They did, but only as a result of people asking for bans, similar to how Siege or League does them.
I can’t tell you how they thought pools would be better, maybe as a way to avoid one-tricks being targeted.
It solved the issue sure, but the queue times that came as a result was the deciding factor behind killing OW1 and having OW2 go 5v5.
Even at OW’s peak popularity, or even Rivals’ peak, RQ inevitably increases queue times.
Obviously RQ in Rivals or in OW1 2016-2017 wouldn’t have impacted the queue times as much as they were in 2020-2022, but it still hurts player retention either way.
Not necessarily.
RQ did hurt OW more than any balance ever did, but it was directly caused by balancing at its absolute worst.
There is no 5v5 without RQ.
There is no RQ without bad balancing.
Aside from this thread there has never been anyone ever that has been against this system. Because I have to do any amount of effort to look into something then it doesn’t have enough proof to mean anything.
Thank you for linking the second thread where you have had the exact same information and situation explained to you as it has been here. lol what difference does it make when you’re told the same thing in this thread or the other one?
Just because it’s in a different thread doesn’t make it new. Now if you revamped or had a new argument you were using, kinda like how this hero ban system is completely new and different from what has been tried in the game in the past, it’d warrant further discussion.
Bit of a thought on my way home from work, after the circles we’ve gone through here with them repeating the same wrong things over and over despite having stuff explained to them and still not being able to comprehend it or flst out ignoring stuff…
Soon enough we’re gonna have an actual hero ban system (not hero pools) in the game wether they like it or not and i for one cannot wait
It doesn’t just come down to Brigitte or Goats, there was a massive popular demand for role lock going on three years by the time it was finally implemented. Constant requests for it on every platform, with most content creators and influencers pushing for it, as well. There’s nothing that even compares to it with regard to the hero bans. We’d get an occasional thread once every few months or so, at best, and the only content creator to really ever bring it up was Freedo.
And developers themselves were reluctant to implement role queue. Turns out their concerns weren’t unfounded.
Let’s look into future for a moment and assume, that hero bans will be widespread in comp. What would be immediate consequences?
First, and probably most obvious - more stomps. As taking away someone’s main can severely cripple them, when matchmaking already gave them dead weight to carry.
Second, loss of players in comp, specifically among those, that play most banned heroes - people do not take it kindly, when you throw all their experience into trash can by temporarily removing hero from game, even if it was initiated by other players.
Third, of course, toxicity. More fighting over remaining heroes within team, since most roles have 2 players, but only one of them may have luxury of picking viable hero, as other viable hero got banned.
Yes. They tried every which way to finagle themselves out of implementing it. They had the exact data on who was playing what and knew that Role Queue would usher in long wait times for the vast majority of the playerbase. So they dissembled, obfuscated and prevaricated and pretended that everything was fine and going to plan. They tried noninvasive methods of encouragement like implementing the lolEndorsement and the LFG systems. They tried wild nerfs and buffs to swing metas. In the end, they gave in and gave us “what we wanted”… and then all hell broke loose.
The fact that no one is considering is that the characters who are going to be the most banned are the most despised characters who cause people to stop playing.
A lot of them, especially Sojourn players, are just meta slaves who’ll move onto whatever the second most broken character in that role is.
How many tank players, who are the most important players because of their impact on queue times, are going to come back because Ana ceases to exist?
I know I’ll certainly start playing again.
Now, why would they remove hero bans once implemented? It has been tried and tested and people want it implemented. It works well and there’s no ‘source’ you can provide that’ll tell us otherwise, besides your usual ‘trust me bro’ sources.
The old system wasn’t a ban system but a roster rotation where x heroes were put in a pool and locked out from usage in competitive play and you had to use the roster pool provided to you by the devs.
As i’ve stated multiple times in the past when debating this with you, Overwatch has never had a hero ban system in the past until they tested it out in pro play.
The hero ban system we’re getting puts the players in charge of what’s banned rather than the devs putting x heroes on rotation. I think that’s the point he’s missing, which also means he’s completely wrong and all of his arguments are thus moot.
They put heroes on rotation to try and make it more ‘interesting’ but it fell apart quickly, thankfully…
The current hero bans is a ban system other games have used to great success and this is what many of us have wanted for a while now as well.
I also can’t wait for map votes (I asked for this back in 2021 )
Well I liked to watch OWL and competitive pro gaming back then and had alot of fun… except when they ALL started playing the SAME “meta” heroes over and over and this usually 1:1 mirrored…
So I’m happy for every method to prevent stoic meta-gaming with the same heroes in every match - from an audience view of course. It works very well in Marvel Rivals so I’m sure it will work on Overwatch 2 also pretty good.
Yeah, tanks can be banned too, but wasting it on weaker tanks like Hog isn’t worth it.
Hazard will bite the bullet on PC, and I can’t imagine too many will be upset by that. From what I can tell, people play him for the most part because of the same reason most people play Sojourn. They don’t enjoy it, it’s just because they’re the strongest. on console will simply cease to exist, and I have no concerns about that.
Yeah, she’s got an actual playerbase that isn’t just meta slaves, but console is stronger than PC Hazard. She is beyond broken, and bans are the only way to force Blizzard to actually address console-specific balance, or make it so every high ranked match isn’t permanently mirror matches. That is absolutely necessary and I ain’t gonna feel bad for any of her actual players.
Heroes being “bad” is ultimately subjective. Have I hated Bastion since OW1? Yes, immensely. But I’m sure other people can make arguments about the heroes I main being banned. Hero banning is a slippery slope. I’d advocate for reworking certain heroes than banning.