is it wrong or right?
give me your thoughts…
Yes, the best projectile heroes rn are Hanzo and echo, and if you look at the pick rates for those heroes they are no where close to the worst hitscan hero(Cree) in gm.
As far as simply doing damage? Yeah, pretty much in most cases, though Sombra and Reaper not so much
But you can’t forget to bring abilities into play. When you do that, McCree and Widow become far less versatile and Soldier has no specialty. Ashe is the only long range hitscan that both specializes in something and is versatile.
Definitely, no contest.
Projectiles are better than hitscan at spam damage.
Hitscan heroes are better than projectile heroes.
Yes theres like a gap as big as cities and slums between them.
Widow does everything
Widow absolutely does not do everything, she’s horrible against tanks and just as terrible when face to face with anyone
I get that y’all have a burning hatred for the character, but saying that is ridiculous
Far better. Hitscan purists would say it should be that way cuz it takes more skill.
Projectile aiming is definitely easier vs targets that stand still or have terrible movement But against good movers i would say its a lot harder than hitscan.
Try playing Pharah vs hitscans that have some aim & can move. Actually dont cuz you could plan your movement path & hit all directs but all they have to do is look at you some & hit some headshot or even body shots to kill super fast.
The TTK difference is not fair especially with the aim difficulty for projectiles in a game with instant direction changes making prediction very hard & unreliable.
Torb #1
I play the character, she two shots every tank in the game, and one shots every squishy.
I mean, hitscan weapon fire by itself is pretty versatile as is. like widow is actually pretty versatile (longer range weapon whilst having hook mobility to get angles she wants or escape, etc. that lets her play in various situations). but mccree less so not because of his weapon fire, but rather because his mobility and sustain balance aren’t all that great for him. but even so, even mccree is more versatile than quite a few projectile heroes because hitscan with low spread is a very versatile weapon fire type.
Yes. The current 2-2-2 meta is “Losing? Go Hitscan.”
If we pull up overbuff for the week, top of the list by pickrate is 3 projectile only characters. Meanwhile the worst, 3rd worst, and 5th worst are all hitscan.
When you start shrinking the criteria to just DPS but also without the F tiers, it starts seeming a bit contrived to me.
In some ways, yes.
They are instant. However, their hitboxes are slightly smaller than projectiles and they also have damage fall off.
in many cases, having no fall-off for projectiles don’t mean much because of how slow the projectile is. Using sym orbs as an example:
Depends entirely on what you mean by better.
Actually Echo is better than the hitscans, but she’s the most difficult hero to play in the whole game. The other projectiles are just Pepega
No, hitscan is still better. Why have the ability to fly around to try to get close to get a pick, when you can just do it from the other side of the map instead?
Because Echo’s ult is way better than wallhacks. Don’t missunderstand me every single hitscan is better than any other projectile except Echo