Apex does Communication Right

I’m not trying to create a war over titles, but the way Apex Legends does nonverbal communication is VERY efficient.

Some of the most upsetting Overwatch games come down to bad communication.

It would be awesome to see Blizz adopt some of these very simple yet very effective methods.


I agree, I wish we had Ping options in overwatch

“Attack (Zaraya) "
" Enemy (Tracer) behind”
It would be awesome…


I want 2 type of marker. One for enemy and one for saying where you go.

The worst part is - we’ve been asking for these things for a while.

but um… got to code more esports tools I guess.


And it is in a game that hardly needs such stuff.

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Overwatch is way too busy for a ping system, and it’s a six player team game. It would just be random commands all over the place, without any structure. How would you even decide who to follow?

Apex has some good ideas, sure, but it’s a battle royal game without any real role structure. You can pick a tank, but you’re not really tanking, you’re just playing a character with more durability. Overwatch is a game that relies heavily on role structure and making the right team comp. They’re two completely different games, so the great ideas from Apex only really work in Apex.


I could see that kind of function making OW a lil too busy… Probably easy to adapt to though.

I think a Marker Support character would be pretty sweet though… say it was their alt-fire. I’d even be okay if the full ult was creating a mini map with moving markers of the enemy.

I had thought about that though just from reminiscing about one of the things I really loved about Battlefield.


We already have Widow’s ult. Also I like Battlefield !

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Think of it in combination of Widow’s ult, that’s a terrifying amount of information. I think we’re should express our agreements to seem like we’re shouting!

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Not To mention the map is massive in apex…a ping system is waaay more helpful there than on an OW map that’s small enough (often 1 room is all you care about) where a simple “reaper on left” is usually sufficient…

Don’t get me wrong…it’s a nice feature but hardly necessary here

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Here is a novel idea instead of asking companies to do the communication for you how about you grow a pair and use your voice for clear communication

I’ll take the lazy road and play the game that makes life easier for me

Really it is too hard for you to open your mouth and say a couple words now and then, that is just sad

Yup, I’d rather ping a map instead of describing where the enemy is. Extra bonus, I don’t have to worry about non-english speakers

Wow gamers to day are just sad, playing battle royal games where there is no matchmaking so 0 competativeness at all, area shooters where the peak of multiplayer games now it is just full of lazy casual gamers that want everything easy

You can’t ping specific enemies, but the game do have individual automated callouts. For instance, if an enemy is behind you, and an ally have sight of you and that enemy, the game will make you (and only you) hear that ally screaming “behind you”.

There is a bunch of automated calls like that, plus the ones you can trigger manually. Ironically, that is one of the reasons why I don’t advocate so hard for people to join voice chat with randoms, because bad communication going can muffle those calls in addition to sound effects.

Sombras have been struggling with that problem since she went live.

It doesn’t matter if you’re on comms 100% of the time because you need the other five to be on it as well.

That’s why we’ve been asking for us to not be crippled by lack of comms, like asking for the freaking Sugarskull Icon!


Most of the time it is stacks that stay in party chat, i say any patry chat should be disabled when entering Comp

It is and it isn’t.

I see where you’re coming from in thinking this.

There is another side to it. It actually does take practice to communicate well… so you’re not rambling or giving bad info. Ontop of that, shotcalling can be one of those things where the more your focusing on what you’re doing, the quieter you get (on accident).

I guess it goes with the other function too though.

Is it appropiate to report Apex threads as spam at this point? I don’t know anymore, it seems more like an Apex forum than anything else at this point. I’d rather have the Mercy spam back to be honest.

You have the option to communicate with your team by Voice chat, if you’re not willing to join it, talk or other players don’t do it Blizzard is not to blame.

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