As A Brig Player This Is Just Sad

It’s sad to see how many players think this hero is bad.

The reasons are so bad as well it’s incredible. The main reason is just that she is a Melee hero with 200HP and that she can’t frontline.

Let me ask y’all a question. Do you guys not see the problem with a support being able to frontline all the time just because she has a melee weapon?

She doesn’t need to frontline to be good.

She denies dives with her cooldowns.
Her Ultimate Is Amazing and creates so much sustain
I love her at 200HP and the shield cooldown nerd there is a risk vs reward.

Being able to be punished for messing up your abilities is nice and she should of always been like that.

She is good in double shield on linear maps because she can actually brawl how people want her too.

What will it take to convince to fourms that this hero is good or are you guys going to actually learn how to play the hero and get good at the hero?

I want to convince the fourms that this hero is good.

For any of you that think Brig is bad send me your replay codes of you playing her and I’ll tell you the problem


You’ve inadvertently hit the nail on the head here. What happens if the enemy team isn’t running dive? Brig is now a substandard pick, and you’d be better off picking literally any other support.

Her healing output is terrible without being in melee range, but she can’t frontline, so if you need raw healing, someone else is better.

Her survivability isn’t actually the best, since her self-sustain is slow and reliant on melee range, so if you need a healer to survive, better go with someone else.

Her utility isn’t good at all, the only thing she’s really got going for her is anti-dive in terms of utlity, so you’re far better off with someone else there, too.

Damage? Nope, much better choices for that too.

She isn’t “bad” she’s just a sub-optimal pick in every situation unless you’re specifically trying to counter Dive. After all is said and done, the only thing she’s really good for is the thing she was originally made for: Being a Tracer counter.

Imho, a hero that is only there to counter another hero isn’t good.


LOL, you had to make another topic about this when your last one is still on the front page?


We do actually have a support that can front line often and flank with Lucio.

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That depends on your team comp.

With heroes such as Tracer, Sombra, Echo, Reaper and Genji as your dps Brig and Zen are the best supports, for tanks any dive tanks are good with her and a Sig Brig off angle is deadly.

With supports she is good with Ana, Bap, Zen and she is good with Moira is brawl and just ok with Mercy but bad with Lucio.

There are other things you can go against non dive


Tracer: Doesn’t want a brig, much better off with a lucio for speed or the other healers for better healing output or defenses.

Sombra: Would much rather have pretty much any support. Brig’s ranged healing is nice, but pales in comparison to Ana’s / Bap’s, and they have more useful utility. You’d be much better off with one of them.

Echo: Same, only she also likes Mercy because Mercy can fly with her to make for more interesting plays. Still prefers an Ana for higher healing and utility that AC TUALLY helps the echo.

Reaper: Definitely wants a bap, immort is a big deal. Also likes Lucio for the quicker engages, heck even moira’s heal orbs are more useful than Brig’s long CD repair packs.

Genji: Same as above.

The comps that want a Brig are ones that are vulnerable to dive. Dive characters actually don’t want a brig on their team, she’s too slow and if she dives with them she dies. You’re better off with ranged supports like Ana/Bap/Zen who can support you from a distance, even Moira is better off because she can hurl heal orbs and is less likely to die.

Sorry, but the idea that Brig is good at supporting Dive characters makes no sense–her utility is in defending against dive, and dive isn’t super vulnerable to dive.


The previous one was why do people think she is bad and this one is to convince people she isn’t and look at their gameplay

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Maybe give her a gun then so she can actually have a normal amount of actions per minute in a game based around range.


It depends on you perspective. To me a good support is one that is satisfying to play and is used as often as other supports across multiple ranks.

I am sure you have noticed that she is rarely used in the other ranks beyond the highest tiers. While other supports are widely used across all ranks. There is a leeway that exist in other supports that is not inherent to the current Brig.


She can be at choke point and heal allies far away. Like a hybrid lucio and zen.

While I love the fact that not all sups are suited in all compositions. She is far from worst on sup departament.

Her healing it’s bad? Really depends on team formation and if you have LoS with them. Some counters can easily disable her but any other sup has counters also.

At the moment sups are really balanced between themselves. Some just requires more resource/cooldown management than others. But their overall healing isn’t bad by any means if you’re not trying to heal having counters and your team enabling you.

Each sup has their own counters and at higher tiers becomes even more noticiable.
Mercy - hitscans in general and echo.
Moira - sombra and winston
Brig - pharah and junk
Bap - winston and mei
Ana - winston and mei
Zen - winston and reaper

Tracer can manage most of sups also, but can be predictable. Symmetra it’s niche and torb also.

Hanzo and widow can play a decent pressure also.

