Anyone else when Mercy Zen and Mercy Lucio were considered viable comps? When Mercy could main heal? These comps were both very aggressive/offensive comps with consistent healing and nice utility (Damage amps and speed) and running dive or other mobile/spread out comps with them was super fun.
Now if you try to run these you are basically soft throwing. This week in comp when I tried picking Mercy with a Lucio on my team, the immediate reaction from our other teammates was “Great we have two offhealers gg”, or today in comp when the enemy ran Mercy Zen it was basically a free win and our tank was like “Are they throwing with that healer combo”?
It’s just super lame that you can’t run these combinations anymore due to the lack of healing. They were the underlying healer compositions to a lot of the more fast paced dive comps in the game. Kind of sad seeing the “go to” dive comp being Zen Brig in OWL now.
I was also scanning my Mercy stats in competitive over the last few seasons at a GM level, and they show the slow descent into becoming an off healer.
Season 9, with current Mercy but 60 HPS, I had 11,533 avg healing per 10 minutes and 724 avg damage amped per 10. This was after all her nerfs except for the HPS nerf.
Season 15, with only 50 HPS, I had 9,523 avg healing per 10 min and 1,411 avg damae amped per 10.
Season 18 it got even worse, I had 8,323 avg healing per 10 min and 2,000 damage amped per 10 min.
Every season the healing goes down and the damage amp goes up.
11.5k --> 9.5k --> 8.3k healing
700 --> 1.4k – > 2k damage amped
My average healing has gone down more than 3,000 healing per ten minutes from the HPS nerf and from damage amping so much it’s gone up 1,500.
This is why Mercy players are frustrated, because we can no longer play our hero as a main support as she’s intended to be played, and instead are relegated to picking her as an off support alongside Ana and spending all game staring at the backside of our DPS while we right click them. Sure Widow and Pharah have nice butts but that’s not why I’m on Mercy, save that for the fanfiction.
It’s also interesting because it shows that when she had 60 HPS Mercy actually wasn’t damage boosting a whole lot as she spent a lot of the game healing, you know being played as a main healer, and only damage boosting important ults and abilities. Damage boost was like a fun skill you used when necessary and made the concious decision to do so, not something you just held down all game like you down and then occasionally heal.
Her kit feels backwards now, it’s like her primary function is to damage boost and her secondary is to just heal up her Ana and top people up who Ana can’t heal. And I really, really miss Mercy Zen and Mercy Lucio. Sure, with Echo’s release Mercy is being used to pocket her with an Ana as the other healer, but that just further shoves her into this role as an off support damage boost bot.
I think a lot of Mercy players would be willing to sacrafice some power in rez or damage boost for 60 HPS back. Maybe 60 HPS and 20% damage boost, but keep damage boost at 30% during Valk? This would make spammy heroes like Pharah/Echo/Ashe less annoying when being damage boosted and allow Mercy to be played as a main healer again. Just food for thought.