Its PR talk. Being in a “good spot” might just be for the devs a point where haters dont complain about her anymore, more so than if shes actually viable.
Stop editing your comment SO MUCH, just make a second comment. I had to rewrite half that I wrote.
With a narrower spread?
I think you’ve got it backwards, you HAVE to play up close and personal as Somba’s spread is so wide.
It’s not a bug, it’s not a mistake sombra had this spread. Someone consciously chose it, they must have chosen it for a reason. And it wasn’t to help Sombra, I think it was chosen for a bad reason to make Sombra purposefully weak in damage as a poor compensation for hack.
You just don’t get it, it’s not gong to make it any easier for sombra to get kills, it’s going to make it harder for sombra to BE KILLED!
The tighter spread won’t help in “up close and personal” fights, it will allow her to fight at a much further range where she isn’t immediately chopped up by the high damage that exists at close range. Things like reaper’s shotguns, projectiles that can’t miss at such close range.
Sombra has a 15m range on hack, she should be fighting at around 15m but if she fights that far away her damage is so abysmal due to spread.
Not necessarily, Soldier’s spread was buffed by delaying the bloom, he was saved from an excessively low pickrate.
And what’s so special about a 60 round mag? You know that goes against her lore as her machine pistol shouldn’t have such a high capacity as then it’d be shooting absurdly small bullets.
No, pls, no. There is no worst meta, than a meta with her.
There has never been a meta with her, unless you’re referring to the one week she was actually decent
I do get it. I have close to 1000 hours on Sombra.
You decrease her gun spread further, she will have to move further away to hit her target more, in fact probably from hack range. Nothing worse than hacking a target, then having to move back to keep effective accuracy percentage.
The recent very small gun spread reduction is to help alleviate the hack reduction nerf. It is now back on par for the time sombra has to bring down her target.
Her gun spread HELPS her, not hurts her.
and if you don’t understand whats special about a 60 round mag, then there is no point in going over it.
And that week was enough to make me uninstall the game, tanks relies on abilities, and hack is too much for us, it is exasperating.
And that week was enough to make me uninstall the game, tanks relies on abilities, and hack is too much for us, it is exasperating.
exactly. a good Sombra will hurt the enemy team quite enough. Now people want her to be able to destroy people easily. She can already do that if the Sombra player knows how and when. But if she can do it ALL the time, would be to much.
It is why she is a balanced hero at the moment. Nerf the other heros, and they wont overshadow her as much
I’m also a tank main and can deal with Sombra.
If you cant deal with a hero that has no burst damage or avoid hack, then I dont know what to say.
no tank can avoid a hack against a good sombra. If they do, it would be less than 5% of the time lol
The tank would have to really hide well, or be very reserved, but then sombra has alrady done her job in making the tank play that way
speak for yourself. Shes absolutely fun to play for me, and a lot of other people.
Perhaps you are not using her correctly.
3 years into Overwatch, we’re past the point of “maybe people just haven’t learned Sombra yet.” And for every person who finds her fun, 2 or 3 have stopped playing her because she’s not fun and she’s not good.
It is other Heros that are OP, thus overshadowed her, thus is why they are slowly but surely being nerfed.
So which is more likely; that every DPS hero other than Sombra is OP, or is Sombra just a bad hero.
Let’s take it a step further; if Sombra is balanced now, as you say she is, and she has been nerfed heavily to get into this state, are you suggesting that Sombra was OP?
Statistics are not your friend here; regardless of player biases for or against heroes, whether or not a player finds them fun or not, when it comes to competitive players pick good and OP heroes to win. Sombra has never, ever been in this category.
Her kit should have been useful to counter 3 of the 4 metas we’ve been through since her release. She wasn’t picked. She shuts down Doomfist, Wrecking Ball, Reinhardt; heroes that are complained about or define the meta. She isn’t picked. There are hundreds of scenarios where, on paper, Sombra should be excelling in. In practice, she works as a camera to tell what heroes the enemy team has and then returns to spawn to change heroes.
I don’t see that you use her in comp, or have any time on her in Comp, so I am not entirely sure you can make a judgement based on experience…
- You can’t see previous competitive seasons unless you’re looking at a career profile in game.
