Are we going to see any Pharah changes soon?

This is definitely something I’ve suggested before, a rapid descent would go a long way. Possibly on the same timer as JJ is currently as well, giving the player a calculated choice you know?

Currently CB functions of a pinpoint LOS, making it difficult to use around certain map geometry like stairs or ledges. A simple “bubble” type LOS would go a long way to making it a little more effective.

Not much is really needed, she’s arguably one of the most balanced heroes in the game right now, but at the same time a team with even 3 heroes that can somewhat give her a hard time is more than enough to harass a Pharah. Given the most recent range buffs to hitscan as well, challenging a Pharah at long range standoffs is fairly commonplace now.

Pharmercy still make me lose my comp games. From bronze to plat people have such a hard time challenging her. I’ve seen double hitscan t lose to her.

Also let’s not buff her, like they buffed Doomfist. Pharah will probably useda lot more if GOATs becomes meta. They shouldn’t go by her usage.

If they ever buff Pharah, be ready to see a lot more Widowmaker again, and that something I don’t want to see

I mean I’m seeing a lot of Widow currently, as well as double, triple and even quadruple hitscan if not to counter me, then actually right off the bat at the beginning of the level.

I’m not even gonna lie, I don’t consider myself a mediocre Pharah player, and I can safely say that most projectile heroes, 21/28 heroes available right now can not only harass her and make her life hell, but can counter her effectively to a certain extent as well.

Pharmercy will always be a difficult strat to counter to an extent, but players have come a long way since season 3 trust me on that.

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My dream list of Pharah buffs, any one of these would be magnificent:

  • Cancelable Barrage
  • Can MOVE while Barraging
  • Invincibility or increased defense during Barrage
    See a common thread? Barrage sux. Tired of it being a meme and a suicide mission, press Q to respawn, since launch



Cancelable Barrage makes sense, maybe even a faster barrage, taking a second off but keep the damage output same as it would be if it were normal.

It’s hard to imagine a moveable Barrage and even one that increases defensive capabilities.

Maybe even a small damage reduction for every rocket that lands on someone? It doesn’t increase health or add a barrier or regain health, but it simply reduces the amount of damage you take if you ult ends up being successful?

Amen… Any time I’m about to ult with her I go ahead and let my team know that I’m dead before I ever even launch the first rocket. Pharah’s Barrage is literally instant death unless you just get lucky now. You can focus down a single character, almost doesn’t even matter which one, and they can still kill you before you’re a quarter of the way through the Barrage. It’s ridiculous.


She needs buffs on PC and nerfs on console.


She needs huge nerfs to her flight and considerable buffs elsewhere regardless of platform.

i hope she will get lower cd for her abilities.

10 sec for a vertical movement ability is too much. 8 would be much better.

Same argument for concussive blast, there are abilities more useful that have a lower cd. I would reduce it to 10 or 8.

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Pharmercy itself is what needs HUGE nerfs on console, it’s such a driving force on that platform, more so than brigitte.


She doesn’t need any nerf.
She is barely viable right now.


Define a good place being F tier where everyone wanted her?

Pharmercy is a problem because Pharah is a problem.
She doesn’t need a nerf. Her flight just needs changed. Approaching the freakin’ skybox and being untouchable by basically the entire roster is not okay. She isn’t OP, but her design is unacceptable.

I don’t think she’s F-tier. She’s right in the middle on a usage chart. There are 14 heroes used more than her and 13 used less than her. And when you look at damage heroes specifically, there are 4 used more than Pharah and 10 used less than Pharah. And her win rate is over 50%, so she’s not hurting there.

If anything, she’s map dependent because she definitely has strong and weak maps. And she has some well defined counters that can force a switch, but she’s not F-tier.

Ok many problems with this post. A Pharah at the skybox is a sitting duck as she limits her mobility options and is very easy to spot. as for this most of the roster can’t touch her crap it isn’t and hasn’t been true for a long time.

Dva Widowmaker Sombra Mcree Hanzo Solider Bastion Orisa Torb Winston Roadhog Ana Zen Tracer Sym Mei Moria Genji and Zarya all have ways to output damage onto her.

Hell if your good enough with Junkrat Rineheart Lucio and Mercy you can deal damage to her as well.

Only brig reaper and doom have issues consistently doing anything to her becuase in the case of reaper it’s almost only with his ult’s vertical range or when she drops and Doom if he is high in the air at the time. As for Brig sure a brig can’t hit a pharah.


I bet you those numbers will drop soon when people realize diva recently got huge changes

Are you talking about the multi-shot changes that applied to a pretty large number of heroes? Reaper, Doomfist, D.Va, Genji, Roadhog, Torbjorn, etc…

Dude did u even read what u said?

Yes and there pretty strong in the cases of Reaper and Dva.

It affects any hero that fires more than one bullet at a time which is quite a few of them. And it was a bug fix anyway. It’s not specific to D.Va and Reaper and I think will affect Tracer too even though she wasn’t specifically listed.