Apologize for this official tweet

Blizzard in a nutshell.


They would rather talk about feet than this dog water game

Actually true and correct :+1:

Thread reminds me of this one youtuber who was all about foot fetishes. Strange guy

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Quentin Tarantino must’ve gotten involved somehow.


Jesus that thumbnail

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KingDVA always gets his way somehow

So that’s who the new leader of Cosby Room 2.0 is going to be for this new wave of devs. It’s all making sense now! Past or present, the devs are more focused on their hedonism versus their actual job.

Check Deviantart lmao, it’s filled with that kind of stuff.

Not barefoot, but Aztec shows alot of foot.

Based Octo :sunglasses:


Male robot feet>>>>>

It’s pretty telling that Blizzard didn’t make a post like this for Sombra’s Aztec skin.

I wouldn’t tell that to my worst enemies

Embrace depravity, that is internet. Magical place, where many fantasies come true, no matter how perverted they are.

Oh trust me, I have a lot of my own. But even I gotta draw the line somewhere :pensive:
Perhaps it’s the amount of things I’ve stepped in and on that have ruined my perception


20 characters…

I wanted to build up my endurance, so I visited very dirty corners of the internet. At the moment, hardly anything can make me disgusted.


I respect the grind :fist:

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It’s just unveiling the new hero…Quentin Tarantino