Are hitscans better than projectiles?

If your goal is to climb and not use some other arbitrary determination of better…

Yes, hitscans are better. In almost every situation hitscan will be the most consistent way to win.

Projectiles tend to be better for spamming out chokes, but hitscans are better because they do instant damage.

Hitscan is easier to reach the target whilst projectiles need more predictions with distance and speed judgements. Personally I prefer playing with projectiles (Mei seconday and Pharah) as it’s satisfying to land hits once trained with them.

It’s not about aim of either being better than the other.

Its the hero design in overwatch.

Funnily every hitscan has a projectile ashe dynamite soldier pulse, cree flash all these the most vital part of these hitscans kit.
But projectile heros don’t have hitscan in their kit.

And I play every tank but and Zarya, and I never die to Widow

Just because you can doesn’t mean you will

I can say with pain in my soul and SR that hitscans are the favored picks in any given situation

Hell, in my placements I had to constantly swap over to a hitscan because projectile wasn’t gonna cut it and guess who won 4 placements because of that…

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This doesn’t make any sense. I play both. Factoring in projectile travel time, trajectory changes, path curvature, having to lead your shots, having fewer shots per second, having to be way more predictive all makes playing projectile heroes harder than hitscan – in any scenario. And why in the world would it be harder to aim at a stationary target with hitscan than projectile?

Projectile weapons have bigger hitbox or splash so its easier than hitscan vs stationary targets.

Yeah, it’s not even close. The hiscan role has almost all of the snipers, the best brawl dps, the best flankers, and the best utility dps. The only projectile heroes that are somewhat good in comparison are Hanzo and Echo.

Hanzo for shield spam, wall hacks, and pull+dragon combo. He still gets beat out by snipers when it comes to long range picks, but is at least competitive because of his kit.

Echo is basically only good because of her ult. Duplicate is a free fight win if used correctly, but hitscan still wins out in the midfight. She’s just the powercrept version of what Genji was in the dive meta.

The only real way to make projectile dps compete is by buffing heroes like Genji and Doom, not sure people are ok with that.

Hitscans are better yes, but not for the reasons a lot of people claim.

The reality is this, Projectiles don’t offerr any value. The deal damage, but they don’t have Rollouts, Bombing, Area Denial, Dive Tactics, etc.

The thing that made Soldier so damn good in TF2 was the fact he could be a great pocket, as well as a roamer. He could rocket jump to wherever he wanted, pressure or kill an enemy, and still be able to get out and keep the fight going. Demoman could deny certain parts of the map through traps, but also just outright spam. Junk and Pharah can’t do any of these things well. And it’s part of the reason why they aren’t really going to excel.

The other projectile heroes are also in a similar boat, Genji gets called a blade bot a lot, and it’s true, a lot of his value DOES come from blade because he isn’t often able to secure kills on his own. He just doesn’t have the consistency he needs.

As far as I am concerned it’s a design issue that needs to be addressed in Overwatch 2.


This right here folks

Hitscans are better than projectile heroes in just about every single way. Most of the time their falloff doesn’t make a significant difference, and at ranges where it does, they’re so far away that the only heroes that could ever hope to hit them would be hitscans themselves. Not only that, but hitscans that can aim get the benefit of reliable one-shots and consistent damage, whereas projectile players that can aim are met with inconsistent damage that almost never gets the same pick potential as a hitscan does.

The pickrates of hitscans taking just about every top DPS role don’t lie. The competition to them is Tracer who never got her powercreep reverted and has the benefit of being able to get consistent damage in during this meta. Something needs to be done because the power difference between hitscans and projectiles is too much.

I mean projectiles will always suck by design. If I had to choose between a guarantee hit if I can aim vs a chance I can hit someone, even if I can aim guess which one I’d choose

Projectiles may be slow, however almost all of them are large projectiles so when very fast projectiles at close range yeah they’re way better than hitscan.

At longer ranges projectiles can be literally useless. A target can stand still, wait for you to shoot and reliably always step out of the way if it’s aimed at them or stay still if it isn’t.

Depends on what you want or are looking for. As both of them have their perks.

If you want to deal damage from afar than hitscans are better. If you want to cover more ground than projectiles are better.

It also depends on what projectile or hitscan weapon you want. As not all of them are the same. Wrecking Ball’s weapon functions differently than Ashe’s weapon. Yet they are both hitscan.

Hitscan ≫ projectiles, no contest.

Would you rather a delay on your shots or not?
Would you rather your enemy hear your shot before it hits?

hitscan just has more consistency and reliable damage. projectile heroes have always had more of the inconcsistent side of reliable damage. it fluctuates. also hitscan heroes have a safer option to get value too