Anything yall leave instantly?

do you have any modes or maps that you immediately leave?

mine are payload/hybrid defense, and the new clash mode.

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Not if I’m playing QP or arcade, I’ll stick anything out there even if it’s not ideal, but if I’m playing VS AI, I immediately leave if I see people pick Bastion, Torb, or Junkrat, or if the map is defense Blizzard World, defense Route 66, or Nepal and Ilios if anyone instalocks Lucio/Ashe.


flashpoint not really my thing but I don’t leave always



I don’t care for some maps, but I understand learning how to play them is important for becoming a better player.


Rarely ever. Tho 2 days ago 7 of my last 11 games were payload or hybrid, and all defense. That one tested me just backing out. Defense is the worst game mode, and that many was starting to get annoying.

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No but i used to with Paris

I dislike some maps but none of them are wretched enough to tempt a leaver suspension


If I die three times in the first 90 seconds or so, I’m guilty of leaving just out of shame (in QP). It only happens very, very rarely, but really my own poor performance is the only thing that’ll cross the line of “things I’m willing to stick out for”.


If you leave during hero selection you won’t get any suspension.

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Nope. 20 characters.

This was broken by the new patch for a day then they disabled leaver penalties over the weekend and seem to have fixed it so you can leave again during assembly. I thought I was going to quit OW if they didn’t allow skipping maps. I skip more than I play. I only like payload/hybrid but not numbani or circuit.

If I’m on a losing streak, I don’t want to defend. Any match that has offense/defense and the game puts me on Defense, I just leave. I don’t feel like dealing with that.

If I lose on Defense, it’s usually a long slow loss. So 10-20 minutes of my life I’ll never get back. On Offense, losses are usually really quick unless they’re close, in which case I don’t get mad for losing.

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Getting troll pulled by trollweaver, you know that is going to be a constant throughout the match.

Samoa, Dorado, Hanaoka.

Absolutely none … I play every map I queue for since I do not cherry-pick. I also don’t want to be map-ignorant for any OW2 match.

not constantly but pretty often - crossplay games. If it’s after the assemble phase though I stick it out.

I get the itch to leave Dorado and circuit royal pretty often. Not crazy about Junkertown

I used to leave Push, Havana, Junkertown, Gibraltar, Shambali, Circuit, and Antarctica. But i dont like any of the new maps either.

We need map voting and better matchmaking if we’re gonna punish people for leaving 2 matches

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Temple of Anubis? Will they ever add it to OW2?

They dont need to add it

Probably do the same thing they did to Hanaoka. I probably won’t like it if they do it like that.