Are we going to see any Pharah changes soon?

Isn’t it about time the bird gets her claws back?


Only on PC?


Yup only on PC my guy


Are you implying that they nerfed her claws you and want them reverted? #SwissCheese. #BeserkerBarrage #Schnikt.


In all seriousness, I imagine she is probably in consideration for the next patch.

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What would you think she needs? Or like to see?

I don’t play her that much but she feels likes she needs, something, especially with all the tweaks the game in general gotten over the, what now 3 years it’s been out>


People still think she’s op on console

And to answer your question, probably not because of 2 reasons but I’m tired and really don’t feel like saying much

  1. Pharmercy. In the pro scene Pharah is almost NEVER played without a pocket mercy, plus the aim and game sense of players is significantly better.
  2. Console players who refuse to aim/counter. Self explanatory

The power creep is real man lol


Just for context, the literal last buff Pharah ever got was November of 2016, that’s over 650 days ago. The buff was just to her hovering efficiency too, a simple quality of life buff. She also got a tiny minimum splash damage buff in that patch but got a knockback nerf to her rockets at same time.

Power creep has never been more evident for any other hero when all the hitscan and snipers around her are getting buffed over the years and when her only reliable healer gets nerfed monthly :expressionless:



There are 3 things I’d like to see:

  1. A fix for Concussive Blast
  2. A Barrage fix
  3. A Mobility tune up

I think it would be cool if she got a new ability on crouch. A dive or fast fall so she can have more mobility options without buffing her too much.


Wait why isn’t this a thing for her already?!


Probably because the devs have their hands full. I’m not going to pretend that I understand the logistics my idea requires. But I think it’s a good idea when the devs get around to looking at Pharah.


I hope so, she’s super squish. At least has been in my eyes since like, ever.
Make my Gf buff again Pls ;~;


I mean it sounded like something that could have been there for the start.

I hope they take some look into because it just sounds like a natural thing for her do be able to do

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Pharah buffs might cause console players to riot. On PC, I think she’s in a good place honestly.


I would love it if she received a buff. Even a small QoL buff would probably help out a lot without making her too OP.

How would a alt fire would be?
Like a blast only shot that does 60 damage in a area.
Or removing self damage maybe.(except ult)

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I don’t think they need to do much to her. the problem imo is that she is the only one with air dominance, and there’s not really dedicated for anti-air combat.

She should get a new ability where she can drink water to restore 3 health. 12 second cooldown.

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itll probably never happen but id like to see her movement increased in some way or 2. I dont care what anyone says, pharah isnt hard to kill like alot make it out to be.