If Sombra is played she makes up 50% of the dps slots. So a tank is actually less pressured to focus at the front line as there is less dmg coming from the front worrying about it, so they can afford to look around for their surroundings. Sombra comes best from high ground set ups with health pack nearby as an escape route. Dependend on the map, there are just so many viable ways from where she can come from.
You’re avoiding the point here. Sombra’s Stealth doesn’t mean that she can be anywhere. THere are good places to Hack from and Bad places to Hack from. A little awareness and anyone can figure out where a Sombra is more likely going to appear.
go play a game like this, your team will miserably fail for 2 pushed (the time it takes to build an EMP after the health pack change) wasting half the time you get, when you do EMP it has to be incredibly coordinated otherwise you just wasted a powerful ult AND 2mins of your time.
because 155 hours, really isn’t that much to be honest with you for a hero like her. I remember when I was at 155 hours. I have completely changed my style with her now. The hours I have with her now have completely changed my mindset on her.
And he doesn’t have any on Comp so. hes only thinking “damage” is the issue, even when Sombra can instantly bring down a barrier.
Her biggest problem, is her lack of damage as a DPS hero in a 2-2-2 oriented comp. Her playstyle forces her to be out of the team fight most of the time, rendering your team in a 5v6. While her hack is arguably one of the most dangerous abilities in the game, the LOS check is buggier than Roadhog’s hook 2.0’s initial release which renders her with a 2 second cooldown hack and unreliable gun with a large bullet spread.
EMP is the only reason you should ever pick sombra right now, but it takes so much team coordination (even more than Symmetra’s wall I would say) that unless you’re in Masters+ EMP is more like “hide behind something for 5 seconds then resume killing the stupid enemy team”.
While Sombra 2.0 may have been eventually successful before the nerfs, she is in a worse state than Sombro 1.0’s initial release. Her current kit is not suited well for 2-2-2, and in order for her to be viable either the DPS powercreep needs to get mentioned or she needs to be reworked as a Support which has issues on its own.
And the proof? your profile is private so theres no way to confirm you’re even telling the truth.
It is, because sombra makes up half your teams main firepower yet she does 60% of the damage of other DPS. Bringing a barrier down means nothing, it lasts 4 seconds and in that time your team won’t have enough damage to burst down the Rein/Sigma because you’re lacking in fire power, unless all 6 players on your team somehow have their aim instantly locked onto a Rein/Sigma the second she hacks them.
Not to say anything on her state ATM but I will die on the hill that new Translocator is amazing with how flexible it is.
It probably could’ve stayed a 4s cooldown, or even 5s, but c’est la vie.
This statement’s only true because everyone moves at the same speed (5.5m/s IIRC) expect Genji and Tracer (7m/s IIRC)
Those two raise the average ever so slightly which means 30 out of the 32 heroes in the game are below average. (Unless you want to count Hammond’s ball form, which moves double regular walking speed)
To hammer home the point, Sombra moves exactly the same speed as everyone not named Genji or Tracer.