Are diamond borders in low ranks a thing?

This is true, the only time someone should be shamed is when they are gold border in bronze and they talk about how good they are and they should be in plat, all while they feed their brains out every game and refuse to learn the way the game is suppose to be played. Only then is it ok to say “nah dude you need to learn how to play it’s been long enough” haha

A lot of the lower ranks are filled with people with bad hardware. Not everyone has a high refresh monitor and 300 frames chief.

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I’m a gold border about to hit whatever it is after that, and I don’t even have a rank because I don’t - and never will - play the “Competitive” mode.

So, yeah, there is almost certainly low ranks with those borders.

It’s usually just the alt account smurfs bringing it up.

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As a two.5 decade gamer, I love this post

You aren’t ever just a little curious what comp is like? It’s not as bad as people say, there are a lot more good people than bad, you can always just mute the trash ones. Also I’ve met a lot of cool people by playing comp. you aren’t ever curious what your rank would be?

Coming from someone who is a diamond border I do get questioned a lot on “Why are you in plat with a diamond border?” and my response is that I don’t play Overwatch to be competitive but to just simply have a good time. Just because you have a bunch of time on the game doesn’t mean that you will always get better there will be limits no matter what.

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Being in plat is fine no matter how much time you have invested in the game. I’ve played the game an insane amount I have. 2 silver border accounts, one on pc and one on ps4 and I usually play in high plat low diamond. Only like 10 percent of players make it to diamond and the majority are gold/plat so there’s certainly no shame in maxing out there

It don’t matter guys.

I am Diamond Border (Not this account) and in Masters and yet, I still get toxic players using it against me constantly because for some reason I should be Grand Master. Also, I never play Damage Role, only Tank and Support. So I am in Plat on Damage. They constantly use it against me.

I the worst part is that the players who are more likely to rank/border shame are those who are nowhere near your rank or Border level.

Daily I see plat players border shaming other players and it makes zero sense to me how they logically think they have the authority or right to do this when they themselves are stuck in plat or lower across the board.

Most of the time, you will see players with new accounts doing this because they refuse to be stuck in these ranks on their main account because THEY dont want border shamed. The hypocrisy is so real.

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yep its always the bronze border ranks in the gold ranking that rank shame me which is ironic because im pretty sure they bought another account just to have it not happen to them.

$$blizzard wins in the end $$


they are banking with smurfs its just a killing and good business practice

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I really couldn’t give a toss about it.

I wasn’t even put off by the stuff people say because I’ve played enough games to know that ranked modes are usually a putrid cesspit that attracts the absolute worst people - the stuff people say has only reinforced that.

Every mode is competitive as there’s always a win or loss at play, only without all the negative aspects that the “Competitive” mode offers like the aforementioned people, meta humping, restrictions, and so on and so on. There’s also no incentive to bother with it because I get nothing that I wouldn’t get in Arcade (where I spend every minute of my time on this game).

I also couldn’t give a toss what my “rank” is.

Well that’s good that you don’t care but I think qp is lame because you don’t get to attack and defend you only get to do one or the other so it’s very unbalanced to favor the attacking team since they add more time

If people stick around you do… but sadly people have this habit of going after just one match. Which is odd, because ff they want different opponents or something then that usually backfires as they just end up matched against the same people.

Fair enough though. I can see how that could be a negative to some.

Everyone enjoys different things and that’s a good thing. The good thing about overwatch is there is something for everybody

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I’ve even started to notice rank shaming with a silver border believe it or not. Like people expect me to know more than I do by now, it’s frustrating.

Thank god borders are going away with OW2

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Silver border is almost nothing these days haha

I’m in gold and I have a gold border. I pretty much exclusively play quick play because competitive just doesn’t interest me. Whenever I do play comp I place gold, start to climb and then get bored. I’d rather just play 4-5 games of QP with friends than have to deal with the people in comp.

People say stuff to me all the time about it but I genuinely don’t care. All I think is if you’re basing your opinion of someone on how much they play a game vs how good they are at it you should probably reevaluate other parts of your life first.

It’s a game. Some people play it to be better, some people play it for fun. People need to chill out.

You know what… I genuinely wonder what prompt such question…
Is it low IQ? PTSD? or what else?..
These are my own puzzlements…

Been there, seen it.

Bronze isn’t so bad, everyone just having fun down there and rarely i get toxic people, we all know we are all bad and most players down there don’t give a damn about comp.

Then I started climbing and never met such people again

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