Are Tanks TOO Hard

Main tanks are some of the highest skilled heros in the game. But a lot of lower ranks don’t really understand how to play tank at all, and just kinda stand in front of the team.

So then they think it’s boring.

But personally I don’t touch tank because of heros like Sombra and Doom who make me feel completely useless.


When it comes to playing DPS or Healer, most heroes can get good value in spite of low strategy (Sombra is an obvious exception).

However, when a tank player disregards strategy, then there is only one high value tank available: Zarya.

As a tank’s job is to keep focus off of their team, Zarya unconditionally does this, because Particle Barrier and Projected Barrier directly stop the teammate from being focused, and they give Zarya advantage for successfully tanking for the team.

On the other hand, every other tank requires some map strategy, and various conditions to be effective.

Reinhardt and Roadhog need to plan their abilities, utilities, and ults around map corners. Similarly, Winston, and Wrecking Ball have to lock their opponents out of map advantages, which is purely strategic.

Orisa and Sigma are simpler to play than other tanks, but their barrier placement/management still requires map-specific strategy to get any value.


Maybe or maybe not, thing is “heavies” have ususally just never worked and Barrier tanks are the only way of actually accomplishing tanking in a game, where the enemies act on their own accord.

Just being aware of this is also a good start, instead of thinking an equal split will ever be achieved, or that more tanks/supports or buffing them in general to insanely overpowered status, would fix or even alleviate the problem in the slightest, which we know from the same places, that it won´t.

So if they need good barriers to function, firepower to be fun, but be counterable at close range but not medium range.
Then all you gotta do is lower their HP.

Solves all those problems.

✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

It isn´t only health that makes them problematic, mitigation (Barriers and such) can also function as a substitute healthpool. Making the hero more deadly at lower HP, while upping the mitigation, won´t fix that alone, only in very few instances with specific heroes.

So weaken the close range mitigation.

For instance only 20% resistance on Fortify.

✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

This won´t fix, DM, Barrier spam and dancing etc tho. How would you fix them for the classes that cannot do anything about it, when you make the tanks stronger and this defensive aspect stronger too ?

Well, if they have DM on, then they don’t have DoubleBarrier.

As for Grasp, they could nerf that.

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Tanks aren’t hard, it’s just hard to be a tank in these hard and trying times.


they’re too hard cause they broke the balance within and between the roles and how you perform is a lot less impactful on the outcome of the match. picking the right cards like this is a hearthstone game decides 90% now unfortunately.

no, but when the enemy team switches to reaper every game it takes away all the fun


I don’t understand how to tank. I know I am supposed to make space, push the payload, get on the point and stuff, but I always feel like I’m just feeding. And that I need to be babysat.

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They aren’t too hard, they just have been nerfed to worthlessness

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Once you’ve played tank for a while, paying attention to all the things that you’ve mentioned becomes the usual.

Also, some tanks don’t even require amazing mechanical skill so your mind doesnt have to focus all of Its attention on hitting shots.

swing swing swing

The thing that’s hard about tank is that some people often lose their w key.

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That makes it more fun to me. I derive some sort of sick pleasure out of making people learn the hard way that Hog counters Reaper.

They are certainly harder to play/use than other characters and I definitely all your points are very valid. Personally I enjoy the challenge of Tanking. I didn’t play online FPS’ growing up so my aiming is terrible.

Before 2/2/2 I was stuck playing Tank alot and with the 2/2/2 format you have a lot more structure to get better with Tanking. You know the enemy also has 2/2/2 so you can at least attempt to counter effectively.

One thing I hope we can all agree on, Overwatch has a terrible training system aka none at all and it’s a very complicated game due to the numerous interactions available.


I don’t think it’s tanks that are too difficult to learn. It’s the fact that players seem to think Zarya + Roadhog can beat dual shield 9 times out of 10, when in reality it does almost nothing to it.

Stop with the Zarya Roadhog against double shields. You’re consistently annoying 10 other players.

Hog definitely counters double shield. One of the best tanks to play if you are not mirroring it.


Leave that to your ranged Support if you have one or a widow or whatever. You take the rest of your team and push into the enemy as far as possible without actually standing in their spawn and while still having an escape route for your entire team and holding an Eye on the payload in case somwone sneaks by and buy as much time as possible so the 1 guy on the payload can go as far as possinle without any interuption.

Only if you are attacking the point or defending with enemies there. The objective is secured? Good now push against the enemy as much as possible again and just leave 1 person on the objective to take it. You create enough space to make it impossible for the enemy to contest.

Thats part of playing tanks. Just try to not feed as much as possible? Use your barrier, if its getting low, let your team know and use a wall, or rotate with your other tank.

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