Approx 7-8 cheaters in 10 games

Do you guys have a problem with cheaters in this game? Because i never had until yesterday. I decided to play a couple beautiful OW games, but then i realized that every other game i got a cheater in lobby. In my life i had never seen any game populated by cheaters to that degree. Just look at you code guys.


Yes, it’s a massive problem, regardless of what forum shills and gaslighters with 10 alts are saying, cheating is the number one problem in this game not bs like muh 5v5 vs 6v6 not X character/role being broken or OP, not muh passives or lack of skins for X character.
This game will continue to be dumpstered unless they do something about the cheating problem. You can fix all the “big” problems and they won’t mean a thing if you face stacks of cheaters every game.


Then give codes :man_shrugging:t5:


And again, then give codes :man_shrugging:t5:


Far be it from me to call you a liar, but I don’t trust hearsay. The majority of players don’t know what real hacking looks like, so you’d forgive me for being skeptical.


Just my meaningless opinion, but I only play QP so I honestly dont care about cheaters. Not saying it isn’t a problem that needs correcting, but it’ll never not be a problem that needs correcting (the cheaters will always be one step ahead).

To be fair people are really bad at detecting hacking, especially durring a live game.

Ive been called a hacker because they dont understand that when syms turrets shoot are are destroyed, I can see that.

They get mad thinking im wall hacking, but in reality they just destroyed my turrets so I knew someone was overthere.


There are WAY more people cheating than you think.

Many games ago I had a Genji scream ‘nice hacks’ because he died in his blade VS kiriko. I figured, probably just some whiny stereotype but I wanted to watch. I watched kiriko pov. She toggled aimbot for his blade, the most blatant projectile aimbot with snapping i’ve seen. She then toggled it off. I then watched her whole gameplay and it was obvious she was walling all game also.

Had the kpop skins and everything btw. Never banned either despite reports


Nope. I only play QP, though.

Last cheater I saw was like 2 months ago or so? I forgot. Someone called my team mate a cheater yesterday. Was pretty funny considering they weren’t hitting any shots when I watched the replay :smile:

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Played 3 games last night, 2 had obvious cheaters.

One was literally watching walls and firing before they could see you.
The other one was blatantly triggerbotting.

How did I come to this conclusion? I crouch walked towards a wall, stopped, and watched the Ashe try to shoot me before I rounded, then she settled on a Dynamite, all before she could even see me. No Hanzo, no Sombra, no Widow ult. Nothing.

The McCree was firing randomly any time his cursor went over the exact middle of the screen (Which would be headshot height), and just nonstop doming people because the bot was trained to fire when he was over the cursor, he even mostly looked down or up slightly while walking to avoid it firing randomly like before.

Having skins, gold guns, hundred+ hours isn’t the ironclad “I’m not a cheater” I though it was. Accounts with loads of stuff can be bought for cheap on 3rd party websites I’ve recently learned. It saddens me.

It’s crazy that they don’t get banned. It just shows the ‘anticheat’ is really just detecting blatant ragehacking/the worst made hacks available and isn’t able to detect without mass reports for non-trash clients.

Like the guy blatantly snapped and no ban. And the thing is he was probably hacking most of the game with predictive projectile aimbot, but you can’t really detect it because if they do it right its not obvious like blatant hitscan aimbots are

It’s not kernel level, so anything that uses cheats at that level won’t be detected.
Even EasyAntiCheat is kernel level.


You said it was blatant, could you post the codes pls?



The toggle on and off wall hacks and aimbots are the new wave. It’s not cheating if it’s just when I need it right? This is their process.

I wish the OP was exaggerating but being a player who has played this game for years and years, I know he is right. There really are that many cheaters plaguing the game. And there really are that many cheater shills and gaslighters on these forums.

Although this is the case most of us know the truth, and with that, eventually, something will happen. This game, the matchmaker, will never get better if they don’t fix the cheating problem. It’s just not possible.

These cornballs would rather make 20 posts about how 90% of their games have cheaters than post codes


Sadly, I know. :confused:

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I will never believe that anyone on these forums or in general could even detect hacks or cheaters. They just can’t handle that people tend to play better than them even half the time, that’s why everyone has a forced 50/50 win/lose rate.

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Cheat makers already figured out ways to bypass even kernel level anticheats.

Also, cheats that monitor system do absolutely nothing against “hardware” cheats integrated into modern mice and keyboards. Some of those are very customisable, allowing for flawless combos with single button press.

There is no point in providing codes for trolls/shills/closet cheaters because no matter the evidence they will do mental gymnastics to discredit or make the evidence look insignificant. For example:

If you post one code of someone blatantly cheating, hardlocking, spinbotting they will say something like: “Yeah, they’re cheating, but it’s only one code it proves nothing just report and move on.”

If you post a code of someone soft cheating, wallhacking, triggerbotting, aim assist, perfect ability usage without los, they will go out of their way to prove that they are not cheating, saying something like: “It’s just gamesense/that’s like diamond aim bro/luckyshots/heard their footsteps” etc.

If you post 10 codes they will say that you could have cherry picked those codes from a wide timeframe therefore it proves nothing.

If you screencap your last 10 games with codes they can say that it’s only 10 games and it proves nothing or they will try to cherrypick anything to prove that cheaters are not in all of the 10 games for example if a cheater managed to miss a shot or two they will cherry pick that as evidence that they are not cheating or that it’s only a smurf.

Of course they can ignore actual solid evidence all together or say that they will refuse to look at it because you didn’t spoonfeed them timestamps, they can also pick at your gameplay and ignore the cheaters or justify their kills by your gameplay flaws.

Cheaters in this game are not rare, they are very common, there is no need to prove their existance, anyone who says that they encounter like one cheater a month is either lying, trolling, a cheater themselves or someone very naiive and clueless.