- Your profile is private. Why should we think that your experience matches anyone else?
- We can argue about who’s a better Sombra, you or me, but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s an objectively bad hero with a negative winrate across most tiers of play, and has been for literally years.
Wait im sorry, and how many hours have you played sombra in Comp??
This is intentional by the devs tho. Sombra is still incredibly strong in the right situation, but if she was a mainstream pick, the levels of aggravation from any1 other than a sombra main would be ridiculous. If she’s ever to be a main dps you see with high pick rates on overbuff, she’d need her hack mechanic completely reworked lol
You decrease her gun spread further, she will have to move further away to hit her target more, in fact probably from hack range.
That’s ridiculous.
Does Baptiste need to be infinitely far away to hit a target?
Look, I know what it’s like to put a LOT of hours into a hero who has serious foibles and flaws, you start trying to come up with justifications for them and then begin to see the downsides not as tolerable but beneficial.
and if you don’t understand whats special about a 60 round mag, then there is no point in going over it.
I get it, it fires for 3 seconds with a 20 shot per second fire rate. Total damage: 480.
Please don’t insult me as if this is something so obvious I should know already, I may very well know it already but you just haven’t explained yourself what you’re referring to.
Now people want her to be able to destroy people easily.
No, a tighter spread won’t really help her destroy any more, just allow her to destroy from a range where she won’t be easily destroyed.
It is why she is a balanced hero at the moment. Nerf the other heros, and they wont overshadow her as much
Every other hero in the game is not going to be nerfed for one hero.
Yes I can deal with her too, cuz she is in the trashcan right now (where she belong).
I even stay as Hammond cuz, even if I can’t go to the frontline anymore, she is so trash that my team is in advantage.
So as I say she can be reworked, but buffed? No no
No, tank counter play is not hiding. Its actually quite the opposite. Keeping track of the Sombra on where she pops out of stealth, make call outs and go aggressive and pressure her is the best way to take her out of the game. Sombra taking damage means no hacks for her, means translocating out, means more downtime, means less Ult charge.
This is intentional by the devs tho. Sombra is still incredibly strong in the right situation, but if she was a mainstream pick, the levels of aggravation from any1 other than a sombra main would be ridiculous. If she’s ever to be a main dps you see with high pick rates on overbuff, she’d need her hack mechanic completely reworked lol
exactly. Her thing is her hack. A good Sombra can effectively help her team turn the tide.
People just always think only “damage”.
I mean think about it, if a hack can instantly remove a RH shield, then does that not effectively equate to “damage dealt” to bring down a barrier?
Plus, on top of that, even though her gun is the onyl thing that she does damage with, Sombra does have the potential of having the highest eliminations in any particular game, due to her style of play and kit.
Newer Sombra players just don’t have enough map knowledge, timing, and knowledge of speed to take advantage of “opportunist” effectively.
No, tank counter play is not hiding. Its actually quite the opposite. Keeping track of the Sombra on where she pops out of stealth, make call outs and go aggressive and pressure her is the best way to take her out of the game. Sombra taking damage means no hacks for her, means translocating out, means more downtime, means less Ult charge.
You can keep track of a stealth Sombra at all times?
You must have played vs very bad Sombras then.
No, i play her and know the best set up spots. If they try to come from a weird angle where i dont expect it, then because that spot is very risky to use and there is a good chance that she dies.
Wait im sorry, and how many hours have you played sombra in Comp??
Did you read anything else before you instantly responded with this?
Sombra is still incredibly strong in the right situation, but if she was a mainstream pick, the levels of aggravation from any1 other than a sombra main would be ridiculous.
But she really isn’t. She’s strong in the right situation if that situation is an enemy team is ignoring her while running heroes that rely on abilities to do anything. In otherwords, a bad team.
No, i play her and know the best set up spots. If they try to come from a weird angle where i dont expect it, then because that spot is very risky to use and there is a good chance that she dies.
Ive never had that problem, as a good Sombra player also knows timing to hack (is the tank distracted), and from what direction.
BUUT, I also do commend you for being more self aware against Sombra than most. Most make mistakes, like having voice chat to loud and cant even hear her coming.