Are Pharah’s changes a nerf or buff?

I honestly can’t make a decision. They lowered cooldown a and increased firerate, but lowered some knockback stuff. So is it a nerf or buff? And also, does this impact Junkrat in a positive or negative way?

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Nerf to bad Phara players, Buff to good ones.




Pharah is going to have to aim a lot better just to maintain current damage output. I think that some seasoned Pharahs will be stronger, but overall the hero will be harder to play.


The rocket changes are a buff to the top 5% of players and a nerf to everyone else
The concussive blast changes are a buff.

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Its a buff to close range spammy Pharah playstyles. A nerf to mid range accuracy based playstyles.

Im fine with a nerf to skybox pharmacy.

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Enjoy a close range spammy more oppressive Pharmercy instead then? Skybox Pharah required accuracy at least.

Depends on how you used her before.

If you’re able to reliably get direct hits. Massive buff. Her booping/disrupting potential just went up with the CD reduction to her concussion missile. Plus her firing speed increased. So if you were and can still land direct hits, you’ll be doing more damage.

If you relied on her splash damage. pretty substantial nerf. they reduced the amount of splash damage her rockets deal. That being said, it’s mitigated a bit by the firing rate.

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??? Skybox pharmacy was all spam due to the long range. I think you have this backwards. Up close aim will be more important since its reasonable to actually get direct hits, and she is at more risk. Wont be as strong spamming miles away being safe while just doing splash.

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If you spam from the skybox you do NOTHING valuable unless your target stands still.

Increased RoF actually serves to make it more likely these bad playstyle gets a lucky shot in.

To actually get value out of skybox pharah you need ACCURACY. Which in of itself is not feasible.

It is just -15 splash damage nerf (too small) in exchange of increasing in fire rate and less self damage and more self knockback, so I believe it is a buff

Yea, shoot in the general direction and hope for the best. There was so much travel time from that far away that its not like people could hit directs often, most of it was luck from people walking into them. How would she be more spammy in closer range compared to further away?

Nerf for the lower brackets
Buff for the higher brackets


Because the travel time is a none issue on top your enemy.

Feel free to read my thread on the subject.

Ridiculous buff, even on console.

So less travel time means more aim, long range was spam since you cannot accurately aim without luck when it takes a couple seconds for the rocket to hit. Yea you could predict where someone would be, but unless they keep walking in a straight line, luck was a huge factor.

From watching videos on her new change. It’s a nerf to players that used the splash damage mostly. But a buff for the good Pharah in a way. Technically, this should help the Pharah PS4 population that used m/kb.

Agreed, However, the decrease in splash in combination with the RoF “buff” will make long range spam just as viable as it is now. The faster you throw shots the more likely you get “lucky”.

In order to take true advantage of her RoF though you now have to be on top of the enemy. Which means you are exchanging a Spammy ineffective long range Pharah for a spammy CLOSE range EFFECTIVE Pharah playstyle.

You are essentially sayin " I am glad an already worthless playstyle is getting nerfed in exchange for encouraging an equally non-accuracy based playstyle but EFFECTIVE one.

That is the problem I take with your statement.

Why would it be spammy in close range? It would just be aiming your shots since there isnt much travel time. So I am saying im glad a fairly effective spam from long range style is getting nerfed, for a stronger closer range where she aims more and is more vulnerable to actually being killed outside of widow/other hitscan to a lesser extent.