As a Mercy main, I don't see much wrong with Mercy as she is

Indeed. The fact that she is being benched for higher skilled heroes like Ana and Moira, in elos where she is supposed to be dominant in, and at the same time, maintain a worse win-rate percentage in comparison, for months, concerns me. I respect the thoughts some have about it, but the #MercyIsFine narrative is something I definitely do not agree with. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I personally haven’t observed anyone making an attempt to quote, though I have seen several folks quote others successfully

I dont know of anyone on these forums who has made an agreement with you on anything - perhaps you could fill the readers of this thread in on the details of the agreement you are referring to here?

Devs can keep telling us how much “mercy is fine” till their faces go red from all the exertion, but it doesn’t change any of the statistics that she’s a garbage pick even in low ranks, even worse in high ranks and just as little used in owl. Other healers have her beat in every single category and Ana beats her even in healing done. Yet ana somehow has all the insane utilities she has and mercy can’t even outheal her anymore. How is that even close to being balanced when a healbot can’t outheal non-healbots?

Oh and soon baptiste makes the two utilities that mercy has, damageboost and ress, redundant. Keeping people from dying without any risks and shorter cd >>> ressing them and risking yourself on a longer cd any day of the week. Then his ultimate laughs at the face of mercy’s ultimate. Utterly and completely roflstomps it to the ground with the boosts you can get from it. 60hps and 30% damageboost on everyone doesn’t even come close to 100% dmgboost and 100% healing done. Mercy can’t even keep her team alive, but baptiste at the same time makes Ana into a transcendence and then wipes the enemy team. Then normally he also heals more than mercy lol.

Why ever use mercy when you have ana and baptiste? When ever?


I must be using a different interface and/or hardware than you in regards to these forums - I dont get any weather related effects from my hardware or interface when using my devices to participate in these forums

Others might be interested in setting up their system in this manner, so can you share your hardware/sw setup with the readers of this forum?

What do you mean by “statistically”?
Her pickrate ? Because if so she’s far from being balanced ._. She is only fine from plat and below.

If by that you mean her numbers (like healing output and such) I’d say that it’s also not really the case. 50hps was changed because it was just useless but then Rez was added as an ability and it went back down. Other main healers have way more healing than her, and even Baptiste has 60 heal per grenade (so a bit more than 60hps) and an AOE healing.

Her damage boost is fine, her mobility overall is just great, her ult is pretty bad (and by that I mean that not only it’s only useful for the damage boost really but on top of that it just makes every single “skilled” part of Mercy’s kit very easy like Target Priorization which doesn’t apply to Valk, or the use of Super Jump which is useless, or the fact that you need to stay close but at the same time not too much. I’d be fine with one of those but everything alltogether just feels cheap).

The problem is that Rez is such a strong ability that you can’t have that still usable and a decent and balanced kit around. They have to make everything underpowered just to compensate. And that compensation does not make Mercy Balanced, it makes her just weird.

If Mercy were balanced, she could be played as a Main Healer (which is supposedly her role) in a comp in which she was good before --> for example a Rein/Zarya comp.
If you are in lower ranks yeah sure it will work just fine. If you are in higher ranks well you have to hope that the ennemy team is really weaker than your team cause you start with a huge disadvantage. Or hope that they, too, have a Mercy as Main heal.

The truth is, Mercy in higher ranks in only viable as an off-heal to babysit someone. And that is if that someone is good enough to make up for the lack of utility than Zen or Lucio can bring as well as the loss of a Defensive ult. Her best synergie is with Pharah which is really bad in higher ranks, so she’ll have to rely on Widows and Ashes to make the job.

The only comp in which she is still good would be Dive and the very good point is that you can take either Zen/Lucio or Mercy/Zen to Dive and both are good. But in any other cases Mercy is really lacking something.

They should either make her a real main healer that can compete with Ana, Moira (even if Moira is even worse than Mercy in higher ranks because she doesn’t have that small window that Mercy has as an off heal) and probably soon with Baptiste as well with more healing, no more rez or at least not like that and keep the ult, OR make her a full off-heal with less healing, keeping rez and changing completely the ult.

