Are we getting a scoreboard?

What about a scoreboard that shows both team stats after the ending screen ?

This is the type of scoreboard I’d like to see. And this would not breed toxicity because everyone would have already left by then.


Then how would you know if your pick isn’t working and if you should switch to another hero.
I would like to know if I’m not performing up to par, so I can switch to something else so I can contribute more.
Because as it is now I will never know because, in my head, just like 99% of the community I’m playing at a top 500 level and my team are playing like bronze players.

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Sadly no. The reasons are the same weak points that have been debunked over and over and still they cling to them like a burning nail to not do it.

  • No, its not going to increase toxicity, we already have blaming with medals.
  • No, its not going to be perfect and reflect 100% of what is happening in the match but its better than having 0% of info.
  • Yes, it can only be implemented in competitive so the rest of the non “tryhards” are safe.
  • No, you cant effectively learn about the game without context, its a fact.
  • No, you cant truly be a competitive e-sports and not have one, its ridiculous.

For anything else you can come up with, watch Destiny video, from 2016 (lol) about it. Its 47mins, i know some of you wont see it and still rant about the same answered questions . Here The Overwatch scoreboard rant - YouTube


Welp, i hope it will not be added, but as i learn from the past, games like to change, and overwatch is no exepcion, most changes make me stop plaing those games, like tf2 after removing option to chose yourself what server you wona join in casual.

If scoreborad gona hit i propably gona go watch for some matches how bad it will be, then most possible will be for me to leave game and look for something else to play

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There isn’t a scoreboard because they didn’t want to add one, not because it would be hard to add. I mean, obviously.


Apparently not so obvious.
As you can see people still quote old interviews and excuses and try to pass them as “reasons” when its pretty clear they dont want people’s feelings to get hurt in comp.

Thats … pretty much the only real reason at this point.

Spoiler alert : Toxicity still happens anyway with medals, and more with private profiles (created against this purpose) because … toxic people is going to be toxic no matter the excuse :smiley:


I doubt it. Personally I don’t really care if we get one or not, doesn’t really effect how I play the games I play. When I open the scoreboards in other games, it’s to see how I’m doing, I don’t care about everyone else.

Honestly, I think a scoreboard would be good and bad. Would it increase toxicity? Sure. But it would also increase accountability. People would have to deal with their teams knowing if they were playing really badly. It might keep people from playing undependable/bad heroes since everyone would really know if they were failing to contribute.


Yep. If you see the video, its gold. One of the sentences is :
"Blaming is for children, when you become an adult, it is called responsibility".
You cant fix something that you dont know its broken, you need to see what the problem is, and for that, you need context.

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I hope they’ll trust their community and give us more stats on games.
Keep players blinds is never the good choice.

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I can understand if my pick doesn’t work based on my gamesense. You should rely on it too.

If I have a junkrat and 3 gold medals but we’re losing because the enemies have pharmercy, I can understand by myself that the team needs a hitscan or two. I don’t need a scoreboard to tell me.

I wouldn’t mind a mid game scoreboard, but the thought that it would improve gameplay is just naive.

If someone believes that his far superior than the rest of it’s team and rank, it’s already a lost cause. They will simply look up for lame excuses like “Im not getting pocketed like the other dps” or “everyone is focusing me” even with a mid game scoreboard.

Unfortunately, even raw facts and truth can’t beat sheer stupidity.

That said, score can hide the truth some times. Like for example, a smart genji that deletes the enemy supports in a start of every fight but has bronze medals, is far superior than an idiot genji who pops his dragonblade every single time our rest of the team is dead, only to get 3 pointless kills, die like a fool, and scream “Muh 3 gold medals”.


Dear god , you clearly dont get it.
A scoreboard is not only there to help cover things you “cant understand” but to make you understand the game FASTER and with a glance. Sure you have to use your brain later to crunch the numbers and understand what story they are telling you but right now … you have to figure the story without any numbers.

This will make it easier.

There are a lot of things (once again) a scoreboard doesnt tell but it tells MANY others. Denying that fact is disingenuous and you know it, just like …

Saying that having more info or context than now would not improve anyone’s gameplay is simply lying. Theres … no way around it.

Once again, debunked. Sure, but those are not the point or who scoreboards are for. Following that logic, lets delete the “mute and block” tools. “Hey theres toxicity anyway right? meh, lets not do ANYTHING about it, it is going to happen anyway”.

Yeah no.

Of course but it can … damn, just read my comment and see the video. It is 47mins but in the first 20 you can get EVERYTHING you are writing here answered.


Wow, I think you took my post waaay out of context.

Fun fact I bolded it. But your reply felt like I don’t want a scoreboard.

Let me sum it up:

I want a scoreboard as much as you do. Mid game, after game, it’s the same to me. However, I want it because I want to see the stats for my personal use. I’m definitely not against it.

Yes, it would be a useful tool but I don’t believe it will have many benefits rather than personal analysis.

That was never my logic! I said that you can’t fix stupidity, not that the tools aren’t useful. Very different things.

Personal analysis is how you get better as a player.
If you are able to see mid game who is slacking or not doing his/her job, this helps IMMENSELY to fix whatever the issue is and or cover it up and get back up on your feet as a team to win the game.

The video is gold in that regard though, you will enjoy it if you want a Scoreboard :slight_smile:

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In the early days there were

Thats my mindset as well for improving.

I’ll watch the video, seems like it has value in it. Thanks!

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I hope we’re getting a scoreboard soon. They don’t inherently promote toxicity; rather this community is just so bad that any new addition turns into toxicity.

Blizz also didn’t want to release official vanilla WoW servers and thinks diablo fans want a mobile game but here we are. Over the past year Blizz has definitively and arrogantly demonstrated that they are out of touch with their customer base.


i used to say the same thing . i would play moira and orisa and get 3 golds and wonder what are dps heroes doing !! and i would watch symmetra streamers get toxicity even when she had 3 golds .
then i started playing sombra , where i would do so good and hack everyone and stop enemy ults , yet i only get bronze … maybe there could be another way to show how everyone is doing .
maybe it could be optional for people to show their scores.

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I mean, right!? Can you imagine. I think it would be cool if we got some more personal stats based on the average performance on that hero.

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