Are you still enjoying overwatch

i barely play anymore but tthis is about you do you still enjoy this game. it really hasnt been that fun since vanilla


I get on and do a match one a week now pretty much. Updates are slow, and now Birgitte won’t be in comp until next season. It’s fun factor is almost gone.

Now I just play FF14 leveling up and doing the story, and Warhammer: Vermintide 2.


°Y°eah, definitely. I’m having a good time with it. Sure it’s not as exciting as it was at release and has flaws, but it’s still a good game.
I also enjoy the huge amount of memes the game’s responsible for!

…kinda. Sometimes I’m miserable but just playing to play, other times I’m laughing so hard I get a cramp. Really depends on the game.


Honestly i’m having tons of fun, I play a lot of healers, so the team tilts a bit less, and i’ve gotten some pretty awesome games by keeping my team alive. Hell, I even get to play sym sometimes.

Everyday for a few hours. I’ve played since beta and still love this game. I take breaks sometimes for a few months (reason I missed last uprising event) so I’m happy that’s the next event. I mostly play Arcade now though and only Comp to see how I place recently. QP rarely.

I’m currently in an irritated, “Do I really want to play this, or do I want to take a break until they can make competitive and matchmaking less trashy?” phase


I have an amazing time with the game, it’s about how yourself plays the game imo.

Nah the game is trash now with all these unnecessary/unbalanced buffs and nerfs


I enjoy the game, but not the community.


By now, I play it once of twice a month (I have basically zero free time). I still like the game, but it’s balance issues are obvious in-game.


It has its moments. Overwatch is getting stale again but its because of the Devs misinterpreting signs and completely jumping the gun (Which I guess you can say happens EVERY SINGLE TIME IF YOU REALLY THINK ABOUT IT! Seriously though: Mercy, Bastion, Doomfist, Dive meta…All of these things have gone unchecked by the Devs in either a good or bad way significantly long enough to leave a bad taste in a LOT of players mouths.)

They’ll be the death of this game if they keep misreading signs. Gating of Brigitte till freaking MAY is LUDICROUS! Console players will have to wait FOREVER! This also sours literally any new hero release as we’ll have to wait like 3 months for them to be announced and another 3 for them to be fully released!

I’m TELLING you. The Devs will be the end of this game.


Not going to play due to Competitive trash ranking system need fixing, and better yet why still no mini Competitive mode added yet!!!


It’s an amazing game, though toxicity and trolls ruin it.

Sometimes I have an excellent time, then the losing streaks start, and the game is unplayable.

It feels sometimes as if the game doesn’t want me playing it.


Throwers, troll, and 1 trick ruin everything not the toxicity it’s what causes so much stress you got no choice but to become toxic.

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Yeah, I am.
I play TF2 a lot also, so Overwatch is super fun.

I hope you don’t come to a point where you stop playing. If that day ever comes, it’ll be a day where the Overwatch community loses a valuable member.


I play once or twice a week, only to not get rusty, now I’m only holding on for my hope of a guild system, and an 8v8 or 10v10 mode. All my friends quit, I used to play 8 hours a day everyday, solo queue is too frustrating and not enjoyable.


well i have 70+ png everygame and all my worst enemies are being buffed/reworked and comp is becoming bland
I’M HAVING AWESOME FUN :expressionless:

Sometimes I enjoy it, sometimes I absolutely hate it. I’m still playing everyday for an hour at least but its appeal is slowly waning.

My favorite hero is nerfed and toxicity is rampant. Recently had a 15 game losing streak with people leaving or disconnecting intermittently. Echoing Jelly’s sentiment, sometimes I feel the game doesn’t want me around.