Right now Rez is everything that the Dev said they did not like --> having to hide to use it and removing yourself from the fight meaning you can’t heal anymore. There’s also an issue there because they said they didn’t like Mass rez because of the Hide & Seek (which is already questionnable in itself) as well as the fact that it encourages Mercy to stop healing and helping her team and yet the current Rez makes you to exactly that.

Making something as powerful as rez as an Ability was the biggest mistake they made on her. Or at least making it the ability that we have today.

She doesn’t heal enough anymore (since it’s only target healing you can’t have someone who has such a low hps. Or give her the ability to do something else at the same time like Zen.) and she isn’t worth picking over a defensive ult either.
Even in Dive where she can still be good she’s not really a main heal but more an off heal filling in the main heal Role (just like Zen does when it’s a Lucio/Zen comp).

I get that she has to be an easy hero to play and stuff like that for people who don’t really have great aim or whatever reason they gave, but I don’t think it should mean that her ult basically erases anything skilled from her kit. On top of that her ult is really not that great and you never get focused (which shows that it’s bad because every other ult that works like that are focused) it’s just a waste of time, kill her if you get the opportunity but don’t focus her. You can’t heal enough to save someone and your damage boost is good but if their heal is also good they’ll just use that to charge their ult really quickly.

Her pistol is REALLY good but should that be a key feature of Mercy ? Idk

You can use Valk just to get away from something or reposition yourself. You can’t do that with Lucio / Zen / Brig / Moira’s ult. (You can’t with Ana either but it doesn’t affect yourself so it doesn’t count). If you waste one of these previous ults you’ll be in trouble. But you can’t waste Valk because there’s nothing to waste. You can even use it just to come back quicker after you died ._.

Just about that.
Killing ennemies --> Not something the devs want for Mercy
Heal allies --> yeah making it way too easy
Damage Boost --> most powerful thing
Bait ennemy abilities / Distract ennemies --> Yeah so if the ennemy team is baited by a Valk they are really bad. I assume by that you mean using your pistol to have some pressure but that means your team receives no heal from you or whatever making it SO easy to just push by ignoring you since you can only do damage to 1 target at a time it’s not that much of a nuisance. You’re basically offering the ennemy team a free win on the teamfight if they’re not completely bad.

Reposition --> I mean using an ult to reposition. Is this really something that should be seen as good ?
Use valk against Sombra’s EMP. Ok so you’re saying if you have Valk and your team is EMP’d it makes it harder for the ennemy team to push.
Are you saying that a mere 60hps will make up for the fact that your entire team now has nothing but their weapon to defend themselves ? While the ennemy team has full abilities/ults/barriers and such ? That is delusional ._.
As for the Rip-tire yeah it’s okay assuming the Junkrat doesn’t know that he can just kill someone else or go up the walls to kill you. If I told you you could use broshield to save YOURSELF and only yourself from a Rip-Tire would you say that it is worth it? It depends on the situation but in the vast majority of cases it won’t.

Yeah not really.
I mean without looking at the personnality of Mercy, using her pistol over damage boost is rarely a good idea. If it’s to defend yourself because you’re being attacked, then yes. If it’s because there’s an annoying Widow so you want to take care of it quickly during valk then yes. If it’s just randomly during the fight instead of damage boosting your team which results in more damage overall but also a better chance of surviving because you don’t have any delay to switch to heal AND also give more ult charge to both yourself and the target, then No you should not.

Wait what ? That’s not even hard to do :’)

And finally:

So you mean the fact that it was already hard to rez while in Valk but it will soon be even harder since you don’t have that slow anymore making it just way more easy to break your rez AND the fact that it can also be broken by a boop which will now send you across the map are good things which will help Mercy ?
I don’t think I understand that but ok.

Nobody wants Mercy to be broken like after her rework because it’s not fun for anyone, even for Mercy players. But having her being viable at any level in more than 1 comp where she can still be swapped could be nice. It’s just so easy to play around her. If she’s main heal just take something that can deal more than 60hps. If she’s off-heal just take something to counter her babysit and/or take combos that need defensive ults to counter.


