Are you still enjoying overwatch

I wish they would rework Widowmaker a bit. She’s my main but oh well that’s not the only problem i have… like one mentioned, the community, which is probably the biggest problem for me.

Oh don’t worry, Jelly is not going any where, I can promise you that😁

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What about Jam? what’s going to happen to them?

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I wish they would buff Ana, Bastion and rework Pharah. Don’t want to have to have a Mercy just so I can play as her.

Incoming low elo players that say she’s op.


Jam is the more devious one, he’s not going anywhere either😁

You could call it a split personality👍

I find it enjoyable still, but I notice that I am taking the devs and balance changes less seriously now.

My last straw was when they consider nerfing Sombra.

Are Jelly and Jam in a relationship, or is it merely platonic? (Blame the Internet for the weird response)

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JellyandJam is me, we are one👍

Or I am one…

I’m just one guy, Jelly is the positive side of me, Jam is a little more human like😂

So, you’ve evolved from your measly glass jars into a nearly-extinct species with only one member of sentient jars running around the OW Forums, currently suffering from multiple personality disorder?

This would make for a great documentary.

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Oh, you have no idea😏

Can swear I saw a thread like this yesterday.

Anyhow, no, I don’t enjoy Overwatch.

Done matches the other day and the majority of them were (still) a horrible experience, with people locking in dps, refusing to switch, trolling and throwers, even came across a spammer at one point.

It all just feels like a mess, I’m more or less just playing Overwatch because I’m tired of the other games I have in my library at the moment.

Tracer still doesn’t have a hard counter.
No, i don’t enjoy Overwatch.

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Wouldn’t be playing if I didn’t have fun.

Nope i didnt enjoy the Game since over a Year im already really done whit it The Trash balancing and this stupid favouritism by Blizzard make it very unfun for me sadly because i really like the Characters ( except Genji )

I only play OW if i get bored most time i play Monster Hunter World now its so fun and chill

Ehh pretty much only play arcade or qp. Tried to play more than the 10 placements in comp this season and that was a mistake. Comp is still as trash as ever.

But its mostly turned into play one or two games, say to myself this isn’t fun why am I playing, log off and play a better game.

I was, until I heard Brigitte isn’t coming to comp until May.

I really only play qp or arcade. I still play comp every now and again to play funny stuff on my soundboard when people are being toxic or dumb, I used to be a flex, 2 healers 2 tanks but I’ve lost my knowledge on both tanks and now I only play ana along with all the onther dps. I only play what’s fun to me now and I don’t give a flying poop what other people want me to do for the comp. yes now I understand why people mute chat in comp and dare I say. I’ve become one of the people who mute chat. Also the main reason I comp is I want my gold gun

I’ve come to the realization that I truly don’t enjoy Overwatch itself. What I enjoy is the unique feeling of things like bouncing around non stop on everything I can when playing Lucio or playing a sniper like Widowmaker (Cause like im going back to CoD…) …just some things about the gameplay itself appeal to me still, the game doesn’t.

Yes. I just play qp and arcade and I still have a blast.


This is where I stand too.

Bastion was gutted a week after his rework, but they left Mercy in theeeee most OP state for just over 6 months, then gutted her too.

They brush off their mistakes, and I would be less negitive towards them if they actually learned from their mistakes. THATS THE POINT OF A MISTAKE.

Then they cannot balance the game. Sure, I could give them the short end of the stick since I’m not a game balance dev (how do I become one???) but really? Mercy? Dva? Sombra? Bastion? Mei? Doomfist? Really? Then treating dive like it’s their only source of revenue when clearly they haven’t sold 30+ million copies…

It just gets old, and now faster than ever. I really dislike their choices and decisions. I have given them a fine amount of chances, and it seems like they blow it each and every time, so I’m just done.