As a support main I don't want 6v6

I don’t want to have to baby sit two tanks and be a boring healbot as Kiriko, I like the agency that I have as support in 5v5 where I can go for plays more often and not have to worry about 2 tanks falling over in dying.

I prefer the faster pace, positioning actually matters, and having it so it feels like I have actual impact over the match. I’ve been playing since May 2016 and sometimes get nostalgic over Overwatch 1 but that doesn’t keep me from realizing how flawed 6v6 was.

But at the same time I feel like I have very little to worry about tho since the blog pretty much stated that 5v5 is still the main focus for the game.


would you be interested in a dedicated tank to pocket. I am looking for heals when 6v6 comes out.



Ngl support will be fine in 6v6, just remove the dps passive and up the healing for characters like zenyatta


Nah it’ll have the same issues it’s always had. I feel like too many people are simply blinded by nostalgia when it comes to 6v6 especially when it comes to tank which was a role that nobody wanted to play.


It has more interesting characters in the role, some tanks have been buffed to the point that dps players would be interested, like junker queen

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Wouldn’t double tanks be fine without a healbot? I don’t think two tanks would need a healer that badly unless they suck at playing the role.

I do not blame you. Babysitting me alone is already a handful. By the way, I am hungry. Time for mac and cheese, Mr. or Mrs. Seiba.


As a support main, I want 6v6 so my tank isn’t as peer pressured- and generally pressured.

If its two separate modes, we all win. Y’know, like role queue and open queue.


I also prefer the extra agency we get from 5v5

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My Sistah Spice hates playing the role because of the pressure. She rage quit today because after a game of tank where I was the only one helping her and a game of DPS where she had to play against two pocketed XIM she abandoned me.

:muscle: :cry:

Wouldn’t be because Dive or 5 second hack Sombra lurking behind you👀

I feel like there would need to be adjustments to Supports in 6v6, namely slightly more healing and slightly less damage. I also think that “save” abilities like Baptiste’s lamp or Kiriko’s Suzu would need cooldown nerfs so that team fights do not become infinite engagements, especially considering the potential of double shield again.

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You can deal damage as a support in 6v6 lol

Good supports always did this regardless of the format.


I actually feel exactly the same. When I play tank, I do get very frustrated by the counter picking and just in general having too many weaknesses. I’d actually trade some power for fewer counters. But as a support, I really prefer 5v5 because of the reasons you said. 6v6 was pretty boring as a support IMO.

If they bring back 6v6 and keep 5v5, I’ll definitely stick with 5v5 when I play support. I’ll have to test the waters again for tank.


That’s true. More healing will be needed with more tanks. Healing tanks feels terrible as it is. I stopped maining support when S9 changed the game. It’s just Ashe for me now.

If you have to baby sit any tanks in 6v6, then the devs made the tanks wrong. Again. I feel like a lot of the tank baby sitting in OW1 was because of all the debuffs and the overbuffing of damage heroes mixed with the nerfing of tank’s defenses to make the game faster paced. As long as they don’t do that again, you should be fine.

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I’m not sure how its possible to nerf tanks hard enough to where they aren’t super oppressive when combined properly while also keeping them strong enough to where they’re fun enough to play to support 6v6 role queue without awful queue times


I’m not too worried because I think the test will highlight the failures of 6v6 more then convincing Blizzard that it truly needs to return. Also Certain DPS heroes such as Genji and Reaper for example were pretty bad in 6v6 because the off tank could just shut them down before they did anything of value.

I think one of my biggest issues with 6v6 is that it was heavily tank centric and victory often relied on tank synergy, in 5v5 I feel like the DPS and Support teammates can make up for the tank diff and still win the match which is another thing I love about 5v5.


Good news, you don’t have to do that. You can continue to shove your head up one person’s rear and feed them heals while ignoring your dying teammates.

Neither am I, but I’m also not sure how its possible to buff tanks enough to make them less annoying for tanks to play in 5v5 while ALSO have them feel as though they aren’t too oppressive for the other non tank members of the team.

6v6 isn’t going to be some magic pill that fixes overwatch. I’m hoping it’d be like Open Queue where its like “Tanks are SO annoying in 5v5. I know, I’ll play 6v6!” as an alternative mode. Overwatch 2 should have launched with that anyway.

Oh, and to the people thinking “blizzard can’t possibly balance all of these modes!”, games devs used to be able to do so, so what happened? Why do we just accept the “they can’t do their jobs!” excuse?

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