I may have to blush myself as I openly and publicly declare that I have no knowledge of the existence or operations of such a group or agenda

The only person I see mentioning this hashtag is someone who I dont believe would ever be inclined to promote such a hashtag

Its almost like it is a fabrication

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Another light breeze, instead of the answer… Sigh, oh well. Must have been the wind…


You know it’s bad where we are at a point where they have to introduce new heroes and use that as an excuse to not fix/improve Mercy’s issues. The backlash from the “Ashe is a buff to Mercy!” has been most controversial. I do hope they don’t continue on that ideology and address her problems directly, and make her a more worthy pick along with the other main supports. As you’ve stated, stats say otherwise, and despite the “Mercy is fine” agenda, numbers don’t lie. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I wasnt ever aware before your posts that hardware existed that allowed for weather-related effects to occur for the user. I doubt I can afford them on my budget, but others might be interested in hearing about your setup

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A supple wind.

The amount of preaching in your entire post (and especially the one quoted) has literally made me exclaim “Yes! Someone said it!” out loud. Thank you. :blush:

Personally, I see a lot of issues being resolved once they decide to take rez from being an E move, to being exclusive in her ultimate. Regardless, putting rez on E has to have been in my opinion, one of the worst mistakes ever done to the hero.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Yeah like, there is a difference between being team dependant and having your time to shine (Sombra) and being team dependent with no sway in how things end up (Mercy).

Like yes Sombra needs her team to follow up on her hacks, and her EMPs in order for her to be successful but she also easily creates opportunities for her team to push. I am still getting into the habit of pinging that my ult is ready before I emp, but getting a hack off on a Rein, or EMP-ing the entire team and then watching your team swarm the enemy and winning the fight has the “See that? I caused that” feel to it. Sure I only pressed q and peppered everyone as the rest of my team did cool things, but I set it all up.

Mercy on the other hand, plays similarly in the “I need my team to take advantage of how I am setting them up to be successful” but with none of the “I did that” feel to it. I have done everything I can think of to be successful with Valk to set up my team, but none of it has the same satisfaction as EMP. I’ve done everything from waiting for a push, to damage boost, to just popping it as I get it because “why not” and the feeling I get of contributing is the same. The last time I cheered for a good play I did on Mercy was being the last one on point, killing a nooning McCree, and then 1v1-ing a Rein and winning, and that wasn’t even play. I got play for rezing a widow…wow. Rezing doesn’t have the “I did that!” feel it’s more “Oh…I lived…okay.” All I want is a tweak or something to make it feel like I am the reason my team did things, like having your team swarm with an EMP, or standing at a choke with transcendance and your team using that to push the enemy back.


Yeah they seem pretty committed to try and make it seem like there is some opposing movement or something, it’s really weird. That and the childish “wind” stuff. Wew. Theres no point in engaging them really. They just run on a loop.

At least I got quite a few posts to reply to when I get home. That’ll be fun.

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As Mercy, I mainly love the cat and mouse play style. No other support gets the satisfaction of outplaying their opponent simply by out-maneuvering them with mobility. Lucio being the only exception, but he usually duels the target beforehand.

Mercy is a hero completely about mind games to survive and I love that. Sure, she doesn’t really feel rewarding anymore and I religiously Battle Mercy now-a-days, but the few comments I get at the end of matches is worth it. Things like, “can you just die already, Mercy?” “Mercy, how did you even live?” Or when I Battle Mercy and get messages like, “Wtf Mercy???” When I 5 shot a target with all headshots or blast a Genji before he realizes what happens.

However, I DID have a “I caused that” play a few months back. On Horizon point B defense, our Genji died in the high ground opening. I flew up and ressed him while levitating beneath the platform. The enemy couldn’t kill me and he bladed and killed 4 people before they dropped (which was the final push). The enemy didn’t expect the res and didn’t expect me to get it off while falling, to which a Genji was able to nearly team wipe because of my res. I rarely ever get those “I did that” feelings anymore unless I full on Battle Mercy and kill 3-4 people by myself.

As for heroes like Sombra, I still want to make her job as easy as possible and help her be as effective as she can. If that’s damage boosting to give her better “burst” or helping kill a target she’s flanking or Valking to keep her in the fight through EMP, I’m going to do it. :slight_smile: