Are there any "funny" skins?

So relatable. I want it a$ap so I can tell my whiny beta teammates that cry about le piglet that they remind me of my skin. :clown_face: :nail_care:

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So like we forgot Rudolph Roadhog? or Ana Pharaoh? or Mei Beekeeper? or genji Sentai? or Zarya Totaly 80s? or Mcree Scroodge? or Wrecking ball 8Ball? i could go all day with funny skins but this might be my own fun i dont know what you consider funny in this case :confused:

None of these are “funny” unless there’s something wrong with your head. “silly” does not equal “funny.” Ballerina Reaper is funny.

I’d love a cardboard D.Va as well (you could call it budget or something) and it’d be fitting too cause they both have police skins.

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Lightning Tracer is my favourite Tracer skin because it’s so good and silly I love it. Running around and annoying people as the Banana Tracer is the best feeling ever.

(But yes give me Ballerina Reaper and Rockstar Reinhardt)

Typically the funny maymay xD skins are ugly and age poorly once the novelty wears off. See: like half of Fortnite skins ever created. I’m glad Blizz doesn’t make too many of them because the few they do are golden like LEGO Bastard and Beach Torb.

According to your logic big menacing man in a Ballerina custome=funny??? what are you 11?

For me orisa Icecream is soooo cute. Especially when you have mei with her summer games skin in team xD

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i agree with this 100%