Anyone see a lot more cheaters?

Sorry, I always forget that console exists
Cheaters are prevalent on PC
You have your occasional hard lock on cheater, but many are more like your aim assist or triggerbots, hard to identify

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I saw a couple or three last season but thatā€™s about it.

Throw a few replay codes we can check around.

I ow1 in all years i probably saw less than 10 but everyone was epic.

The best was when our team had hard aimbotting widow.

Then enemy ashe swapped to widow and she was hard botting too.

Was super fun both enemy team and we were roasting these two as they said they are owl pros and what not and botted each other.It was a epic duelšŸ˜‚

I had a hard aimlocking Tracer in a QP game (lol) and I reported her. I added her to my avoid list to see how long it would take for her to be permabanned. It happened yesterday which would have been the 5th day. While itā€™s better than nothing I wonder how many games she ruined in that time.

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i only catch real obvious ones or rage hackers, or sometimes im just combing my replay for fun and notice something off with a player.

still thats allā€¦ i would go through all 10 replays on my replay screen and check EACH PLAYER but thats a lot of work and im lazy. who knows how prevelant it is if they try to hide or have soft cheats :man_shrugging:

You rarely check your own team, usually always one on the enemy team who feels suspicious

yea thats for sure. every stomp i contribute too i only look at myself in the replay and not my teammates lol

everybody is centric in a sort of way, maybe everytime i stomp in a game or if i notice my team hard diffs the enemy team i should check out my teammates in the replay and see why that happened. instead of looking at myself and going oooooh and ahhhhh cool


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video data helps thoughliek the replay code can show if someone is cheating or not

Half of the issue here is the Matchmaker

i actually talked with a cheater after a match, they admitted it to me, and despite having cheats, they were no better than an OW1 plat player, and they were pretty chill

they were a silver player in OW1 and ever since OW2 happened, the match maker has become so bad for them that they couldnā€™t get a win, and in most instances couldnā€™t even get an elim in any match due to being matched against Masters, GMs and top500s

they said that all the wanted was balanced challenging and fun matches against people of their skill level for the few matches a night they had the time to play after work

andā€¦ TBHā€¦ hard to blame themā€¦ without Condoning, nor condemning the use of such cheatsā€¦ its at least understandable

shrugs think what you will

Iā€™ve actually seen quite a few on console.

Ximming is considered cheating so Iā€™m not going to differentiate.

Last weekend I found someone who was walling with the most atrocious aim and positioning. That werenā€™t no Masters player.

Pretty rare still though, that was the first one Iā€™d seen since the rage-hacker that got banned mid-match in March iirc?

Thatā€™s the funniest (trying to stay polite) thing Iā€™ve read today.

He needs a refound if he canā€™t climb with his cheatā€¦

And I donā€™t pity him, hope he will grow up.

He doesnā€™t even try to hide it, thatā€™s funny too.

Didnā€™t see it much while I was bouncing between G5/S1 for ages. Then I had a bad run and am hard stuck in S3 where smurfing/cheating seems to be incredibly rampant. My assumption is itā€™s somewhere between these ranks where a lot are getting caught.

It would also be one of the explanations for why some people claim not to see them (besides ofc just not understanding how to spot them)

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in ow1 ive seen 3 cheaters, they got ban faster than blizzards greedy hands making for everyones money and ive played the game since day one. ow2 is cheater haven and they donā€™t ban them due to loss of profit.

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Yes sir. First game played today, most of the enemy team is blatantly aim cheating. Extremely obvious on kill-cam and replays. Iā€™ve made numerous posts on the issue in good detail, but long story short: people see OW2 accounts as real money because they can sell them once theyā€™re fresh for comp, thus that brings in droves of cheaters who are hoping to profit off the game. Combined with the game being free, it becomes a very difficult problem to fix (infinite whack-a-mole).

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Since itā€™s most of the enemy team, could you share us the replay pls?


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well, he did climb with it, from silver to plat, while being paired against masters, GM and Top 500, soā€¦ yeah

but you missed the point, its about the crappy matchmaker, seemingly at least a few people are just trying to even the playing field because blizzard wonā€™t

No I didnā€™t miss the point, without the hack he would be silver, because he deserves that rankā€¦

noā€¦ thats not the point, the point is, he wants balanced matches