Are you even going to fix Reinhardt's bugs?

I know all that.
But saying that they are just blatantly ignoring reins bugs is just childish.
Evidence does help, but if you can’t reliably recreate the bug even when you see something that happened on a video it’s not really possible to fix without the risk of introducing new major bugs when you go blindly fixing things.

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You know you had some really good valid points in your argument, I just want to hear something like that from the developers. Their silence is killing me and my patience is growing thin… I appreciate your reply really

I don’t like the silence either, but sometimes it’s hard for them to say anything knowing the track record of people in the forums and other places.
If they say something it’s going to get backlash and if they stay silent they still get backlash.
It’s a tricky situation with overwatches community being the way it is.

Reinhart is an old character with outdated kit, he definitively needs a passive and a lot of bug fix (charge and ult).

Also let him fly !

It’s not our job to recreate it as gamers, it’s our job to report the bug. We aren’t the dev team, it’s their job to see the videos and go to work with recreating it. It’s their responsibility, not ours. They have the team of testers/coders/programers. They have a FAR greater understanding of the games code and how it works than we as the consumers of their product do.

What you are asking out of the consumer of the product is insane. It’s NOT our responsibility to fix this stuff, we don’t have the tools or the knowledge behind what makes this game tick.

A dev can see video evidence and have a FAR clearer understanding of how to recreate the bug than any random gamer and his buddy and a capture card. Much the same way a doctor can see a wound and know how to treat it than the person with the wound.

Even then some of us actually go above and beyond to recreate the bugs, like this charge bug:

I have no idea what you are defending here. We understand that fixing a game like this is difficult, we understand it’s not easy, but the Crusaders in this community have been MORE THAN patient, have been MORE THAN cooperative, and MORE THAN understanding about all of this.

So what if one of us finally gets upset and steams off a bit. In my opinion it’s well earned frustration. For years Reinhardt players have been fighting with bugs, and if some of them want to lose their patience, then that is to be expected, but don’t condemn them or belittle their frustrations and try to say it’s not warranted; it certainly is warranted.

In my opinion, I think the Reinhardt players of this community have behaved admirably despite what they have endured with these bugs. And so what if the OP used language that catches more peoples eye. I don’t think anything Goldenhardt said was “childish”

You want to see real childish posts, go look at some of the crazy things people are saying about Briggy and “no skill heroes”.


I’m not belittling anyones opinions.
I’m just trying to bring a different point of view into the conversation.
The community is already too negative as it is and saying things out of frustration is not helping the situation and makes communication harder.
You speak as if i never play rein and don’t care about fixing his bugs at all.
He’s my favorite tank hero and the first hero that i got a golden weapon for.

Throwing blame helps nobody.

Ugh, I thought they were just starting to sort him out. Last night, I hammer downed on 3 people in a hallway, not a single person dropped. No shields, no bubbles, its like the game said “Not Today”

Rein is not meta. But also not f-tier (surprisingly), so blizz have no reason to touch him at all

The game have evolved to the point where “meta” applies more to maps than it does to the overall game.

Reinhardt is certainly meta on specific maps like King’s Row, Control Tower, and Nepal Village . You will consistently see him be played on these maps in OWL and in match making. They have every reason to fix him.

i see more orisas every day

We all do, but Reinhardt still dominates on specific maps. And like I said, “meta” has more to do with individual maps. And this new map that is coming out also looks like another Reinhardt payload map. He is too important of a hero to not have his bugs fixed.

I’ll just leave this here, a post made on the 27th of Feb. Maybe one day we’ll see Rein fixed but at this point I have lost all hope. They don’t even talk about it, they don’t tell what the situation is, just complete silence. Zero communication about his state.
Rein has had bugs for so, so, so long now, it’s just sad when you also realise Earthshatter isn’t the only thing that is bugged. Meh.

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Early April you say?

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Where it at tho…??