As A Brig Player This Is Just Sad

My Brig can carry.

If people put the time and effort in this hero they can carry

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I don’t even know who you are unless your OP on a different account tf lmao

I don’t think she’s bad in term of underpowered but she’s not in a good spot …
Can you get value from her? Yes.

But in order to get to this spot she lost so much of what she used to be about…
Armor, front line, survive ability.

This is what symbolized her.

Utility is mostly what makes a support unique, without it support would see much less play. Sure right now she’s the only anti dive hero but the more time would pass, the more heroes will be introduced, and just like we have sleep dart or Lucio’s boop. We might see more cc with them…

Her design doesn’t even really encourage back line play, it’s only her balancing that forces her to this position.
Support that require damage in order to heal always need a consistent way to provide healing which is what front line is for.
If you don’t want front line, you can have range like Moira. but you can’t have both close range damage and healing per damage, and expect to rely only on whip shot.

I would repeat and say I don’t think the hero is bad when used right.
But the same can be said about Bastion when fighting something like Rein-Zarya-Doomfist-Mccree-Moira-Brigitte.
Heroes have kit that allows them to have an advantage in certain situations, but it doesn’t mean they are in good spot.

If you ask me, a simple solution in order to allow her to be a balanced front line, is to power shift her away from healing to armor.
She already has higher survive ability so she can provide healing for longer, so it’s only fair she would provide less healing in more fair way which is what armor is about.
2/3 of the healing in armor can provide more or less depending on the situation allowing for simple countering while also enabling her to stay up front.

  • She’s too fragile up front? Replace 50 hp with 50 armor, and now she can survive much longer depending on the enemy.
  • She heals too much because of survive ability? Reduce her healing to others, increase her armor on repair pack and now she can contribute the same value against the right enemy.

Countering is key here…
There’s a reason support like Lucio tend to be the most balanced while Moira for example see close to no play in higher ranks…


Brigitte is a character that requires tracking of patches to understand why and when to play her.

Quick question who is more likely to play their character close to the correct playstyle?

First time widow player?
First time reinhart player?
First time Brigitte player?

My overall point is that player who play this game often, seem to forget how important character design is to a new/casual player. You follow the pros and balance patches. Most players don’t. How are new/casual players supposed to understand how to play a character that is designed to play one way but balanced to play another?

You think a new player will understand if you balanced widowmaker in a way that makes her sniper the weakest part of her kit, making the smg better by default?


It’s because she is niche and also has to be frontline for consistent Inspire up time. Rally is mediocre, but thankfully, quick to get. Her Repair Packs are lacking - not bad - just lacking.

Her cooldowns put her in a bad spot. Whip Shot puts her in a bad spot “pls hit me, my shield is down and I’m Reaper sized!”. For a Melee character she has to be babied quite a bit, even more so than the typical Support (which is extra weird).

Basically a mage type character (that relies on CD’s) without enough spells.

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Then they’re playing double shield, and brig excels at sustain and area denial, and two giant shields sure help her do that. Not to mention Bap is played which enables her even more. (Zen obviously good for shield break over brig in some cases)

Or they’re playing rush- which again, brig can peel for. (Obviously lucio is better for speed, but brig still works fine)

From playing the hero at a 44-4500 level the only characters I’ve ever really struggled against are hanzo, echo, pharah, junk, (current op Cree), rein with speed, Bap (but Bap also enables brig), Ashe, and torb. Most of these heroes you shouldn’t be dueling on brig anyway. Peel and enable. That’s the play style that works. You can’t kill it? Enable someone who can. Teammate being railed and focused? Peel.

Nobody wants to hear that they’re just not playing properly, but it’s genuinely the reality of it. Her value also increases as your teammates get better similar to mercy since she’s an enabler/disabler hybrid. Which partially explains the incorrect idea that she’s bad in low ranks.


She isn’t a bad pick, she’s still viable in a lot of situations but in almost every situation you would probably be helping your team more as any other support.

