Anyone here that has played since launch?

Curious if there’s a few users on here like me. I don’t see many accounts that have played comp since season 1 for example.


I was in the open beta and bought the game a month after release.


Been here all along


Yep I was there since the start.
I love wearing my Noire Widow that I got legitimately way back then

I’ve played since Beta :slight_smile:


5 and a half years of my life gone.

Damn it’s been a while.


Yeah. Played a lot of Pharah on launch. Started competitive in season 2. D.Va was OP.


Actually the most fun Dva since you could flat out face tank with an Ana.



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Played since open beta & have at least placed in every comp season.

Played since open beta.

Haven’t played comp since my friends quit. And once I got a gold weapon way back in 2016 that mode had less appeal.

As solo que just feels like a bad mobile grind game the way it awards points.

Once I went casual a way better gaming experience. Though now I only play during events of they have skins I want.


I spent a year without a computer/console…so I missed the games first 7 months or so unfortunately….


this is my new account but season1 comp player here

I played on the open beta but I bough the game after the first Christmas event!

Been playing it since ^-^

I’m one of those bastards that pre ordered the game, so yeah, playing since open beta/launch :sunglasses:

I was instantly sold when I saw the Overwatch announcement at Blizzcon. In fact, I recently watched the OW announcement again on Youtube for nostalgic reasons :sob:
BlizzCon Opening Ceremony - YouTube (28:48)

Launch predates comp season 1. Moreover there are a lot of people that don’t care about comp.

I heard you were looking for OGs?

Been here since launch but it was my first FPS so was scared to play comp until season 2.

anybody here who owned an atari 2600 back in the day?


Commodore 64 :sunglasses:

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dam that was to rich for my blood, parents were poor. the atari i had was used and from a HUGE pawn shop. i remember as a kid looking at the street vendor type guy that sold it to my parents