Are you happy now?

“highly exploitable weaknesses,” haha that’s a good one.

She had so many weaknesses that she was the best 1v1 brawler in the game…as a support. She can 1v1 a freaking Reinhardt with ease as a “support.”

There’s a large difference between supports being able to defend themselves and a support being able to brawl almost any hero with ease because of an overtuned kit.


She is tank support hybrid. Stop only mentioning her support half. Tanks do similar damage to dps. Brigs only major came from blowing all her ability. Also I guess zen shouldn’t have his high damage. But, wait zen a dps support hybrid.


i will also added zen can one vs one as well i know this because i done it many times in ffa deathmatch or in comp.

He has no ability to stun you AND deal 50 damage at the same time.

She a tank support hybrid. Also brig vs rein was more in reins favor.

That is just not true. As long as you stayed 6 meters away, you would win the 1 v 1 and even heroes that cannot stay that far away could win, such as Reaper, or Rein, who should almost always win. Tracer is the only character that had a right to complain.

It is really not the Brigs fault that you consistently lose duels against her and I am quite frankly surprised more supports do not beat you in 1v1s if Brigitte genuinely gives you problems on her own.

Don’t despair…

The forums react toxic as usual and …

a large part of this … so called ‘‘community’’ doesn’t deserve to have healers anyway.

I found a friendlier place.


Being overdramatic like this is only going to make people dismiss your point, whatever it is, outright.

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Cant abuse the easiest hero to plow over the enemy team = useless



If you think brig is uselsss, you’re probably one of those people who want to keep her overpowered for boosting


But you said supports shouldn’t have brig damage. Zen can tap headshot to death 200 hp or just body shot them quickly. He is also a pretty good dueler like brig. Neither brig or zen are just support their hybrid. Their damage outputs reflect this. Tanks and dps do a lot of damage. Brig damage however mainly comes from a combo just like roadshow, d va, and her mentor rein.

Yeah but also denying reality wont make things any better.

The change to not stun through shields is fine, only affects really … 3 characters? You can still go into the shield and use the stun.

Reducing the damage from 50 to 5 is absolutely stupid and disproportionate. Look at it on terms of damage , its a 90% damage REDUCTION. Last time they nerfed something that hard was Roadhogs damage, by 30%, look at Roadhog now, the worse of all tanks by a far margin, even with this buffs.



Zen doesn’t have that much damage, he is much more eaiser to kill and actually does require aim. Brig isn’t easy to kill and doesn’t require aim while having that much damage. That’s too much.

Brig still has lots of dmg and hp. The fact she can’t one shot tracer anymore doesn’t make her weak.

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Brig still has an insane amount of utility though. Passive healing, a 500 hp shield, personal armor, a stun, a knockback, burst healing with an armor overheal, and an ultimate that allows her to continue to fill the role she’s supposed to fill: anti-dive. I’m not sure if I missed anything, but Brig is going to be fine with this damage nerf, people are overreacting to the damage nerf and undervaluing the rest of her kit.

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I mean this one kinda indeed always was big impactfull problem and some times worth complaining, but mostly cuz there isn’t much things to clean such unique effect and thankfully has nothing to do with Ana being OP.

Zen averages over 10000 damage he puts tank slash dps level damage. Brig barely averages 6000 damage which is in line with lucio, moira, and ana. I play zen saying he doesn’t have that much damage tells me you don’t play zen.

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Im so happy finally this skillgitte will rely more on skill to kill someone, im rejoicing on behalf of all the none mobile hero mains, we finally have a fighting chance against this walking tank wannabe menace.


Zen does do a lot of damage, but there’s a major difference between him and Brig: he has much less survivability. His high damage output is counteracted by his low mobility, low healing, and lack of a defensive ability. Compare that to Brig who has very respectable damage output, a shield, a stun, a knockback, a passive heal, and very good burst healing.

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People say zen has low mobility and surviability yet when i play mercy i average 6 to 7 deaths a game same with moira. Lucio and zen 8 deaths on average. If zen has such little mobility and surivability why isn’t their a big difference in average deaths between him and my mobile supports.