Approx 7-8 cheaters in 10 games

Stop trolling you have never done that…

Where did I say that I have done exactly that? I am giving examples of what would happen if someone did that. I am not only talking of what I have posted in the past, but also of what others have posted and what response they got from trolls/shills/cheaters. Said groups don’t need evidence and don’t care about evidence therefore arguing with them and trying to provide proof to them is pointless. This is my last reply.

Are you OK?

Btw you and them never did that…

So instead of supposing, do it…

I mean it’s pretty obvious when someone is hacking 90% of the time.

No codes of matches just claims as usual.

Rarely will anyone post a code
Others will have issues but fail to provide any solid evidence or have anyone review a suspected cheater

Dude, perfectly put. To anyone that is wanting to express what is going on with cheating in ow2, should reference this. They try so so so hard to gaslight and sew doubt and confusion. Keep the good fight and keep bringing awareness to it. Eventually the cheaters will get what they deserve.

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Don’t listen to the “post replay codes” trolls. They’re part of the problem.

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It really isn’t. Most of the time people are just getting lucky shots and people here are calling it hacks.

People here are so bad at the game why would anyone here actually be able to tell the difference between hacks, cheats, or the enemy just playing better? 90% of the time the enemy is just playing better.

in my case every game hacks and br trash

It will always be absolutely hilarious when people accuse me of aim botting… on Junkrat.

…who I have 4000 hours on.


Not really, no.

I doubt that.

I have had a problem with people in this game thinking they see cheaters in every game they play though.

I was gonna say, I only play comp and I rarely see them. Maybe because I’m not GM though :person_shrugging:

I have noticed prior to taking a break, a lot of players could spot a Sombra from across the map.

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She moves at a predictable pace. If you see her telly or hear her footsteps at any point, you can then attempt to track her movement.

I get accused of wallhacking because I spycheck Sombras out of invis every once in a while and I am not a pro by any means so I don’t take accusations of cheating very seriously until I watch the replays myself.