I want to preface this with saying that I actually am a tank player through and through (so this isn’t some whiney DPS player rant). I have always mained tanks and I play them all to a GM/Top 500 level. I’m not saying that to toot my own horn, but because it’ll be relevant in a minute.
Anyway, the talking point I want to put forth is this: “Are Tanks dealing too much damage”? Now, I know a lot of you will scoff at this notion, but have you noticed who the top damage dealers in nearly every lobby in OW2 are? At least in my anecdotal experience it seems to always be the tanks well ahead of everybody in terms of damage per 10 minutes.
Now, of course certain tanks are worse offenders than others, but generally speaking I manage to lead every lobby in damage no matter which tank I choose. You might argue that it’s because I am a higher MMR player than most, but I’d challenge that by saying that the matchmaker generally puts me in lobbies of other players near my skill level, and the other tank usually outpaces his/her damage players too.
So, even if Blizzard’s internal stats do back up that the tanks are generally dealing more damage than the other roles (most importantly, the damage heroes), is this actually a problem? Everyone is going to have their own opinion on this, and admittedly I even go back and forth on this myself, but I kind of think it is. For years I always said “well tanks lack range, not damage, that’s the important distinction”, but not all DPS have ranged lethality either. Even with the ones that do, I still find myself easily outpacing them by a mile.
Obviously, it’s okay for a tank to lead a lobby in damage if that player is genuinely performing better than everybody else, but I feel like it’s every game. I will find myself having more damage than both my DPS combined at times. Again, I am not trying to brag here, I feel like this is happening consistently and I am merely trying to highlight a problem.
I know any time a player asks for nerfs (especially broadly across a role), it never goes well on these forums, but I am hoping that because I actually am a tank player, people might think about this a little more honestly and open-mindedly.
To be clear though, I am not saying tanks shouldn’t be lethal and have teeth, they need to. I’m not insinuating tanks need drastic doomsday nerfs, as sometimes a little can go a long way. That being said, if supports lead lobbies in healing, and tanks lead lobbies in every other meaningful category, what is the point of the Damage role?
I know this has been a bit rambly, and I am aware the response to this post will probably be extremely negative, but I feel this topic needs to be discussed and I am willing to tank the forum hate. So please give your honest opinions, but I ask you do it respectfully and kindly. If you disagree (with me or somebody else), no need to insult their person.