Not judging or anything, but their demonstration of the hero(brigitte on their bio):

"Brigitte specializes in armor. She can throw Repair Packs to heal teammates, or automatically heal nearby allies when she damages foes with her Flail. Her Flail is capable of a wide swing to strike multiple targets, or a Whip Shot that stuns an enemy at range. When entering the fray, Barrier Shield provides personal defense while she attacks enemies with Shield Bash. Brigitte’s ultimate ability, Rally, gives her a substantial short-term boost of speed and provides long-lasting armor to all her nearby allies. "

So pretty much they say: “keep your allies close and have LoS with them”.

Not go frenzy in the middle of the enemy team without nobody nearby. That playstyle only got popular because she was strong and broken enough to do so, not what her “bio” says. While currently she doesn’t give armor unless it’s her ult or the character already has armor as part their hp, the rest stays true to her current state, aside the fact that shield bash stuns not the whipshot(knock-back).

The character design was explained both in game but also in their website. Sure most of the time they don’t help you to learn how to play as team, but they said “nearby allies” at least 2 times and mentioned repair kit as tool to heal teammates also.

Well, her automatic fire mode has more damage than her sniper shot if you consider bodyshots not headshots, that would be 130 vs 120, on the other hand hs would be 260 vs 300 meaning their goal was folks use scope for headshots (aka one shot one kill) and when she is at longer ranges than her automatic fire shots. Her balance change just improved that aspect a bit more.

Don’t get me wrong but what devs plan with a hero most likely it’s taken the design itself in the consideration on balance purpose. Not some kind of “we need to nerf this hero doesn’t matter where”.

So I would argue about mccree. He could deal with long range foes with a revolver often better than soldier76 in the past because his spread was unreliable making him to shoot like 6 bullets in small intervals, what’s the logic behind a revolver being better than a assault rifle at long range?

So, How they balanced? Enforced him to be played at their desired range and reduced his odds to step out his boundiares. While improved heroes who could do the task better than him, because they were supposed to do in the first place. Widow, bastion and soldier got buffed because of it.

Their balance purpose also takes in mind the character design. Sure some heroes has some trickier spots like mercy, symmetra and bastion. But those heroes were subject to some reworks in the past, mercy had mass rez, sym received several reworks, bastion had shield.

Heroes on overwatch needs to suits specific niches and situations, otherwise they will just canibalize the space of other heroes by being generalists/jack-all-trades. The hitscan nerf mostly impacted Mccree, Ashe and Bap mains. But none of those three often were used on their designated range to begin with. Isn’t design problem it’s the player behavior ignoring the concept of the hero.

Because none of the 3 would be supposed to fight pharah after 35-40m either way, we have soldier, bastion and widow for it, while soldier and bastion have falloff damage they can still deal decent amount of damage and kill her around 35m mostly fine. After certain range only widow, the caveat of being too far it’s her projectile being too slow and becomes predictable above 40m range.

If you consider the Ashe’s damage per second and soldier trying to kill pharah at 50m range, their purpose and efficiency drops a lot, but the value per second on soldier would be more than 2 times higher than ashe in that scenario, so why folks used ashe instead of soldier?

The math behind it, before the reversion to 30%(aka at 50%), in 3 seconds.
Ashe → 300(bodyshot) → 600(hs)-> at 50m+ → 150 bodyshot → 300 hs
Soldier → 513(bodyshot) → 1026(hs)-> at 50m+ → 256,5 bodyshot → 513 hs

Meaning 50 dmg/s by ashe and 85.5 dmg/s by soldier.

Then if you consider 30%, ashe would do 22,5dmg/s and soldier 51,3dmg/s. The gap between them increased, making soldier more favorable to be used in that situation than her, bastion would be 48dmg/s, mccree would deal 42 dmg/s in the same situation just for the record at 50m, if was something at 40m the values could change a towards soldier, bastion and ashe.

The answer was because her dynamite and bob generated way more value that could deal with the caveat of low damage output by just using mercy db or/and zen discord until ashe lands her hs on pharah. Same would happen to mccree in that aspect.

