who is JK? unless JK is a new name for zarya
I don’t trust your assessment of the support role and what is/isn’t a healbot. You’ve proven to have a skewed perception of the support role and to be riddled with bias.
I think they mean Junker Queen.
thank you, weird name for her but still, people always complained about hogs damage but on average zarya has the most damage for a tank, i cant imagine that changing in overwatch 2
roadhog and junker queen having high damage(roadhog has on average the 4th or 5th most damage for a tank so he really doesnt have high numbers) is really all they have so they need high damage
So do you think Overwatch 2 Tanks aren’t overall buffed relative to Overwach 1 Tanks?
They are but that is mostly because there is only 1 per team.
If we keep 2 supports per team the changes i would want are different than if there was only 1 support per team , which would make it so i buff them more in that case.
So you admit that Role Limits make it possible to buff Roles beyond the point that would be tolerable without Role Limits?
Sure. That’s why playing quickplay in OW2 is garbage when you have more than 1 tank per team.
So do you admit they could buff Supports beyond where they are now, without worrying about stacking 3-to-5 Supports per team?
I imagine it was autocorrect (if they’re typing on a phone) turning JQ to JK lol
I think Zarya probably has the highest damage output on average, possibly D.Va or Roadhog as well. With Junker Queen, I think a lot of it is sustain damage that doesn’t necessarily lead to kills. So it looks like a lot overall but if that damage rarely leads to kills, I don’t know how much of a problem it is personally.
Buff them how. IMO they are fine powerwise. They dont have new toys and some players dont like that they dont feel as safe as they did in OW1.
And even in OW2, DPS heroes are the ones that average the most deaths of all the roles. Not support.
They don’t need more healing, they don’t need more HP, and they don’t need more mini ultimate abilities on cooldown. Players that want to play them the same way they did in OW1 are the issue. Hiding in the backlines without worrying too much about getting into fights.
As long as they don’t pull a Symmetra, where they give 3 minor buffs accompanied by 9 nerfs, most support players are fine with power shifts that result in minor net-buffs at best.
I don’t mind not feeling safe (which also isn’t the case in OW1 most of the time, they are not always safe lol), but I don’t enjoy having to almost always use my utility on myself to keep myself alive from burst DPS and flankers, while simultaneously letting my team die by keeping myself alive. It isn’t fun and the devs have even indicated that supports see the most time in the spawn room, as well as struggling to fend people off.
I enjoy the risk factor and healbotting should be an option with certain heroes, and not an option with others. Variety would be nice, and right now, the popular picks are the ones that can survive the most.
Assuming they aren’t being healed and are a 200hp hero. Also can be damaging up to 5 people and not securing kills.
I main Winston, he can do a lot of trash damage
Sojourn and/or Ashe, usually
It’s also possible with the scoreboard we are now seeing how close tank/high tank damage is in comparison to DPS. Usually in OW1 I end up with a damage medal playing as a tank but without a scoreboard I can’t really compare with my teammates.
So do I.
Usually I go after the supports, and backline artillery/snipers. It works out, but I agree, can’t deal with healing.
I’m not saying that Winston is bad or can’t kill anything or whatever, I’m just using him as an example of how tanks can just do more damage than the damage dealers without it necessarily more effective than them.
This has always been true in Overwatch
Everyone is doing too much damage…
TTK in this game is far FAR too low for how big the hitboxes are and how sloppy the netcode is
back at launch, you had time to react to being shot, save the 1 shots… in order to put the shield up, or get behind cover… these days… nope you pop your head out, you’re ganked in a microsecond
Tanks do more damage per minute because they survive more, their tools often don’t kill the foe meaning that their Elimination per damage often wouldn’t be that great.
While if damage role has huge damage and bad elimination numbers means they’re underperforming.
Keep in mind also that elimination itself isn’t exactly a good metric, I would argue that deaths on the opposite team vs your team damage would be a better metric, same as comparing healing thresholds on both sides.
Supports alive = high healing numbers or higher deaths on the opposite team.
High damage numbers = suports being alive to heal the damage meaning less deaths on the opposite team.
The TTK is too low to actually have huge healing numbers, except if the supports aren’t dying or are healing tanks and tanks aren’t dying.
Is a bit complex but can hint some issues on the team.
If a tank does more damage than damage role combined, you check their kills metric. If they had good number of Eliminations they should be fine.
Damage dealt if doesn’t reflect on kill = feeding supports from the opposite team.
Good amount of kills = less overall damage needed and less overall healing needed.
Keep that in mind
i really dont mind tanks doing more damage in overwatch 2 then dps. the tank role is fun now so they should be important. crazy thing is we solved the tanks being fun thing but the support role is still a problem. no one wants to do it, it seems. heh
funny how people don’t like being sitting ducks and punching bags for DPS huh?..
almost as if that was the problem with tanks in OW1 when they gutted their survivability to try and kill goats