As A Brig Player This Is Just Sad

We need to talk if you think Rally is mediocre

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Good luck.


Shes not even a good tracer counter anymore lmao
Shes as much of a tracer counter as hog is

I play Bastion and he is pretty niche but I can make him work sometimes, but I feel you probably get the same amount of hate I do for picking a character I like

:loudspeaker: Louder for those in the back! :loudspeaker:

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Yeah, she kinda does. If she has to heal long distance she’s gonna be waiting for her skill to come off cooldown to get some minor healing.

What’s the reward? All the shield is really good for is bash and backing away. Otherwise it’s just gonna break in a second and that’s it.


She used to be a knights squire now she is a babysitter for a granny.

At this point she is better of stealing Lucio skates and learning parkhour than a shield following reins.

Hope Lucio accepts her

As long as she’s not free value with a 60% Winrate and can’t 1v1 all tanks in the game people will complain she’s bad and should get reverted because she was “more fun”. Because why be balanced when you can be broken, EZ and more fun because of it. She’s fine, heroes like brig have proven to he problematic

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Majority of these replies don’t understand how good brig is and the amount of value you can get for just stay alive and playing intelligently. Being actually good at brig is really not easy, she was a braindead hero for so long because you could just live and live without much brains. Now she requires much more game sense to get value, but if you get her down properly you can carry really really hard. Her peel is ridiculous when used properly


You are still wrong.

She is good with Double Shield
She is good with and against dive
She is alright with brawl.

Good? Debatable. I wouldn’t say any support is bad for this comp but is she a better pick than any other support for double sheild? No.

Definitely! Highly dependant on your team comp and the enemy team comp tho.

You said it yourself, she’s alright here. You might aswell be playing a different support.

By no means is she a bad support as she can be viable in almost every situation but the issue is in almost every comp you might aswell be playing a different support. So she needs buffs to actually put her back ontop in more situations.

No she doesn’t. You play Brig as a middle man as she should of always been played.

If my Brig healing per ten can consistently be 9k healing + as an off support than I don’t think that hero is trash

If you think a heal that goes through barriers and doesn’t require much line of sight is bad for a tracer/repear/genji w/e is in an enemy’s backline is not good I’d say your game sense is off.

Especially when you think this… Genji would want a bap over brig… because you think bap should use immortality to enable a genji… ??? yea dude. Or moria should throw a healing orb… which would arrive by OW2’s release is better than 60hp/s on a tracer or genji…

Or that you think Ana is a better healer for echo than Brig who doesn’t miss a heal… yikes… I’ll tell you now if it’s Ana’s job to heal an echo you have some problems with synergy right there.

Also, Rally with tracer genji in a decent game = won team fight or will force a counter ult with little to no skill requirement.

As far as meta goes Brig is a good counter pick and a average hero. She has a better winrate than bap and a better pick rate than Moria (and Zen in GM).

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Lmao shes litteraly frontliner yet they nerfed her to the backline without reworking her kit ofc she’s bad…

There is no reason to pick her over any other support.

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Nah. The main reason is that her sustained healing is bad without Inspire procs which requires her to poke with Whip Shot or make a melee swing and requires her targets to be in melee range of her, making her most suitable for the OWL scene where coordinated dives have been popular and teamfights are so short that her armor packs barely run out by the time the fight has almost been decided already

Just give her the +25hp that she needs to be ladder viable

You just play bodyguard for main support with her these days.

My friend and I run alot of Brig+Bap. She just chases me around with Brig. It is nearly undiveable. Throw in a Cree/Torb to follow us around and you have the best backline in the game.

You’re trying to convince the majority who cannot play complicated characters that a character who is complicated is good

OWL get amazing use out of her, GMs get decent use out of her
And she’s by far not even the worst Support, Moira is


That’s an awful idea.

She is already the best pick against dive also really good with dive.

Depending on which style of double shield you play she can be the best option as the second support since Bap will always be the best here for all versions.

In Brawl Lucio is better but after than she is next and then Mercy and in last is Zen

Buffing her will put her overboard. You literally admit she isn’t bad but want to buff her?

Yeah… Who’d have thought that people would actually want be able to use their character’s primary and secondary fire in meaningful ways. /s

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not that true. you can do a lot of stuff on brig besides dive countering. she has long range peel that she can throw 3 times. and rally is IMO one of the best ults in the game.