Ashe with boost, could deal 195 damage on hs at her range after her nerf to 75 damage. While when she had 80, she could deal 208 on hs while boosted. Soldier? could done roughly 222,3 but at cost of some spread and odds of missing shots in the window, while he couldn’t provide much more utility outside it, while ashe could.

The same thing happened with mccree before her. He had less damage but higher fire rate than hers meaning he could effectively do more damage than her but the value of her being able to more easily aim her shots, have dynamite and bob increased a lot her value against his. Sometimes they both got paired as main dps making pharah not being viable for a long time at higher tiers where most of players have decent aim and game sense.

Balance changes has purpose behind it, isn’t just to nerf or buff stuff. It’s to make things work as intended. While folks got used to “exploit” certain mechannics doesn’t mean that they’re playing how the hero was supposed to be played.

Ok, what is inspire for?

She is a melee hero that is not a Tank.

In this kind of game, those characters are either broken, useless or not bad in specific scenarios.

Paladins had a melee DPS and even they reworked it to a ranged (support) character.

Brig can be good in some very specific instances, but usually you can use another hero and have a better DPS and healing output.

people said brig 1.0 only needed a 600hp shield nerf to 500hp and she would be balanced :slight_smile:

Brig is still strong
I think there’s a group of brig mains who still want her to be a frontline brawler but agree she is strong
Though I think you adress this well
Brig being able to frontline means 1 of 2 things
Either the enemy isn’t punishing her
She’s op
It used to be the ladder but now its the former

I’m not going to quote I’m on my phone so if you read this and I’m responding to something you said. There you go

Rally is basically LOS heald it doesn’t matter how far away you are the radius for it is huge

Some people think the earth is flat
So if they think that makes sense they…how do I put this nicely…lack the intelligence to know she needed more than a 100 hp shield nerf or that she needed nerfs not buffs
Also there’s some really long post that talks about balance…it’s pretty cool it’s somewhere above this you should read it

I will quote this because buddy your super wrong
No other support has the bodyguard potential of brigitte
She has a ranged cc, a shield, ranged healing in an instant and a stun along with consistent close range damage
Brig can completely zone Ball winston and genji as they either lack the damage to kill her or just cannot 1v1 her
Which honestly both of those apply to all 3 of those heroes

The only big problem I have with brigitte is she no longer counters tracer basically at all
And imo tracer is broken
So…nerf her please? Thanks


some people said she needed buffs

Notice where I said “almost” every situation. Yes she has the kit to be really good in certain scenarios but the majority of the time she is probably the worst support pick.

The concept of having a specific Sup on the team as a peeler/enabler instead of competing for gold healing medal is a very foreign concept to a lot of people here.


Assuming that

  1. you can land it proactively on the hypermobile heroes; and
  2. You get followup from the team to actually shoo them away if not kill them esp when it comes to dive tanks.

If any of the above doesn’t happen, brig and/or the dive target dies which basically defeats the point of picking her.

And as someone else has said, we haven’t even gone into the situation whereby the opponent isn’t running dive or isn’t running pure dive (this case happening way more often).

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Blizzard nerfed her to death because DPS hypocrites hated having a hard counter for once.

They nerfed everything, she is dead. Thats how useless she is. Her heals suck. Her ult always sucked, it was never Transcendance & Sound Barrier. Shield Bash, the ONLY nerf it deserved was the one to the bash going through barriers, but the nerfs didnt stop. Brig’s barrier is useless. Her boop, never as good as Lucio’s. Her packs, no more armor.

The last part killed that Rein/Zarya/Brig combo. That & Rein’s barrier death.

Nearly all the Healers are dmg dealers now, they dont stay in the back like they used to. All except dead Brig & Mercy.

At this point, she does & she better get a DPS rework in OW2.


I mean isn’t that the nature of the game? You’re supposed to play heroes that complement your team’s picks or counter the enemy’s.


Players that complain Brig is a bad hero are the same people that frontline with her or try to snipe enemy pharahs with whipshot instead of heal