Are Most Forum Users Just Trolls?

I think most forums users are just here to vent after a frustrating match. Which I’m also guilty of.

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I was asking questions of your thought process behind your post and stated beliefs.

There’s no way to provide statistics for something that you can’t get statistics for. I merely asked what percentage of players “you think” actually go around wrecking games for fun. It would’ve been a subjective answer for the sake of honest dialogue.

Here’s the exact quote.

Because you responded to something in a way that didn’t make sense to my reply my guy. You replied to a response that contextually didn’t make sense.

I wanted clarification, I actually couldn’t tell.

I suggested it was.

You suggested the game was more toxic, and then went on to be toxic.

That sounds pretty ironic to me, maybe intentionally ironic, possibly even satirical.

I wasn’t trolling at all, I was making an observation.

Buddy I’ve kept things very polite, the conversation didn’t derail until you started assuming the worst of me rather than just taking my words as they were intended to be taken: at face value.

No, I’m someone who wants a conversation.

I can be abrasive at times, but I’m not here to derail or enrage or harass.

I didn’t fault anyone, I suggested those who look for toxicity tend to find it and are often most vocal about it:

I don’t want anyone to face toxicity in game, and aim to suggest they take all precautions against it if it bothers them that much.

Never blamed you, if I did, you should be able to pull a quote.

I suggested you might have a blind spot for my quote above, everyone has and affinity for blind spots in some way.

Clicked on the post, forgot we interacted until well into my initial second quote honestly.

But while we’re here, can we drop the hostilities? The point of the second reply was to show that if you’re suggesting that “trolls are insulting you” is the reason you’re abandoning threads that maybe you shouldn’t have examples floating around of insults levied against someone who was nothing but amicable in their approach to a conversation.

It’s always a good feeling when someone takes my advice.

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How else would this place be entertaining?


:notes: isn’t it ironic :notes:


Yup. With 20 alt accounts, to report spam anything they disagree with.


Okay well the last post i saw from you was you complaining about mercy being able to spin while rezzing. Like bro do you not expect people to comment skill issue on that?

Im not saying all your posts deserve that and i dont know what other posts youve made but if youre gonna complain about things that are literal skill issues like not being able to hit a mercy point blank while she’s spinning, then yes people are going to comment skill issue.


There’s alt accounts made by the same people that reply to each other to stir things up, but besides that I generally assume the average person is that dumb and not a troll because it just seems like a better guess these days.

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skill issue, git gud

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idk what you are referring to but a dumb thread deserves a dumb answer.

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Yeah I’ve made loads of constructive threads in this forum with good suggestions and almost all of the replies have been just non-constructive to the discussion. E.g.

yes everyone that disagrees with you is obviously a troll

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I enjoy OW2’s gameplay a lot, but when it comes to the forums, I just like to make myself smile.

Scroll up and read more of the actual issue. It’s glitchy. My crosshair was on her both times, right on the center. Imagine shooting Roadhog with Cassidy with the crosshair dead on his fat belly and nothing happening.

From what I can understand you seem to have a issue that is mostly a skill issue in your threads? The simple fact is just that heroes like Moira and Orisa are not OP at all (for for an example). If you start trying to teach people that they are OP, you will get backlash for it.

To get more into the “all trolls” kind of stuff. Currently there are seemingly a few people around who quit the game but for what ever reason still argue on the forums. We are currently in S1 so I think it will take a few seasons until the people who really dont play the game anymore leave the game.

In the time I am here, you have to deal mostly with players with a complete black or white view on things, people who cant understand how the game is played or balanced and then a few trolls who keep the “discussion” running while throwing fuel into the fire.

But it was always this way. So you have people who just are no able to discuss things, without getting offensive or feeling that they themself get attacked.

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Cool, thanks for parroting what the previous people in here and the Mercy spin res thread said to me! :+1:
Totally needed to be told I have skill issue, again
Not all my god damn threads are me whining about something in the game being stupid and unfair.

Jaded veterans

I thibk the devs are the trolls at this point

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You seem to fall into the category “dont understand how the game works” and “cant discuss things”. I dont see the issue here. Its fine you try to explain an idea with some people and to see what they think on it. Maybe could you describe what kind of thread you made and what was your issue with Mercy (the weakest or second weakest support hero with Brig in OW2)? Then I could maybe understand why you seem to be so insulted.

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I literally mentioned it several times here. I think you’re the one who doesn’t understand how things work because you looked at a couple people here saying “skill issue” to me and instantly believed them without giving it another thought and refused to actually see why.
Then you act like I’m the bad guy when you judged me without actually knowing the full story, good job.
Thank you for dogpiling on me along with the others just to make me feel even more like trash. :+1:

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