DPS tend to focus on dmg hence why they pick DPS in the first place.

The best support mains were always more offensively inclined to help contribute damage to the fight. 5v5 makes that happen because 4 of 5 heroes are squishy. There is only 1 big tank on the field making it far easier to get shots in without some massive tank in the way or defensive ability up your butt.

No you don’t, you just don’t know how to think and adapt popular opinions as your own.

If 6v6 was nostalgia we wouldn’t have a discord server of 10k active players playing 6v6 on a custom workshop patch.

Thinking it’s “nostalgia” that I want to play with another tank and don’t want to be swapping 50 times a game in 5v5, is completely idiotic. There are drastic differences between the way 5v5 and 6v6 play, hense why you’re here complaining in the first place. It is completely logical to think some people like 6v6 better because they :scream: like the gameplay better.

To think it’s all nostalgia is low IQ af.


Yes , most are either blinded by nostalgia or just want to be contrarians because thats ‘cool’

Willing to bet that most 6v6ers will start crying for 5v5 immediately :ok_hand: just because they dont want to be happy , they just want to complain about what they dont have and thats most anonymous weirdos for ya , the meat and potatos of the internet :rofl:

dont que - who cares - tanks are going to que

that is where the puck drops

bro living in 2016

no one is baby sitting me on Mauga - more like i am baby sitting you from that genji solo ulting you.

talk more please


You’re not a real support player. Please keep your Overwatch opinion to your self next time. Thanks.


5v5 is still bad for the game, support players already play the most auto pilot heroes imaginable, and truthfully all of that needs to be reworked and removed.

bro think he is saving me when i am protecting him from the demons who want to unleash the rage on him with nano.

he cute

Yeah, pretty much this. Sure, in 6v6 you could healbot and have more impact than now, but that’s not really a 6v6 thing anyway, that’s just what they did in S9 with health pools, hitboxes and, the biggest one, the DPS passive. Did we all just forget that healbotting was incredibly effective in seasons 1 to 8 of 5v5?

And then of course there always was the choice to DPS. Did we also all just forget the whole drama with Awkward’s Ana videos where he told people to focus on DPS and everyone complained about how toxic that is? And guess what, the guy held his own in T500 with that playstyle (never mind him playing in Contenders), so obviously it was working.

Is this thread the opposite of rose-tinted glasses? Just because Aaron told you that supports were healbots in 6v6 doesn’t make it true.

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Nope, not at all. You are misrepresenting data and applying it in situations that are irrelevant.

You can’t take a 6v6 format and just plug in 5v5 tank values lol. No one is saying “just put the current tanks in 6v6”, that would be absurd.

I’m assuming you didn’t play the 6v6 format much? Tanks were comparatively a hell of a lot weaker than they are now and with most tanks having some form mitigation they tend to even out between incoming damage mitigation and damage output.

Balancing is required. If you think tanks should just be thrown into 6v6 with their current output then Im afraid you entirely missed the point of this entire discussion.

Because whatever they say must be true right? Like how they gaslit the community into thinking that queue time issues were solely caused by us as players rather than admitting they abandoned the game for 2 years?

That’s hilarious. It’s funny how we had dps like supports during OW1 and 6v6 and those ended up being the strongest and most problematic support heroes in the game (not unlike now).

“Damage” supports were almost always viable if not meta for most of OW1. The devs suggesting otherwise is laughable.

If only they had abilities that mitigated damage to offset this… If only the devs could make their hitboxes more accurate and less forgiving…Oh wait they did the opposite and made everyone’s hitboxes bigger!

No. Tanks blow up faster in 6v6 because their stats are not overly padded, however they blow up less because they have another tank to share damage mitigation and synergize with.

These 2 ideologies offset one another and if the devs do a proper job, good tank players will do well and bad ones won’t. Unlike the current situation where the games outcome is decided at the hero select screen.

Heck we had even more burst and CC with much lower hp tanks in OW1.

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