Anyone here that has played since launch?

Played also since the beginning. No comp mode or arcade existed ^^ Was kind of fun.

I started season 4 :expressionless:

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This game is god awful now. I’m sure there are plenty more first day players who think OW2 will be even worse, as well.

Since Beta.

Most vivid memory is someone telling me to uninstall after the first day of the test because I played hanzo badly. I was just aghast that someone wouldn’t give a little consideration to the fact that absolutely nobody had even played the game yet.

Gamer culture at it’s best.

Haven’t played open beta, but I did pre-order the game. I’ve had a few extended breaks from the game, (including now) but yeah. I’ve been around since launch.

Yeah, since launch. I pre-ordered at the time for the Noire Widowmaker skin.

I did start on launch day, and also participated to the Open Beta, played it every day of the Open Beta including the days when it got extended (Open Beta was initially short, about 2 or 3 days I think, then they added a few more days after; then the ‘real’ hype for the game got real big time because initial impressions were very good all around).

I’ve been here since the 2nd wave of closed beta invites. I feel like an oldster when I tell people that it used to be the practice to do voice for quick play (this was before comp was even a thing).

Made some really good friends. Played a lot of hours. Generally have enjoyed my time, but I’m really looking forward to OW2.

(P.S. Please take Horizon and Paris out of the rotation.)

Played steadily since Beta.
I remember when “Bastion riding the payload” was new and shocking.
I’ve just been a diehard Total Mayhem player since it was introduced as one of the old school Brawls…

Mhmmmh I started playing May 2017. I think it was when there were hots challenges for the Police and Oni skin. Or was it for the fire sabre in wow? I forgot.

I just remember playing Lucio in hots and then I bought OW after the free anniversary weekend :slight_smile:

I only remember release OW from watching it.

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so when are we getting a balance patch or anti cheat or banning throwers and leavers?

I have. I’m not a big competitive player for many seasons now, but I still dabble in the game since beta.

I’ve played this since the final open beta & for the first 2 years, played almost 24/7, mostly competitive.
These days, I play this game about an hour or two at best for about every 2 weeks or so.
The format change to forced 2-2-2 definitely made the balance of the matches much better, but it also made every winning scenario fully reliant on teamwork, rather than individual plays.

These days, you can play out of your mind & still lose team fights, due to the team not taking advantage of opportunities you create from getting kills & continue to stay in 1 position & just wait to let the enemies respawn back to the fight.

While the balance may be almost too good right now (which removed a lot of frustration of players not playing different roles on the team), it has definitely created a much more frustrating situation, where you have to rely on your team to win the fights & they end up not following up on your plays.
Whether it’s creating space & aggro as a tank, creating a numbers advantage by getting picks as DPS, or having full health & heals as a healer, just to see your teammates back off from the enemy when there is no reason to.

Since, the mentality of most players seem to be something along the lines of “The rest of the team will deal with the enemy”, I just play in the arcade or custom games, with what little time I spend playing Overwatch these days.

Don’t get me wrong, this type of mentality was always there by the players from the very beginning, but there was a 2nd mentality that I noticed from players at the time, too.
And it was something like “My team or (Insert Player Role Here) is terrible. I’ll have to do this myself” & the players would switch to the different role to do solo plays, better than the person that originally locked the role in the start.
And from there, matches would turn a full 180 & win, most of the time.

These days, if your teammates aren’t doing their job in their respective roles or play extremely passive, there isn’t anything that can be done about the problem.
At this point, this problem that guarantees a loss is completely out of the individual player’s control.

Now, I would leave it at that, with only identifying a major problem, but I do have a solution and it’s not a brand new idea, but it is something that would be very effective.

It’s almost too late, since a good chunk of the playerbase is gone, but 2 things are needed.
An in-game Clan system & an in-game self-hosted tournament system (similar to Tekken 7).
This bad playstyle issue stems from a player mentality.
So, to remedy an issue caused by players, is to have a proper system for players to easily have access to play with the same community of players, in order for them to learn from each other.
Players finding out that their random teammates from 1 match are making mistakes doesn’t help the players that make mistakes & doesn’t help the individual that would end up with more randoms that will most likely make mistakes & causing more losing scenarios.

A Clan System allows constant feedback from the same group of players, since they will see more of your playstyle & habits and also have a chance to give the feedback for improvement properly, within the clan.

Having the ability to create & host a tournament between known players & different clans, allows for much better community interaction between all the small OW communities within the game that would, normally, almost never interact with each other.

These things were asked for by many people a long time ago & it may be too late to take advantage of the positive affects of such systems due to the small playerbase of unique players (smurf accounts don’t count to the total of active players), but whatever future playerbase Blizzard wants to hold when OW2 releases, these 2 systems will become a necessity.