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I love playing Brig. She’s my 4th most played. Forums are just a bunch of cry babies.


Tracer doesn’t need speed and would rather have packs or harmony orb

Bap can’t hit shots reliably at range and Ana will have a hard time hitting shots and Brig is just more consistent.

Echo does like Mercy but she is also good with Brig or Zen. Also you want one supports for the dps and one for the tanks and Brig is good at protecting the other support and healing dps. Also Ana isn’t too reliable.

Reaper prefers Moira/Lucio comps or he is used as counter to dive which Brig is also used for.

The supports you just listed also can’t dive with them and all of them need protection which is where Brig comes in.

The only heroes in dive who usually need healing are the tanks and if the dps need help Brig can do that while protecting the other support.


Thank you for making some sense, I nearly lost my mind when i saw it be said a Tracer would prefer a Lucio over Brigitte

Additionally acting like 1 character being preferred for a certain chara over the other meaning they’re a substandard pic would mean every chara but 2 would be substandard and that just doesn’t make any sense, Brigitte isn’t substandard with most of the charas that are mentioned, and 1 is only substandard in very specific situations


I am glad you enjoy playing Brig, but I don’t and neither of us is right or wrong. It all up to personal preferences.

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This isn’t season 5.

Packs, inspire and rally continue to take effect after people leave LoS, giving your flankers the ability to engage with a lot of positional freedom to go where other supports can’t safely follow. She also pairs well with Ana or Zen, protecting them so they can focus on healing those beyond the 30m pack range, landing utility, and direct shots. Ana Brig is by far the most meta support pairing for Monke Zarya dive, and very strong in ball based dives too.


she isnt bad at all and is still my highest winrate support in all modes especially comp. last full season i did tho was season 26


I don’t necessarily think she’s bad. I just think the niche she has currently isn’t one that fits her. If she were trained to fight by someone like Ana or Torb, then yeah, her being a backline or midline support would make sense. But she was trained by Reinhardt. So I’d expect her to be able to sustain a little better at the frontline. And right now, all the changes I really want is lower her healing and bump up her tanking and utility. I’m pretty sure they could tweak that and make it work because we have a support like that already - one that is a hybrid, and has lower healing to make room for higher utility - Zen. Zenyatta is our DPS-Support hybrid, and he has low heals outside of his ult, but to compensate, he has good damage and utility. So I’m sure we could make a similar case for Brigitte.

So that’s my stance on it, really. Yeah, she can be good depending on the situation, but her kit and her lore just seem to conflict with her niche to me.


tbh I’m not against the idea, but would mean a major rework on her. I enjoy her current state even if sometimes feels a bit frenetic to keep multitasking flail, shield, shield bash and repair pack checking all directions at same time to see if someone on the team needs the pack.

The concept I would think of would be zen orb but instead of orb would be a “flag” on the target healing only him (changing her repair pack to a flag similar to harmony orb).

She could receive a bit more shield and more hp. Have her own lifesteal(maybe?), other than that she wouldn’t be able to heal aoe, unless her ult which could be great to have a bit larger area and a bit more healing per sec.

That would mean that she would be on par with zen on healing, generating an average, on QP, of 5-12k on C2P and about 3-10k on scort maps. Instead of 7-20k and 5-16k right now.

The problem with the concept it’s about OW2 tbh, they plan to remove one of tanks so she being sup and a tank could become a bit problematic for that purpose. But with Ow1 could be interesting to see for sure. If they ended to making her more tankier would be better put her on tank role with self heal or flag(harmony orb). That would make her somewhat similar state of rein is right now before his change, but more utility tank. She already has cc for it, just tweak her damage remove her passive and change repair pack to flag(harmony orb) and double her hp and shield.

brig is not bad, brig is just unplayable in many situations unless you are a god. like bro, im sure some mad lad out there can dominate on brig against sym and pharah, but it aint me and it probably aint you either


There are two parts to this.

The first, is that they don’t need a full dive comp, which is rare these days. However, Brig can interfere with the engage of heroes like Tracer, Sombra, Winston, Hammond, Genji and Dva, most of which are very popular heroes atm.

Secondly, what if they don’t use any of those heroes? Well, the answer to that comes from understanding when Brig is used. Brig is used to protect the backline, primarily Zen and Ana. Zen and Ana are too very strong supports that really struggle with sustain and survivability, especially in the face of dive heroes. So, Brig nullifies their weakness. What happens if the enemy don’t dive your Ana? Then your Ana gets free, uncontested value and wrecks havoc on the objective. That’s still a win.

One of the top Supports to play with Ana or Zenyatta. It’s just not popular because these comps are beyond most player’s understanding.

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