Are we going to see any Pharah changes soon?

Without affecting either hero? It would make Pharah a troll pick.

jeff are you serious ? you wanna make pharah op mate ?

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As long as they don’t buff her on console…She dominates there. The only buff I would want on her on console is a slight health boost or some armour so she doesn’t die as much during her ult.

Excited to hear that, Pharah has been one of my main characters purely because of her kit and design. I would love to use her more consistevly and have a chance against hitscan (that doens’t rely on them being Wood 5 level of aim).

inb4 these pharah changes are ‘we have slightly reduced the damage of pharahs rockets but made the rockets heatseeking to compensate for pharahs being at a severe disadvantage vs hitscans at range’.

Honestly would anyone seriously doubt if they actually were foolish enough to give pharah heatseeking rockets

Very cool. I hope to see if it’s about movement (something in Quake style?) or damage output.
BTW are we going to see fixes for Mei’s bugs? There are many bugs that makes her pretty unreliable and less desiderable than other heroes despite being more useful than before: Mei bugs with videos. (+ new bugs)

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Yeah let’s buff pharah, she’s so much fun to play against.


Maybe a rework? Because we all know how that turns out. Am I right?

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No god please no. Pharah already renders most of the projectile cast useless forcing you to swap to one of 3 heroes. I hope if she does get buffed in one way that they reduce her damage or flight time to compensate.


Hahaha lets go and buff pharah…

You know that pharah (pharahmercy) have the higher dps pickrate on ps4 gm and master?

… lets go and kill ps4 overwatch!


Hanzo can Kill Pharah, just Point at her and StormSpam.

on the note of changes please give Pharah better lateral mobility and ability to drop using crouch.

I was just thinking about this. And I wonder what (at high level play) is really a “good” place for heroes. I think it’s probably different for damage heroes because there are so many, but it is an interesting thought. At 18.72% pick rate, we both agree that is d-tier. But what is reasonable?

Using world cup data, here’s the latest DPS hero tier list. This isn’t to argue, I am just really thinking about it now and am curious what others think. There are 15 damage heroes and none are above c-tier usage. Only 2 were used more than Pharah.

In order of most use to least use

  • S-tier
    ** Nobody
  • A-tier
    ** Nobody
  • B-tier
    ** Nobody
  • C-tier
    ** Widowmaker, Tracer
  • D-tier
    ** Pharah, Hanzo, Genji, Sombra, Junkrat, McCree, Doomfist
  • F-tier
    ** Mei, Bastion, Torbjorn, Soldier 76, Reaper, Symmetra

It’s pretty easy to wreck Pharah (alone) with McCree right now.

Bastion is not F Tier
He is TrashCan Tier.

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I was just going on World Cup usage data. There isn’t a tier below F-Tier.

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D.Va against Pharah alone, yes. Against PharMercy - not so much. I only play QP but there, Pharah is usualy pretty strong, even more with Mercy. Could be because Phara is picked mostly by “mains” there and many players don’t pick counters to Pharah or even worsee, ignore her.
So I see no need to buff her, except maybe a better survivability during her ult, in 99% she insta dies when using her ult, so it feels at least. :sweat_smile:

I wouldn’t even mind trading some damage for just survivability. Its awful to play her nowadays. You just get obliterated immediately if you show yourself.

I wonder what the changes will be though. I’m so exicted!

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Just because I main dva doesn’t mean I exclusively play dva or I do not worry about Pharah destroying the rest of my team while I’m busy with a Hanzo else he also kills my whole team.

Pharah being a nuisance doesn’t revolve around one of my chars being decent against her lel.

Neither does this stupid dps powercreep that should have never happened.

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If I could flag this post, I would.

Pharah doesn’t need changes.


Would like to see a jet burst in mid air to the left right down or back kinda like tracers teleports but not blinking like her