As a Mercy main, I don't see much wrong with Mercy as she is

The really good news here is that there are many many players who consider her to be both balanced AND fun/engaging/rewarding/impactful, and as you pointed out, many other characters to choose from for those who dont feel this way

As much as any other hero is a “Q-bot”. Please don’t apply double standards to Mercy by deriding her for formerly being able to make plays with her ult, when the general design of ultimates is literally “press Q to make a huge play”.


Give up completely with the slowdown for Rez in Valkyrie and see how many people will agree.

I personally dont think it is necessarily a good idea to make significant changes to a hero based on one player’s requirement that she pocket or not play at all

Quick question on that claim of statistic: You’ve seen Blizzards data?

I’m tired of this statement simply on the grounds Blizzard wont show us anything and we’re stuck using inaccurate 3rd party sites. Honestly I think they should show these publicly if their going to use them to back up their opinions.

What are you on? All heroes can make plays outside of ultimates, have you never seen a montage video?

I was asking what the reason for your claim was, as you can definetly make plays outside of ulting. It seems like you are the one who says that’s she needs mass Rez to do anything.

Just because you main someone doesn’t mean you have any kind of authority on their balancing. I disagree with you; Mercy is not fine. All we have are our opinions, which matter not to the powers that be. It is futile to make these threads.

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Our experience differs

I find plenty to do when I am in Valkyrie, and high level Mercy players I have watched seem heavily engaged in activity during Valkyrie as well

I have never fallen asleep during Valkyrie

I started a long post about Mercy’s current state, her good and bad sides, and what she could potentially be if we want her to be a main healer.

I feel as though there was an attempt to quote, without answering a previous question asked some time ago, breaking the clause of a prior agreement… Oh well… I suppose it’s just a light breeze. :woman_shrugging:

Preach it!

I find that argument to be getting very old and stale, especially considering how much “Q to win” spam and “Most Ults win” is prevalent in this day and age, and how much it dominates the meta.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

a great deal of the game is concerned with cosmetics - commendations, skins, medals, all the graphics really - I mean, the game could be played with stick figures and flat plain white walls and floors with no character, but I dont think the game would be as enjoyable if that were the case, personally

On Fire is purely cosmetic- it doesnt affect gameplay at all; and if there is a desire to have Mercy be on-fire more, this requires an adjustment to the on-fire engine, not Mercy

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Another light breeze…

In honesty, I’d like to see some official data reports as well. It would clear up a lot of questions I feel. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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I have seen several Mercy mains now who have come to see that they were wrong for supporting the toxic and entitled Revert/Reworkmercy (same thing, different packaging) deals

Welcome to the side of Mercy, Pacifist, and no need to blush as you join us…

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Just wanted to note here that there is only person I see referring to such a hashtag, and not a person I would expect to promote such a concept

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I support the idea of tweaking the on-fire engine so that Mercy is on fire a bit more often

No need for any changes to Mercy for this to occur

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I’d be happy if some of the attention here went to my latest post, I spent quite a lot of time writing it.

When people are given many choices at the cost of power they are likely to complain. It doesn’t matter how much you can do if all of it is lackluster.

zens ult does one thing, but it does that one thing well, compared to mercy who can choose to do a few different thing but none of them will ever reach that level of power.

Quest, you’re in my brain again - get out dude! :slight_smile:

If the easiest healer to start playing and mechanically most simple and easiest to be effective with struggles to be a better pick than one of the most mechanically demanding healer in SILVER, where basically everyone struggles with aim…

Mercy is not fine, not even close. She used to be the go-to pick in plat before rework. Now she’s a laughingstock even in low ranks. Moira does her job at the low ranks now. Mercy is not even needed and will disappear once we get Baptiste. Healer with lackluster utility and lackluster healing and even worse ultimate cannot hope to compete with other healers who have either the heals or all the utility they ever want… plus actually good heals.

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What it means, actually, is that the on-fire engine needs to be adjusted to reflect a Mercy doing her job extremely well

This is an on-fire engine issue, not a Mercy issue

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