I don’t understand how to tank. I know I am supposed to make space, push the payload, get on the point and stuff, but I always feel like I’m just feeding. And that I need to be babysat.
They aren’t too hard, they just have been nerfed to worthlessness
Once you’ve played tank for a while, paying attention to all the things that you’ve mentioned becomes the usual.
Also, some tanks don’t even require amazing mechanical skill so your mind doesnt have to focus all of Its attention on hitting shots.
swing swing swing
The thing that’s hard about tank is that some people often lose their w key.
That makes it more fun to me. I derive some sort of sick pleasure out of making people learn the hard way that Hog counters Reaper.
They are certainly harder to play/use than other characters and I definitely all your points are very valid. Personally I enjoy the challenge of Tanking. I didn’t play online FPS’ growing up so my aiming is terrible.
Before 2/2/2 I was stuck playing Tank alot and with the 2/2/2 format you have a lot more structure to get better with Tanking. You know the enemy also has 2/2/2 so you can at least attempt to counter effectively.
One thing I hope we can all agree on, Overwatch has a terrible training system aka none at all and it’s a very complicated game due to the numerous interactions available.
I don’t think it’s tanks that are too difficult to learn. It’s the fact that players seem to think Zarya + Roadhog can beat dual shield 9 times out of 10, when in reality it does almost nothing to it.
Stop with the Zarya Roadhog against double shields. You’re consistently annoying 10 other players.
Hog definitely counters double shield. One of the best tanks to play if you are not mirroring it.
Leave that to your ranged Support if you have one or a widow or whatever. You take the rest of your team and push into the enemy as far as possible without actually standing in their spawn and while still having an escape route for your entire team and holding an Eye on the payload in case somwone sneaks by and buy as much time as possible so the 1 guy on the payload can go as far as possinle without any interuption.
Only if you are attacking the point or defending with enemies there. The objective is secured? Good now push against the enemy as much as possible again and just leave 1 person on the objective to take it. You create enough space to make it impossible for the enemy to contest.
Thats part of playing tanks. Just try to not feed as much as possible? Use your barrier, if its getting low, let your team know and use a wall, or rotate with your other tank.
Hog yes, if you know how to play him. Hog Zarya seems to be the staple for players who don’t want to main tank currently. Hog Dva used to be the staple.
Main tanks are just too team reliant.
If no one is around to help against close range with Orisa, your Swiss cheese.
If no one is shooting with you on Rein, again Swiss cheese.
Tanks are good with a team.
Tanks are painful to play in solo queue.
at base value, it’s not that hard, all you do is pretty much is try to go forward and survive while your team gets to benefit off your ability to take damage for them.
this can some times be really easy or really hard depending how well your team plays.
but next step up is protecting others and applying your own pressure ontop of the trying to survive part which is where gamesense and knowledge and tactics and strategy comes in.
that simply takes time and experience to get to a decent spot at but really you don’t have to be a mastermind or an 1337 gamer to play tank.
the thing i think about tanks is that you have to find something about the tank you’re playing enjoyable enough to play a tank in the first place over other things.
if you enjoy it, you will take your time with the character and develop your skillset with them.
I mean only tank I feel this way about is Rein. Where knowing everyone’s position at all times is important and you have to reassess an important decision constantly (left click right click lol).
Sigma requires some thought. Hamster requires a ton of upfront work but overall is not that complicated strategically. And Hog Zar DVA and Orisa are all pretty autopilot. I never feel challenged on them whether im doing good or bad and they’re always kinda relaxing. They’re like playing Reaper as dps or Moira as support for me.
All 5 of these are things every role has to learn to function properly.
Tanks aren’t hard to play, 5/7 of them are just bad.
No. They’re not too hard. They’re just useless. Except for Rein.
Indeed it does. When i first played the game i looked at winston and thought “oh cool, so he dives onto his team and protects them with shield?” Nope…he dives the enemy, snipers, backline, and all sorts of weird angles/positions. very confusing character for a newcomer when you look at the kit face value.
It’s not particularly fun to tank right now. I mostly quit tanking when Echo came out, but that’s settled down a bit and you don’t run into as many as feared. The thing I’ve noticed that’s most frustrating is that, as a tank, you can make an awesome play, make a ton of space for your team, bust your huevos for a massive play . . . and play of the game goes to a Junkrat killing two people. Again. It’s deflating.
TLDR: playing anything that’s fun for you isn’t as hard as playing something that feels like running uphill on a sand dune.
