Arguing for dva buffs

TBH I actually don’t think she’s bad right now, just that other heroes (coughcoughSIGMAcough) overshadows her since they have pretty much three heroes’ staple movies combined.

I think when the tank adjustments go live, she might see more relevancy.

Done. I suspect it was a stealth nerf though and can’t imagine this being accidental.

That is exactly what i am saying, the stats are way too wobbly and the proof of the tanks being to overpowering right now is there. So no need to adjust her yet.

Also never a good idea to look at weekly stats over monthly+.

So why do no other tanks have the same issue?


Want me to mention Winston, who is litterally on average stats this month. Behind in winrate and 0.05% above in pickrate ?

Or what about Rein and Zarya, that didn´t look hot through many parts of double shield and has slowly been better ?

Hey even Hamster was looking bad through many times of it as well.

Rework is a dirty word. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Besides, every time (and there have been a couple already) that she has gotten a rework she ended up much much stronger than before. Neither of us wants a rework. Trust me.

The key word is “was”. A long time ago, in a forum post far far away…

Is this where I laugh. This is where I laugh right? You have the best jokes.

Oh the turntables. Now she’s the one who is bullied.

You mean like before her second rework? I liked that version of D.Va.


Blizzard can never hit middle ground in balancing, as it seems.
It’s either overbuff or overnerf for them.

They did not even wait long enough after the armor was nerfed, or when the cooldown was. Nope, they had to reduce the range as well, to hit that final nail in the coffin.

Imo they need to give

Smaller critbox
500 Armor no HP
Steadfast while shooting (But not the crazy OP version Rein currently has)


Buff her burst DPS combo (yes that means buffing missiles)
Give her Steadfast while Boosting (so that getting hit midair doesnt feel like a game of Crazy Taxi)
And maybe undoing the boop damage nerf to 20 dmg


Just checked it and at least in practice range booping robots around is still working.

The push distance is much lower than with other booping abilities, but it has always been that way :woman_shrugging:

now i did

Dva needs a complete overhaul. The character as is - scrap the whole thing. Every single ability, get rid of it. Especially DM because they can’t figure out how to balance it, and her whole kit has had to be gutted into oblivion just to keep a fraction of its power intact. It is a badly designed ability. The devs need to figure out what they want her to do - one thing. Not all the things, because when you can do a bit of everything, your good at nothing. And they need to pick a direction and stick with it - None of this “Dva was never meant to be played this way (offensively),” and then a complete 180 months later. Give her one thing to do, and make sure she can do it well.

To be fair, even Sym’s pick rate is slightly higher. But it’s still very bad. She’s the only hero that has really been as low as D.Va. And I don’t know anyone who would argue she doesn’t need buffs. So, I’m not really sure the point of bringing her up.

Does Sym need buffs? Yes. Does D.Va need buffs? Yes.


It is much less than it was before the momentum changes. And in practical terms, it’s nonexistent. Try booping someone off a bridge now.

DVA is a SYM level underdog now. I never thought I’d say this in 2017.


Me? :octopus:


Because you need Dva haters… so yeah…

Ugh… hating…

ive been arguing for a year for some dva buffs

bcz the reason she’s not viable is sigma being better at everything.

I was referring to Sym in that sentence. I mean, I do think D.Va needs buffs. I’m a huge advocate of D.Va buffs, but when I said “I don’t know anyone who would argue she doesn’t need buffs” I was referring to Symmetra.


Those two things aren’t in fact mutually exclusive. D.Va needing buffs can and does tie into the fact that Sigma does things better. It’s almost like Sigma is finally showing everyone that D.Va isn’t the OP monster the forums love to claim she was. That shockingly when given a tank that can do something similar to her D.Va is in fact not that OP a character at all.

I wonder who could have predicted that was the case though…