Dan Schneider must be their new Soc. Media manager.
Blizz Art Devs seems to indeed have a foot fetish and other Devs are not ashamed for the fetish.
It’s a national tragedy that we have Ramattra and Sigma feet but not Brig feet…
No barefoot Sombra skins either
Omnics deserve the fundamental right to wear sandals.
Blizzard knows their customers well
But does Sigma have toenails?
I would relook at the forums
I hate foot fetishists more than any other fetishists.
“Feet fetish” seems like one of the least weird types of fetishes imo
The new Aztec skin has open-toed sandals
also no barefoot zenyatta
Indeed, it seems like its one of the least weird ones, but have you ever seen foot fetishists talk? You could be having a completely normal conversation, and one of them would chime in on something about a characters feet. At least, this is the experience I’ve had with them.
I stand by my original statement.
No shaming of foot fetishes-we live in a world where everyone’s “truth” is valid and ok.
In all seriousness this is the new normal for Blizzard. They are just a fart of the company they used to be.
It seems inappropriate to me, since even disney channel had had this kind of criticism about feet in the past. and that Blizzzard Entertainment has had some scandals.
Knowing Blizzard as soon as they notice the inappropriate detail, they will suddenly decide to change all of Ramattra’s skins to a floating version that doesn’t show his feet rather than simply deleting this tweet. Great streisand effect, right Jesse McCree? Jesse? I’m talking to you, you know what your name is, right? right? …
He wears sandals, so half credit, I guess?
Meanwhile, the game is on fire.
Priorities are clearly in the right place