šŸŸ Anyone speak French? Looking For Possible Hero 30 Hints?

Theyā€™re saying the next hero is going to be Hamid Faisal.

See the thing about the suitcase, it in theory belongs the 5th not the first who is Hamidā€¦ (we donā€™t know the name of the 5th)

And so the hype begins


We have gotten leaks from 4chan that were real.
Also mostly fake, but thatā€™s 4chan for you.

Basically, theyā€™re to be mostly ignored until something proves us otherwise.
I also donā€™t know what that guy would have to do with the omnic revolution.

But thereā€™s one thing. And itā€™s that they said theyā€™re a male main support.
Could be because people have been asking for it that this leak was made, or because it was damn time we got one if itā€™s real.

Either way, if thereā€™s no way to prove it or connect the dots between the leak and the hints, itā€™s better to not believe it but rather consider it a possibility, a very small one.

I am keeping my eye on 4chan. Also, my friend who is a popular data miner for Apex Legends has asked his friend who is a data miner for Overwatch to look for something for us. If I find anything Iā€™ll report it here.


Honestly I need something better soon. (got dots, but no real lines yet.)

Honestly, if itā€™s a male main healer Iā€™m really reaaaally hype


Its definately not leonara for sure. She looks way too similar to echo. My bet is on the omnic lady on the police poster.

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I read a thread on the story section that it refers to the police spotting Mako Rutledge and Jamison Fa wkes. Junkrat and Roadhog.

I have to find it, but I know I read somewhere here that people translated it. Ill edit this if I find it

Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s just two separate lines (since they are random) that both just mean ā€œjunkrat and roadhog, neither are aloneā€ since dealing with 1 would be easier than both

Does not look really similar aside from being a female omnic.


The hips look a little similar, but only because theyā€™re smooth and you can see how they connect with the legs.

Different color schemes, faces look different. One does the floaty, the other probably does the walkie.

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Plus I think the Leonora as something more which we canā€™t see.

Besidesā€¦ Ashe and Ana are similar too.

But the overall shape is similar and in ow every hero needs to have different hitbox outline.

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Again Ashe and Anaā€¦

We canā€™t see the complete shape though.
Her body is as Similar to Echo as Soldier is to Mccree. They both have heads over their bodies, yes, and small hips, but thatā€™s all we can tell.

Also, posture and animation matters even more so than silhouette.


Leonora could have something floating behind her or itā€¦

That would make her similar to Echo, since what distinguishes her the most, aside from her color sceme and floaty and gentle animations are her huge floating wing things on her back.

But why you guys think its her?

I explained it a few posts ago. I think it could be her, I donā€™t think it is, for sure, her.

This is only if that wanted omnic is the next hero. Could be a red herring, they like doing that.

There is also this theory but needs to be expanded on after today: šŸ¶ All the puppy vids while we wait for new Map. (Super Wholesome) (oops wrong link)