Can say the same about supports, tanks aren’t that hard, learning synergies is easy. Yeah, healing healthbars lol, as if holding up shields and throwing them was that difficult. Positionning= tanks in front of their team. For the 3rd point it’s more the job of the healers than the tanks, and the coms???
4th point tanks are the easiest to aim with after moira and brig, there’s a reason the tank gold damage medal is a thing.
I find tanks much easier than playing supports or dps, they’re just boring that’s it.
Ok, Let me answer your question. It depends on the type of tanks we’re talking about. I’ll tell you the tanks that are easy and hard. The ones not mentioned are the ones that are in the middle of hard and easy. Easy to play tanks: Roadhog, Reinhardt (easy to play, hard to master), and I guess Winston (again, easy to play, hard to master. I’m unsure though as I don’t play too much Winston). Hard to play tanks: Wrecking Ball, Zarya (I listened to a Zarya main on this, there’s way too much that goes on for me to even try to attempt to master her, I’ll just stick with my D.va thank you very much) and Sigma.
Really, I’d say we need more tanks for 1, and 2, tank-line overall is equal skill floor. Some easy to play hard to master characters, but you have an equal 3 easy tanks and 3 hard tanks, with 2 unsaid being more inbetween both difficulties. Unless we go into main tanks and off tanks, then we see a different story. For off tanks, maybe add in something easy to play? Main tanks go the opposite direction, add something hard to play.
Off tanks have Zarya and Wrecking Ball, whom are hard to play, (even if pros make it seem like it’s easy to play Zarya, truth be told, it’s not, and Wrecking Ball, arguably, is probably the hardest tank to play in the game, even if he’s so fun to play) and then you have D.va, who’s borderline between easy and hard to play, (I’m a D.va main, I should know my own character’s skill floor, unless you wanna argue with me and lose when I have over 200 hours on D.va and a lot of proof by my side) And then Roadhog. Aim with the hook. You’ll be a good Roadhog, basically. (There’s more that goes into hog, but aiming with the hook is a must)
Main Tanks have Reinhardt and Winston, whom are easy to play, (but hard to master, I can tell you, it’s not easy to master Reinhardt, knowing you can do 360 degree Earthshatters, as I saw from a pro and Winston ult’s… Different from the rest of the cast. Deffinetly learn how to juggle with that ult) Orisa, who is inbetween easy and hard to play, (I’m an Orisa main and had mained her from time to time, played her quite a number of hours and did my research, so I know what I’m doing and what I’m talking about. I should know her skill floor by now, unless you wanna argue here too, which beating me won’t be easy) And Sigma, who is hard to play. (Although I can see him as a mix between D.va and Reinhardt to get a good grasp of him, that’s not the entire road to play him and master him)
So, are Tanks too hard? In a general sense, NO, they aren’t. In fact, they are a perfect amount of skill to take to learn how to play tanks. But if we were to break it down to Off Tanks and Main Tanks, then Off Tanks are too difficult and Main Tanks are too easy (possibly, cause again, not sure on Winston). So there you go. Here’s your answer wrapped up.
Tanks are considered to be the most boring role to play in ANY game in existance. Overall (probs untrue in some games, but I’m talking in a more general sense). But even if people believe that, you cannot deny that it is still a highly important role needed in a lot of games. (kinda why I say NO to that new game, Valorant, partly, really, have a lot of reasons there, but that’s for a different day and a different time)
So, we kinda have to learn how to tank to be able to be part of a team. It’s a TEAM BASED SHOOTER for crying out loud! You have abilities that HELP the TEAM. So, if you believe that Tanks are too team-dependant, then you need to have a chat with the likes of other characters like Sombra or Mei. Cause I’ll tell you, Tanks are not that team-dependant. Over 200 hours on D.va to prove it too. And she’s a tank. I can take matters into my own hands at times with D.va, sometimes. But I still need a TEAM to have my back, as it is a TEAM-BASED SHOOTER. So knowing this is that type of game, the words of too team-dependant should be forgotten. Cause of the type of game it is.
And also, your reasonings as to why you believe tanks are too difficult to play… Doesn’t every character need some of those skills too? Like if a DPS goes too far into the enemy team, you die? Or if your not good at Zenyatta mechanically, your not much of value to the team and your way too squishy? (A good Zenyatta can be very scary btw) Synergies? All characters have to know their synergies, YES, including DPSes, like the nano-blade or Mei ult + Reaper ult. (whatever that’s called) So… Not very good reasons to believe Tanks are too hard if all characters require the same skill sets too.
Hopefully this will help clear things up and answer a few things. Have a nice day!
Yours Truly,
The D.va, Orisa, Brigitte, Tracer, Widowmaker and Mercy main at your service,